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Equality & Diversity Group Agenda: Equality & Diversity in the College Student Group presentation Suggestions/ideas to raise the profile of: homophobia.

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Presentation on theme: "Equality & Diversity Group Agenda: Equality & Diversity in the College Student Group presentation Suggestions/ideas to raise the profile of: homophobia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equality & Diversity Group Agenda: Equality & Diversity in the College Student Group presentation Suggestions/ideas to raise the profile of: homophobia and mental health What are the important issues to address this year? AOB?

2 The E&D student group?! Student run group: The EDucators When: Mondays from 1.10 – 1.30pm Members: A2 Simi, Fatmata, Chinyere, Khaled, Molly, Rachel, Nazanin, Patsy, Bisola AS Jen, Reshma, Divya, Elizabeth, Lois, Uzma, Christina Special people: Jen Simi

3 What are the aims of the E&D student group? Raise awareness of issues affecting us... Our focus this year is: Homophobia & Mental Health To work together on something we are passionate about, to make a difference To promote equality & diversity for a fair and cohesive society.... What is E&D? Simi

4 What is Equality? Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone can participate and has the same opportunity to fulfil their potential. Equality is backed by law and is designed to address unfair discrimination which is based on membership of a particular group. We all have the right to be treated equally! Bisola

5 What is Diversity? Diversity is about recognising that everyone is different in a variety of visible and non-visible ways. It is about creating a culture and practices that recognise, respect and value difference. There is a lot we can learn from each other! Chinyere

6 How does this apply to the college? We have legal responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 The college is committed to promoting; ◊ equality of opportunity ◊ community cohesion ◊ good race relations Simi

7 How does this apply to the college?...there are 9 ‘protected characteristics’: ◊ Sexual orientation ◊ Race ◊ Religion or belief ◊ Sex ◊ Gender reassignment ◊ Disability ◊ Pregnancy and maternity ◊ Age ◊ Marriage and civil partnership Simi

8 What have we achieved? What has the group achieved? AND what do we want to achieve? We did the notice board.... Pretty & colourful!! Fatmata

9 College Events? Black History Month Activities.... Fatmata

10 Ideas & Next Steps? Magazine / newsletter: EDitorial once a year? Ideas: Agony aunt! Articles from student experiences For example: ‘what is it like being the only... ’ Fatmata

11 Raising E&D Profile? Twitter page Blog underway Tab on Woodle Fatmata

12 Ideas & Goals? Next term focus: 1 Billion Rising Dancing on the day! Jack Petchey winner money towards speakers in the social area... We can DANCE! Lois

13 Ideas & Goals? Mental health course Could we run this in the college? Chinyere

14 Cross Curricular Activities? Poster comp: with art Project with IT Poems: with English, summer term after exam. Treasure hunt: Khaled Jen

15 Nick Clegg interview Tackling ‘Cliques’ Suggestions on: ideas to raise the profile of: homophobia and mental health What do you think are the important issues to address this year? AOB? Jen Cross Curricular Activities?

16 Thank you for your time!

17 A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. James Heller

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