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Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 1 The Points of Single Contact.

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1 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 1 The Points of Single Contact

2 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 2 Article 6 Points of single contact 1. Member States shall ensure that it is possible for providers to complete the following procedures and formalities through points of single contact: (a) all procedures and formalities needed for access to his service activities, in particular, all declarations, notifications or applications necessary for authorisation from the competent authorities, including applications for inclusion in a register, a roll or a database, or for registration with a professional body or association; (b) any applications for authorisation needed to exercise his service activities. 2. The establishment of points of single contact shall be without prejudice to the allocation of functions and powers among the authorities within national systems. 2

3 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 33 CA Permission, authorisation etc.

4 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 44 PSC Permission, authorisation etc. CA

5 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 55 Article 7 Right to information 1. Member States shall ensure that the following information is easily accessible to providers and recipients through the points of single contact: (a)requirements applicable to providers established in their territory, in particular those requirements concerning the procedures and formalities to be completed in order to access and to exercise service activities; (b)the contact details of the competent authorities enabling the latter to be contacted directly, including the details of those authorities responsible for matters concerning the exercise of service activities; (c)the means of, and conditions for, accessing public registers and databases on providers and services; (d) the means of redress which are generally available in the event of dispute between the competent authorities and the provider or the recipient, or between a provider and a recipient or between providers; (e)the contact details of the associations or organisations, other than the competent authorities, from which providers or recipients may obtain practical assistance.

6 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 66 Guide for providers Source of information for recipients Functions of the PSC

7 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 77 The establishment of points of single contact shall be without prejudice to the allocation of functions and powers among the authorities within national systems.

8 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 88

9 9 Some basic information about Germany‘s federal structure  The German constitution is called Basic Law  Article 20, para 1: The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.  Article 30 [Division of authority between the Federation and the Länder]  Except as otherwise provided or permitted by this Basic Law, the exercise of state powers and the discharge of state functions is a matter for the Länder (German states). 9

10 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 10 Distribution of authority between the Federation and the Länder  Article 83  The Länder shall execute federal laws in their own right insofar as this Basic Law does not otherwise provide or permit. 10

11 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 11 The 16 Federal States (16 LÄNDER – ONE LAND ) 11

12 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 12 Points of single contact (art. 6)  A joint working group (Federation and States) was set up at in February 2007.  In Brandenburg, a working group had been established at the same time.  Main issues: - How many Points of Single Contact are needed ? - Where should they be installed ? 12

13 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 13  Four possible solutions were being discussed: 1. Federal state/Länder 2. Local level 3. Chambers of commerce, of crafts, of lawyers, of architects etc. 4. Cooperation between local institutions and chambers 4. ALLOCATION 13

14 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 14 The results: 14

15 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 15 Website of the Federal Government 15

16 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 16

17 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 17 24 69 All chamber s Municipalities, counties & chambers Municip alities, countie s 25 56 Municipaliti es, counties & MoE 17

18 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 18 3 Distric t gov. 2 Distric t gov. 6 All chamber s 2 Chambers (Industry & Crafts) 2 2 18

19 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 19 Ltd Public-law institution Senator for Economics Gov. author ity 19

20 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 20 Baden-Wuerttemberg69 Bavaria24 Berlin1 Brandenburg1 Bremen1 Hamburg2 Hesse3 Mecklenburg-West Pomerania2 Lower Saxony56 Northrhine-Westphalia25 Rhineland-Palatinate2 Saarland2 Saxony1 Saxony-Anhalt1 Sleswig-Holstein1 Thuringia6 Total197

21 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 21 Länder/State level: Berlin, Bremen, Brandenburg, Saxony, Hesse, Rhineland- Palatinate, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt ALLOCATION Local level: Lower Saxony, Northrhine- Westphalia Chambers: Bavaria, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Thuringia, Saarland Cooperation: Baden-Wurttemberg, (Schleswig-Holstein) 21

22 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 22 Legal details The procedures have been implemented into the federal and 16 state administrative procedures acts. In order to make the use of a PSC possible for the service provider, the specific law has to explicitly allow the use of a PSC. e.g., Trade Regulation Act, Crafts Code 22

23 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 23 Administrative fees 23 LandInformationAssistance Berlin, Saxony-Anhaltfree Brandenburgfree 11,25 €/15 Min. (max. sum of fees of all procedures) Saxonyat discretion of the PSC (based on time and effort)

24 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 24 Procedures by electronic means

25 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 25

26 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 26

27 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 27 Languages

28 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 28

29 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 29 Possible Future Developments 29 The PSC’s could cover more procedures in the future One possible field could be taxation, since in almost every service activity taxes are to be considered That the SD is not applicable to taxation doesn’t hinder the Member States to allow the use of the PSC’s in these procedures

30 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 30 Хвала вам на пажњи! 30

31 Uwe Michael Neumann Points of Single Contact 31 The Points of Single Contact Belgrade Date: 15.04.2011 Mr Uwe Michael Neumann Federal State of Brandenburg Imprint 31

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