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Unit 2 Unit 2 English for the Olympic Games English for the Olympic Games All people are busy learning English.

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2 Unit 2 Unit 2 English for the Olympic Games English for the Olympic Games All people are busy learning English.

3 1. a stadium in Beijing 2. an English class in Dongsi, Beijing Read the passage and choose a photo for it.

4 Zhang Xiuyun Zhu Guoming The people from Dongsi Wang Xiuqin Listen and try to match the people with the boxes. 2. have an English class at 9:30 every Saturday every Saturday 4. get here early / sit in front of the blackboard ;don’t arrive late 1. learn English quickly 3. check her vocabulary carefully at home /listen quietly to her lessons

5 Read and fill in the blanks. 1.______________in Beijing are learning English hard. English hard. 2.They are learning English hard.They are going to ______the foreign visitors ________ going to ______the foreign visitors ________ Beijing when they are doing sightseeing. Beijing when they are doing sightseeing. 3.Zhang xiuyun goes to the English class even on ________. 4.Zhu Guoming always sits _________________ in order to ( 为了 )see and hear better. 5.Wang xiuqin always carries _______________ in her bag. She learns even( 甚至 )at __________. The old people Saturday in front of the blackboard her book and her cassette player home aroundtake

6 1. Zhu Guoming gets to school early. 2. The teacher speaks to the older students slowly and loudly. 3.They need to learn English quickly. 4. They need to speak English well. 5.Wang Xiuqin works hard. 6. She checks her vocabulary carefully at home. 7. She listens to her lessons quietly. Read after the tape and answer.

7 1. 英语中以 -ly 结尾的词多为副词,许多形容词后面加上 - ly 就构成副词。 bad – badly usual – usually careful – carefully 特殊 : good—well ….. 2. 副词用来说明动词,或用来修饰形容词或者 副词,修饰动词的副词一般放在动词之后。 She plays the piano badly. She speaks English loudly. The teacher speaks slowly and carefully. careful/ carefully:The teacher speaks _________. The teacher is ___________. The teacher is a very ___________speaker. carefully careful 形容词用法 : 1. 修饰名词 如 : a good boy \ bad weather 2. 系动词 + 形容词 如 : It is windy . It goes bad.

8 Exercises 1.Does your teacher speak ___________(slow) and ________(careful)? 2.He works very __________ (hard). 3.The teacher speaks __________(loud) to us so I can always hear ________ (clear). 4.No one wants to speak it ______(bad) or __________(careless). 5. Everyone wants to learn English ________. (good) (good) slowly hard clearly badly carefully carelessly loudly well

9 Opposites 反义词 Can you find another pair of opposites in the passage?

10 Read loudly

11 1. 动身去 2. 很难做 … 3. 对 … 来说很难做 … 4. 多于,超过 5. 需要做某事 … 6. 领(某人)四处参观 7. 持续到 … leave for….. It’s difficult to do sth. It’s difficult for sb. to do sth. more than need to do sth. take sb. around continue until…

12 Complete the blanks. Zhu Guoming is 79 years old. He gets to school ______.It’s ________ for him to see and hear at the back. However, the teacher speaks ______ and ________. Wang Xiuqin, 65, says, “It’s more difficult ______old people______learn English. But I want to learn it_____________ than young people.” She ____________her vocabulary _________ at home and listens ________ to her lessons. early slowlyloudly difficult forto better checks carefullyquietly

13 Exercises 5. 明天我们要动身去北京 we are _______ _____ Beijing tomorrow. 6. 滑雪是很危险的 It’s dangerous _________(ski). 7. 对我们来说学好英语是很难的 It’s difficult ____ us ___ ______English_____. 8. 在山上有三百多只绵羊 There are ________ ________ 300 sheep. leaving for to ski for to learn more than well

14 用 too, also 或者 either 完成句子。 1.Tom likes football. Billy likes football,______. Tom likes football. Billy _______ likes football. 2. My mother is a worker. My father is ______ a worker. My mother is a worker. My father is a worker, ___________. 3. My sister isn’t a doctor. My friend isn’t a doctor,_________. 4. Skiing is more dangerous than cycling. It is more dangerous than swimming,_______________. too also also too either too

15 也 肯定句中 位于句末,用逗号分开 too 位于句末,用逗号分开 also 位于句中, be 动词 之后,行为动词之前 either 位于句末, 用于否定句

16 A reporter 记者 ( from BBC/ VOA/CNN/…) is interviewing( 采访 ) the people in Beijing how they are learning English.A reporter 记者 ( from BBC/ VOA/CNN/…) is interviewing( 采访 ) the people in Beijing how they are learning English. Eg:Eg: Reporter: I’m a reporter from BBC, may I ask you some questions?Reporter: I’m a reporter from BBC, may I ask you some questions? Student A:_____________________.Student A:_____________________. Work in teams

17 Report : I am a reporter from BBC/ VOA/CCTV…. The people in Beijing are busy learning English. ____________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________.

18 summary Learn English well. Listen carefully. Speak English loudly and slowly. Work hard. Learn from the old people in Beijing.

19 1. Finish Step by Step M6U2. 2. Write a short composition beginning with 2. Write a short composition beginning with “If we want to be volunteers in Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. From now on we should …”

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