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SAL – Hello, my name is Brian Nichols. I’ve recently been elected as the new SAL Commander. Thank you. Currently the SAL membership is at 100%. I look.

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Presentation on theme: "SAL – Hello, my name is Brian Nichols. I’ve recently been elected as the new SAL Commander. Thank you. Currently the SAL membership is at 100%. I look."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAL – Hello, my name is Brian Nichols. I’ve recently been elected as the new SAL Commander. Thank you. Currently the SAL membership is at 100%. I look forward to meeting new people and continuing the friendships I’ve already made. The SAL is having a “Pancake Breakfast” on Sat 28 Jul from 8 – 10 AM. Come and get some great pancakes! If I can help in any way do not hesitate to ask. Please come on out and support your Post. Brian Nichols SAL Cdr COMMANDER Mike Holdener 291-6922 ADJUTANT Jimmy Martin 982-1947 1ST VICE COMMANDER Jimmy Martin 982-1947 2ND VICE COMMANDER Vacant 3RD VICE COMMANDER Jake Taffaro 251-987-5848 FINANCE OFFICER John Edens 492-7082 HISTORIAN Chuck Krahn 458-0530 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS John Sego 288-0609 CHAPLAIN Stu Baker 292-9215 SERVICE OFFICER Randy McGhee 698-4171 ALR DIRECTOR Richard Raborn 380-4814 SAL COMMANDER Brian Nichols 723-0464 HOUSE COMMITTEE Hal Eyerly 944-7741 John Frenzel 437-1215 Bill Eastman 457-8419 Jim Fournier 207-6303 POST LOUNGE 455-6111 LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Edie Herrington 456-8026 CHAPLAIN Mary Kowalski 791-6748 Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED FOR GOD AND COUNTRY JULY 2012 Post 240 website: The Victor’s Voice Legion Riders, Our new officers have been sworn in and are now in charge, come out and meet them. Our next ALR meeting will be on July 8th at 10:00 am, please attend. We will have a ride planning meeting every Thursday at 1800 this month, if you would like to participate, please join in. We need all Riders to come help prepare for our meet and greet on the 27th and our Poker Run on the 28th of this month. Now is the time to be thinking about renewing your Post and Rider dues for 2013. For God and Country Richard Raborn Director Auxiliary – Thank everyone for your vote of confidence in your newly elected Officers. Everyone seems excited to get to work on the Auxiliary programs, cooperate and work with our Post home which will ensure success for all. There are a few things coming up that is a combined effort of our Post, Aux, SAL & ALR, so come out and support your Legion family. Edie Herrington President 3 rd Vice Cdr - It’s hard to believe that six months have already gone by. Now, that the Post has had the election of new Officers and 4th of July holiday ahead of us, we look forward to our Fish Fry’s in the future. Even though we cancelled July we will be back in August. As always, we look forward to seeing you on the first Sunday of each month. So bring some friends with you and join us for some good food, family time and friendship. Serving starts at 2:00 pm until gone. For God and Country – Jake Taffaro Commander’s Corner – First of all thank you for electing me as your new Post Commander. It is an honor and I am proud to have the opportunity to serve OUR Post. There are two big events this month. The first is July 4th; Independence Day. This is the day we remember and reflect upon our forefather’s sacrifices to preserve our freedom of choice and our independence from the bureaucracy from the English. The next is OUR Post 240 ride on the 27th & 28th. Let’s all support their gallant endeavor. For the Post, Auxiliary, Son’s of American Legion, Riders and all members. I am looking forward to a very productive year. I urge everyone to let by-gone(s) be by-gone(s) and renew our vows and commitment to our primary goal of supporting our fellow Veterans, to our country and to OUR Post. My goal this year is simple. UNITY. Cohesion throughout Post 240. We have to be ONE family --- ONE team. To accomplish this endeavor we need two primary sacrifices. 1. Cooperation and support. It starts with supporting each entity within Post 240 organization and needs to migrate and morph into ONE team throughout the Post. 2. Communication. This is the cornerstone of our success. I want every member of American Legion Post 240 to know what events are going on, when events are going on and how events are going on. My goal is to ensure that we sufficiently plan and flawlessly execute all our endeavors so that we can be proud of our Post accomplishments and be the envy of every other Post in our area. I know we can do this!!! With these aforementioned goals in mind I feel we can build our membership back to where it was 10 years ago. We need all the knowledge that our current members bring into our Post but we also need to concentrate on new members that can learn from our strong database and preserve the traditions those before us have established. I am proud to be an American Legion 240 member, a veteran, a friend and comrade and I feel if we can show what we stand for, everyone will want to be an American Legion Post 240 member. Lastly, LET’S HAVE FUN. Life is too short for bickering and drama. Leave your remarks and complaints to the meetings. My door is always open as well as OUR team. We are here to support you but we need you to support us. Come to meetings, help out with events, and by all means come enjoy the spirits. Most of all let’s make this Post a place everyone wants to come to, a place to banter, a place to hear fellow soldier’s stories, a place to enjoy life and a place to support and preserve the memories of those who have fallen before us. God Bless all those who have served and those who are still protecting our hard earned freedoms. Lastly, membership cards are in. Please get yours as soon as you can!!!! For God and Country Mike Holdener 1 st Vice Cdr – Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your Post Commander the past two years. This year I’m filling the positions of 1st Vice and Adjutant. I’m going to work hard to attain a 100% membership this next year. Please welcome our new members: Andrew DuPont, Michael Bertholet, Uldarico Peregrino, James Welsh, Larry Clark, Ronnie Nelson and New Transfers into Post 240: William Evans, Timothy Smith, Coral Jones, Christopher Coast, Jill Coast. The new 2013 Membership cards are in and are available to get, for $30.00. During July 4th Open House I will have table set up to take your membership dues for the Post and the SAL. Come out and enjoy July 4th with us at the Post. Menu is Pulled Pork, Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Baked Beans and a Potluck. There is a sign up sheet in the lounge to list what you want to bring. Come support your Post and Lounge. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin

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