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Six Geographical Regions Study Area. District Area (km 2 ) Elevation (m amsl) Mid- mountains ShiwalikTarai Nawalparasi216291 - 19363223512411445265.

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Presentation on theme: "Six Geographical Regions Study Area. District Area (km 2 ) Elevation (m amsl) Mid- mountains ShiwalikTarai Nawalparasi216291 - 19363223512411445265."— Presentation transcript:

1 Six Geographical Regions Study Area


3 District Area (km 2 ) Elevation (m amsl) Mid- mountains ShiwalikTarai Nawalparasi216291 - 19363223512411445265 Pupandehi1360100 - 1350162919725119996 Kapilvastu1738100 - 185-28412147282 Total526032757172251312543 Per cent6.5333.2160.26 Geographic area and distribution (in hectare)

4 AgricultureForestGrasslandOthers 50.444.71.23.6 LANDUSE District Landuse

5 Agricultural land (ha) Cultivation Cultivated Area (ha)Non Cultivated (ha) 261,903 238,305 (91%) 23,598 (9%) IrrigatedUnirrigated 60%40% Irrigated Area

6 Total Area (ha) Total parcel Total tenant Land owners AbalDoyamSeemChahar 25646811050277014296562434459871625283349 Wetland classification (25.8)(58.8)(15)(0.2) Dry land classification 3438210742291734 (89.3)(0.02)(6)(4) Land type

7 Soil type of agriculture land

8 Districts Average ( 0 C ) Days with Max ≥30 0 Annual rain fall Intensity 24 hours Rainy days MaxMin Nawalparasi30.518.62162317102 - 26999 Rupendehi30.718.5226186882 - 25280 Kapilvastu31.318.2237195092 - 23781 Rainfall and Temperature

9 District Area (Sq. km.) HH size MaleFemaleTotal population Pop. density Sex ratio Nawalparasi2,1625.72278,257284,613562,8702601:1.02 Rupandehi1,3606.01360,773347,646708,4195211:0.96 Kapilvastu1,7386.61247,875234,101481,9762771:0.94 Total5,2606.06886,905866,3601,753,265333 Area and Population

10 Holding size (Ha) % hh <0.17.4 < 0.543.2 0.1 - <0.210 0.2 - <0.525.8 0.5 - <125.8 1 - <220.6 > 130.76 2 - <35.86 3 and above4.3 Landholding

11 Land Only13.3 % Livestock Only2.7 % Poultry Only0.8 % Land & livestock37.8 % Land & poultry2.0 % Livestock & poultry1.3 % All three25.3 % None of three16.9 % Households having

12 Household with Small Scale Non-agriculture Activities HH with economic activities Type of activities ManufacturingTradeTransportServicesOthers 21%5.631.73.331.427.7

13 District Road density (km/100 km 2 ) Electrified village/mun icipality Telephone Connection Credit Institutions SeasonalAnnual Nawalparsi 5.046.54542009 Rupandehi 10.8811.2542164212 Kapilvastu 10.828.515021368 Infrastructure

14 BaseNawalRupanKapil Per capita incomeUSD 240249206 Literacy% pop 46.962.235.8 Drinking water coverage % hh 8086.579.9 LSUPer hh 1.75 Poverty ranking4 - 74 383328 Other indicators

15 Primary production Land Ownership Total tenantsLand owners 70142 (43%)96562 (57%) National average 40%

16 Primary production PaddyMaizeWheatMilletOther 980.51.5 Major crop Source of livelihood

17 Primary production Seed used

18 Primary production Source of hybrid seeds

19 Primary production Managing local seeds

20 Primary production Fertilizer use

21 Fertilizer source Primary production

22 Chemical fertilizer distribution Primary production

23 Production trend Primary production

24 Food sufficiency Primary production

25 Place of selling surplus

26 Processing and packaging Raw material from local market No secondary product is sold by farmers Profit is trader based 128 food processing industries (rice, oil, flour mills; biscuits, noodles, pulses, dalmoth, bread etc.) Activities

27 Processing and packaging Determinants No government regulation Adequate roads for transportation Technology is primitive at the village level, but modern in the mills Consumer demand is mostly for unprocessed food

28 Distribution and Retailers Government policy ineffective due to falling surplus Trade pattern : more export Food Corporation distributes food Food For Work is also implemented Population distribution is fairly uniform (villages within few kilometers)

29 Import and export Distribution

30 FamilyLaborFamily + LaborParma 12.315.826.411.3 Farm labor Land preparation OxTractorHuman labor 52%37%9% Labor

31 Arsenic exposure % Of Arsenic Exposed Households WHO guidelines (10 ppb) Nepal Interim Standard (50 ppb) Nawalparasi 21.334.9 Rupandehi 6.24 Kapilvastu 56.9 Health

32 Major cases reported VisitorsPercent of sick people 0PD596,00034% Ear26,0001.5% Eye18,0001.1% Bronchitis24,0001.4% Gastritis32,0001.9% Abdominal pain16,0000.9% Skin103,0005.9% Diseases Reported cases Health

33 Dietary habit VegetarianNon- vegetarian Frequency of meat consumption 8.8 91.2 2-3 times a month. 1.5 kg of goat meat at a time Preference

34 Food preference CerealPulses RiceWheatBlack gram LintelArharOther 991264.526.66.6 Daily Meals 2 times3 times MaleFemaleChildrenMaleFemaleChildren 89888111292 Preference

35 Green vegetables Preserved vegetables (Gundruk, Masuera) Others 30.11.768.2 Vegetable consumption Preference Other vegetables include Potato, Onion, Beans etc.

36 Own farmMarketBoth 9.732.457.9 Source of Vegetable NeighborhoodLocal MarketOthers 2.988.98.2 Market place Preference

37 Tiffin (snacks) YESNO Percentage of HH 78.5% 21.5% Who eats what ? Home made Commercial 8713 Preference 82.617.4 Preference

38 DailyWeeklyFortnightlySick periodFestival 6.2%30%37.6%11.7%14.5% Fruit consumption Preference

39 Cereals Production Average (Kg/hh) Maximum (Kg) Paddy 2,30845,000 Wheat 56715,000 Maize 1861,040 Millet 5001,040 Other 150200 Availability

40 Pulses Production Average (Kg/hh) Maximum (Kg) Black gram12.650 Lentil75500 Arhar26200 Horse gram / peas 46500

41 Availability Vegetable Production Average (Kg/hh) Maximum (Kg) Potato1871,000 Onion59800 Cauliflower791,000 Tomato44700 Green vegetable43500 Gourds15210,000

42 Availability Oil seeds Production Average (Kg/hh) Maximum (Kg) Mustard78700 Sunflower73150 Sarso64500 Til1022 Others 1750

43 Availability Fruits Production Average (Kg/hh) Maximum (Kg) Banana73500 Lichi31100 Mango151700 Pineapples2172500 Others 53400

44 Availability Crop wise production trend (% hh) PaddyWheatMaizePulsesVegetables DownUpDownUpDownUpDownUpDownUp 74.825.27723901083.616.48020

45 Food Sufficiency Distribution

46 SourceMonths1-34-67-910-12 Survey% hh15.931.717.135.4 Government22.1243.4515.318.96 Food Insufficiency Period Surplus food Stored at homeSold in the market 21.8 %78.4 % Distribution

47 SaleStoreBoth % hh3.5185.1511.32 Preference to store Distribution

48 Crop Traditional storage % Modern storage % Use of insecticide % Home made Chemical From market Paddy 9826634 Wheat 9735347 Maize 9411- Millet 100--- B. gram 9555- Lentil 9646.510 Arhar 93884 H.gram 100--- Others 100-712 Potato 9913- Onion 98222 Storage facility Distribution

49 Crop Traditional storage Modern storage Use of insecticide YesNo Paddy 9733763 Wheat 9825446 Maize 100-- Potato 8911793 Other seeds 100-3070 Storage of major seeds at home (% hh) Distribution

50 Immediate sale Paying debt Lack of storage Good market price To be on the safe side 40%20101555 Household reporting immediate sale Distribution NeighborhoodLocal MarketBig marketOthers 2613.735.624.7

51 Production income Wage laborServiceBurrowOther 1.9%52.9%29.9%1.3%14% Meeting food with wage earningBurrowOthers Within district Outside district Outside Nepal 90,72711,30113,0639,2428,808 72.63%9.05%10.46%7.4%7.05% Coping food deficit (Ministry) Distribution Survey

52 Limit ed land Low productivity Poor irrigation Limited fertilizer Scarce seed Large family Others 454. Reason for low production 6023.3------6.7------ Cash crop 10.0 According to the Ag. Ministry

53 HoldingsArea (ha) Land made uncultivable due to flood/soil erosion No. of holdings reportingArea (ha) 224,420206,978 19,2974,896 8.6%2.4% Flood and soil erosion impact

54 ImportExport TotalLocalIndiaTotalLocalIndia Cereal 18331120 713 [38%] 46644534 130 [3%] Vegetable 19211151 764 [40%] 6663.5 2.7 [4%] Fruit 311161 150.25 [48%] 86 Nominal Oil/ghiu 235112 122.7 [52%] 1716.550 Pulses, 4.5 mt exported, 49.5 mt imported Food export and import into the villages Exchange

55 Mode of Payment Service Respo ndent Cash Respo ndent Goods Immediate CreditBothImmediateCredit Cart1090%10% - 12100% - Tractor13785%12%3%138%92% Exchange

56 Affordability Pricing policy : Ineffective committee, market based Seasonal variation : Difficult in rainy season Food preparation : Simple, affordable

57 Distribution and retailers Transport : Bicycle, Rikshaw, Jeep, Bus Advertising (radio) : Some impact Delivery to consumers : Commercial food by retailers Haat bazar : Main source of market Pricing : Fixed by traders Allocation

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