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EE551 Real-Time Operating Systems Introduction & Course Outline Course originally developed by Maj Ron Smith.

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1 EE551 Real-Time Operating Systems Introduction & Course Outline Course originally developed by Maj Ron Smith

2 27-Oct-15 Dr Alain Beaulieu Introduction  Professor  Name:Alain Beaulieu, CD, PhD  Office:S5114  Telephone: 6196 (W) – 766-8535 (H)  Cell 613-328-6420    Students  Number of participants  Lab groups 2

3 27-Oct-15 Dr Alain Beaulieu Outline  My Bio  Context of Real-Time Operating Systems  Course Overview & Marking  Resources  Notes  Texts  Rules of Engagement 3

4 27-Oct-15 Dr Alain Beaulieu My Biography  81-86 CMR-RMC  BEng in computer engineering  EME  87-88: Land software engineering center  Artillery systems software engineer  Engineer infantry and armoured pop up targets  88-90: Maintenance officer 119 AD Bty  90-92: MEng Real time systems  92-95: PMO Low Level Air Defence  Section head software engineering LLAD  Configuration manager  Section head maintenance planning ILS 4

5 27-Oct-15 Dr Alain Beaulieu My Biography  95-98: OC 210 AD Workshop  (first to third line maintenance)  98-01: PMO TCCCS  Maintenance planning officer  Configuration manager  System engineer – Electronic Warfare  01-04: PhD – RMC/Queen’s (full time)  Safety of computer guided surgery  Graduated PhD in July 07  04-Present: Professor in ECE  Left the military in Oct 09 5

6 27-Oct-15 Dr Alain Beaulieu Why Real-Time Operating Systems ?  Growing complexity of real-time software today  Niche computer/software engineering subject  Direct military relevance  (and commercial) 6

7 27-Oct-15 Dr Alain Beaulieu EE551 Course Overview  ~70% Practical (hands-on) Use of an RTOS  ~30% Theoretical Topics in RTOS  An emphasis on OS scheduling issues  A keystone project you spec and solve  Prerequisites:  Real-Time System course (or experience)  Operating Systems  A Programming Language (preferably C) 7

8 27-Oct-15 Dr Alain Beaulieu EE551 Marking Scheme*  Laboratories (at least 4)40%  Labs 1,2 & 3 – direct theory  (Lab 4 – hands-on schedulability)  Assignments 20%  Selecting an RTOS  Reviewing RTOS Papers  Project + Presentation40%  Choose either a hands-on project, or *An exam will be set for any student who does not adequately pass any of the areas above 8

9 27-Oct-15 Dr Alain Beaulieu Course Notes  use site:   notes (PowerPoint)  labs (Web pages)  assignments posted 9

10 27-Oct-15 Dr Alain Beaulieu EE551 Course Texts Recommended:  MicroC/OS-II The Real-Time Kernel Second Edition  Labrosse, 2002 Reference only:  Real-Time Systems,  J.W.S. Liu, 2000  Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages, Second edition  Burns and Wellings, 1997 10

11 27-Oct-15 Dr Alain Beaulieu Rules of Engagement  classes  Classes Wednesday @ RMC room tbd and Time 09:00 ~ 11:30  All classes are mandatory  Class participation is expected  labs  No set periods --- or when do you want to?  You may use the computers in S4126  office hours  WeekdaysMon -Fri0730-16:30 hrs  phone 541-6000 extension 6196  {home 776-8535 – cell 328-6420} 11

12 27-Oct-15 Dr Alain Beaulieu Who should take the course?  Students with an interest in operating systems  Students with an interest in real-time systems  Students with an interest in understanding why the system seems to work so well most of the time, but when it fails … it fails spectacularly 12

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