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Assisted Technology Helping all students succeed Chanda Bartlett ED 505.

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1 Assisted Technology Helping all students succeed Chanda Bartlett ED 505

2 What is Assisted Technology? Assistive technology is any kind of equipment or technology that will enhance independent function in the classroom for a student with disabilities. This helps students with disabilities learn on the same level as their peers.

3 IDEA ‘04 The Individual Education Act of 2004,defines assistive technology services as a service that directly assists a child with a disability. If a child is in need of Assistive technology, the IEP team will discuss the what the student need to perform on a equal level of his/her peers.

4 Assistive Technology Law The assistive technology act or the “Tech Act” provides a person with a disability the proper assistive technology in education, employment, and daily activities. This allows them to fully participate in activities and be equal with the peers. This law covers people of all ages with a disability.

5 Assistive Technology for Hearing Impaired Assisted listening devices: Helps amplifies specific sounds that a person with a hearing disability needs to hear. Can be used with a hearing aids or cochlear implants. With this device, the student will be able to better hear the instruction that will allow them to be successful in their classroom.

6 Assisted Technology for Seeing Impaired Video Magnifiers with text to speech: Is a software that interact with a computer to enlarge print and read any text. This device will enable the student see and hear any written text. The student will be able to successfully read an assignment independently.




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