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Turning Points in History

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1 Turning Points in History
Neolithic Revolution Turning Points in History

2 Paleolithic Age: Dates and Descriptions
“Old Stone Age” 2.5 million – 8000 B.C.E (Before Common Era) Adapted to their environment Use of crude stone tools and weapons Developed fire Early basic language for verbal communication Clothing made from animal skins

3 Paleolithic Tools and Clothing

4 Paleolithic Age: Food and Shelter
Nomadic No permanent home Temporary shelter Constant search for food – follow the herds Small groups: 50 people Hunter/Gatherers

5 Paleolithic Temporary Shelter

6 Paleolithic Temporary Shelter

7 Paleolithic Age: Specialized Jobs
Hunter/Gatherers Men primarily hunted Women gathered fruits, berries, etc.

8 Paleolithic Age: Religion and Art
Cave paintings Belief in afterlife Preparing of bodies at funerals – buried with tools and weapons Jewelry Music – instruments made from animal bones

9 Burials – Jewelry - Instruments

10 Paleolithic Cave Paintings

11 Paleolithic Age: Government
Not government as we think of it today Attempts at being organized First trace of spoken language “Survival of the fittest” Elderly and sick left behind – slow down nomadic lifestyle

12 Neolithic Revolution Neolithic Revolution a.k.a. Agricultural Revolution Development of agriculture (farming) Warmer weather allows for the growth of plants where it had been ice Allows nomads to settle in one place and grow own food Ends nomadic lifestyle

13 Neolithic Age: Dates and Descriptions
“New Stone Age” 8000 – 3000 B.C.E. Agriculture Domesticated animals Polished stone tools Pottery Population increase

14 Neolithic Farm Tools

15 Neolithic Pottery and Baskets

16 Neolithic Age: Food and Shelter
Grow crops Domesticate animals for meat and milk Still do some hunting Developed new farm tools Live in permanent shelters – settle the first villages

17 Neolithic Age: Specialized Jobs
Scarce resources lead to wars New Social Classes Emerge Chiefs and headmen Warriors: prestige and power Hunters Farmers Weaver Potters Herders Tool Makers

18 Neolithic Age: Religion and Art
Art becomes more sophisticated Pottery Wall paintings Religious shrines Polytheism Belief in multiple gods

19 Neolithic Religious Shrine

20 Neolithic Age: Government
Beginning of formal organizations – villages Traditional Economy Some barter and trade with other villages Subsistence agriculture Grow food for own consumption and survival


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