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What is a story? Freshman Composition. What is a story? Brainstorm for three minutes and jot down what a story is, and what elements go into a good one!

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Presentation on theme: "What is a story? Freshman Composition. What is a story? Brainstorm for three minutes and jot down what a story is, and what elements go into a good one!"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a story? Freshman Composition

2 What is a story? Brainstorm for three minutes and jot down what a story is, and what elements go into a good one!

3 Not a Story: “One time I ate a jelly bean. I never thought I liked them, but I ate one and then I did.” “I go camping every summer in the White Mountains. I like camping but hate mosquitos. They are annoying. One time I thought I saw a bear.”

4 Not a Story “I have a really bad relationship with my mother. The other night she grounded me for texting at dinner but she didn’t understand it was for class and it was really important and now I can’t go out this weekend to my friend’s birthday party and it’s really important that I go because my friend is going through a really hard time and I need to be there for her.”

5 Not a Story “This one time I really loved this girl. However, she did not love me back but instead loved my best friend. When they began dating I became really depressed and stayed in my room for five and listened to sad music. Then I learned that life goes on and there are other fish in the sea. Now, I love again.”


7 Exposition Setting the stage Where the reader learns the setting, background, time period, and any other relevant details.

8 Rising Action The conflict or issue becomes apparent. Things start to progress and tensions begin to rise.

9 Climax The MOST exciting moment in the text. Ex) Winning the race, saving the town, finding the lost child, etc.

10 Falling Action The most exciting moment has happened and things are beginning to wrap up.

11 Resolution/Conclusion Everything neatly wraps up and finishes. No dangling threads. Ends in a manner fitting to the story.

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