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Presentation on theme: " Worcestershire County Council update VCS Meeting 3 rd December 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worcestershire County Council update VCS Meeting 3 rd December 2014

2 Cllr Adrian Hardman Leader of Worcestershire County Council 2[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers]

3 Financial challenge Need to save £25m per year for at least the next 3 years. £5m saving needed to balance 2015/16 budget. Central Government funding continues to reduce. However – not just about taking money out, we are investing in key areas. More change is coming but we have a plan… Innovation and doing things differently is here to stay – eye on 16/17, 17/18 onwards. Different expectations – skills and behaviours. 3

4 Success through austerity We have... Taken £70m off bottom line by cutting out waste, reducing red tape and doing things differently. Whilst doing this we have managed to... Not close a single library so far. Invest in the highway network. Focus on the Economic prosperity. Get ahead of schedule to bring Superfast Broadband to at least 90% of Worcestershire homes and businesses. Cope better in the floods due to the investment in flood prevention and pulling together to make less go further. 4[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers]

5 Key Projects within Growth Plan 5[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Malvern Hills Science Park South Kidderminster Enterprise Park Redditch Eastern Gateway Worcester Technology Park Hoobrook Link Road Worcestershire Parkway Station Bromsgrove Rail Station Southern Link Road Broadband – further improvements to achieve 95% superfast coverage by 2017

6 Transformation a Reality Cllr John Campion Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Transformation and Change

7 Driving economic prosperity Strategic Economic Plan Securing £47m from central government for the implementation of significant infrastructure and employment land projects to drive up economic growth and create jobs. WorldClass Worcestershire Starting this Autumn a targeted inward investment and national profile plan will be implemented to dramatically improve Worcestershire’s national reputation and attract external investment. 7[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers]

8 An excellent commissioning authority Design Unit Transfer of the function to the international architecture firm Jacobs which will save the tax payer money and open up potential new career opportunities for staff transferred over. Support Services Volume services such as HR and finance transactions being commissioned from more cost effective providers. 8[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers]

9 Protecting the most vulnerable Children’s Safeguarding Redesign A review of the Looked After Children strategy focused on keeping vulnerable young people safe. Shift to Targeted Early Help Helping those who most need it most to nip problems in the bud. Personal Choice Rolling out mechanisms whereby service users needing Adult Social Care can control their own budgets making their own choices as to how their needs are met. 9[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers]

10 Clare Marchant Chief Executive - Worcestershire County Council 10[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers]

11 What our residents say… Residents top three priorities are: Maintenance of the Highway. Protecting vulnerable young people Protecting vulnerable older people The FutureFit Corporate Plan and resultant transformation programmes reflect these priorities. 11[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers]

12 Moving Forward You will see us change... A commercial approach – getting the best from those delivering to you on our behalf, Working with others – libraries and floods have shown us we aren’t always best placed to help. Continuing to listen to residents, businesses, staff & partners. You will see our people change... Members – even greater visibility looking for local solutions. Staff – a more commercially driven ethos ensuring the best service is delivered for the best price. 12[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers]

13 Opportunities for 2015 – 16 Act Local Transport Operations and Fleet commissioning Infrastructure, skills and inward investment Deliver Strategic Economic Plan Project Optimise County Enterprise Testing and completing the new website Rolling out the digital inclusion strategy Further integration of adult social care and health services Ensuring appropriate skills and capacity to implement New Models of Care Developing a sustainable market for adult social care Commissioning of in-house adult social care provider services Commission a simplified, integrated drugs and alcohol recovery service 13

14 Opportunities for 2015 – 16 Waste Management Street Lighting Libraries and Learning Culture and Countryside Highways Structure and Winter Maintenance 14 Developing a Core Learning & Achievement Service Early Help Services including Connecting Families Community Health Services Positive Activities Redesign of Children’s Social Care

15 15[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Questions to the Panel

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