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WELCOME TO BIO 171 INTEGRATED BIOLOGY a course for majors “Non-majors bio is a buffet with a little taste of each topic, a majors course is like a full.

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2 WELCOME TO BIO 171 INTEGRATED BIOLOGY a course for majors “Non-majors bio is a buffet with a little taste of each topic, a majors course is like a full course meal” -former Bio 171 student

3 Dr. Charissa Urbano B.S. Bowling Green State University Physical education, coaching, biology M.A.E. Ball State University Science Education, bioethics Ed.D. Ball State University mol; molecular biology w/ research in teratology


5 Why Are You Here?

6 Words of Wisdom Secrets of Success Labs are your friend: Don’t miss any!! Budget your time – exams in ATC. Check EDUCATOR often for class updates. How do I get an “A” earn it by spending time, time, time outside of class learning to master key concepts fundamental to all bio.

7 PEER MENTOR someone like you - similar goals successfully completed BIO 171 experience under their belt serve as a model student It’s all about teamwork

8 HOW CAN A PEER MENTOR HELP? Study skills Test preparation Time management Lab reports & data analysis Research projects Laboratory procedures

9 Are You Ready for This? My assumptions are: Want to be here... motivated, self- directed learner who’s going somewhere. Have a solid background in biology & chemistry Like to be challenged Pre-Assessment test doesn’t freak you out

10 INTEGRATED BIOLOGY Integrated means we’ll be studying all forms of life 6 KINGDOMS focus will be on similarities and differences

11 Figure 1.11 Three domains, six kingdoms Eukarya

12 Who Else Uses an Integrated Approach University of Michigan MSU Ferris State Wayne State Most other 4 year schools except.....

13 The Good ‘Ol Classical Approach 1 semester - Zoology 1 semester - Botany svsu, cmu

14 COURSE CONTENT BIO 171 Biochemistry Cells Metabolism Genetics Development

15 BIO 171 the SYLLABUS is your CONTRACT FOR SUCCESS ask questions via DB

16 The Major Themes & Schem es in the study of biology

17 Figure 1.14 Charles Darwin (1809–1882) Applies to ALL life Connects all areas of biology from the micro to the macro level Explains the relationship between the physical environment and the living world. Genome information has corroborated all aspects of this key idea and left room for little the opposition Look for evidence in every chapter See Darwin’s Idea lecture and Stephen Jay Gould This View of Life Biology’s Core Theme

18 Concept 1.1 Biologists explore life from the microscopic to the global scale

19 Figure 2.1 The hierarchy of biological order from atom to organism

20 Figure 1.2 The hierarchy of biological organization

21 Concept 1.2 Biological systems are much more than the sum of their parts

22 Emergent Properties of Systems macromolecules cells systems species community biosphere The sum is greater than the parts

23 Properties of Life order regulation response growth & development metabolism adaptation

24 The Power and Limitations of Reductionism

25 Systems Biology Interdisciplinary research teams Bioinformatics Pathways

26 Feedback Regulation Negative Feedback & Positive Feedback It’s a concentration thing Homeostasis

27 Concept 1.3 Biologists explore the diversity of life

28 Grouping & Classifying Interrelationships within the tree of life

29 Figure 1.11 Three domains of life Eukarya

30 Basic Unit of Life

31 Domains & Cell Types Prokaryotic – before a Eubacteria Archea Eukaryotic - inner membranes

32 Continuity of Life Continuous passage of DNA from generation to generation throughout the history of life This genetic history is the biological “holy grail” it tells the story, mutation by mutation of the history of life on earth

33 Figure 1.5 The genetic material: DNA Allows us to trace molecular evolution Genographic Project

34 Structure Fits Function Form fits function at all levels – even the engineers know this ;-) molecules, cells, organs, & organisms are built for efficiency

35 Figure 1.6 Form fits function

36 Unity In Diversity DIVERSITY diversity is a hallmark of life 1.5 million species have been named 6 distinct kingdoms UNITY 6 elements 4 macromolecules 1 genetic code Basic unit of all life - cell

37 Figure 1.9 A small sample of biological diversity

38 Figure 1.12 An example of unity underlying the diversity of life: the architecture of eukaryotic cilia

39 Concept 1.4 Evolution accounts for life’s unity and diversity

40 Figure 1.14 Charles Darwin (1809–1882)

41 The Core Theme: Evolution “ Nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution” Theodosius Dobzhansky

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