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Godøyfjellet 2 times in one week Some infomation about the Island Fylke/Kommune :Møre og Romsdal/Giske Maps :1119-I Ålesund (Statens Kartverk, Norge.

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Presentation on theme: "Godøyfjellet 2 times in one week Some infomation about the Island Fylke/Kommune :Møre og Romsdal/Giske Maps :1119-I Ålesund (Statens Kartverk, Norge."— Presentation transcript:


2 Godøyfjellet 2 times in one week

3 Some infomation about the Island Fylke/Kommune :Møre og Romsdal/Giske Maps :1119-I Ålesund (Statens Kartverk, Norge 1:50 000) Primary factor :Storhornet: 497m Primary factor :Lesten: 125m Primary factor :Sloktinden: 34m Hiked :Dec 2005 (1st) See also :Havsteinen See also :Ørnebakken (Giske) See also :Signalen

4 The Norwegian Mountains rules If you should go on Godøyfjell you should know about The Norwegian Mountains rules

5 The Norwegians and ther hikes We have a lots of places to walk in We have Hytte in the mountains Sundays we go skiing, sliding, skating or walking

6 Rule nr. 1 Be prepared Be sufficiently experienced and fit for your intended tour. Knut HøiHjelle

7 Rule nr. 2 Leave word of your route Knut Høihjelle

8 Rule nr. 3 Be weatherwise An old adage advises that you should always be alert to forecasts of bad weather yet not rely completely on forecasts of good weather. Knut Høihjelle

9 Rule nr. 4 Learn from the locals Local people often can tell you about avalanche train, wind and snow conditions and good choices of route. Knut Høihjelle

10 Rule nr. 5 Be equipped for bad weather and frost. Always take a rucksack and proper mountain gear Knut Høigjelle

11 Rule nr. 6 Use map and compass Always have and know how to use map and compass. Before departing, study the map and trace your route to gain a basis for a successful tour. Knut Høihjelle

12 Rule nr. 7 Don't go solo If you trek alone, there's nobody to give first aid or notify a rescue service in an emergency.rescue service Knut Høihjelle

13 Rule nr. 8 Turn back in time; sensible retreat is no disgrace Knut Høihjelle

14 Rule nr. 9 Conserve energy and build a snow shelter if necessary Knut Høihjelle

15 Have a good trip The Sundseth at Godøy fjell

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