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CBI Health Group Staff Education Sessions Outcomes Management.

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1 CBI Health Group Staff Education Sessions Outcomes Management

2 2 Objectives  Identify the targets and desired outcomes that we periodically track at our clinic  Discuss why these targets are important  Consult on strategies that will assist us to achieve desired outcomes

3 3 Outcomes Management  There are a number of targets that we track monthly at CBI, many of which can be broken down according to service stream, such as: Private Self-Pay Private/Extended Health Benefits WCB Return to Work Program Auto Insurance Long-term Disability

4 4 Outcomes Management  Number of Patients What targets do we have for monthly patient numbers, for each service stream? 2.Average Days in Treatment What is the standard number of visits expected for private patients? Why? What about for other service streams that we carry?

5 5 Outcomes Management 3.Early Withdrawal %  In most circumstances, at least 8 private patient visits are required in order to demonstrate sustained improvement  For all patients (whether in acute or program service streams), on the Discharge Form, under Discharge Status, therapists must accurately check the correct box. If the patient chooses not to return after two or three visits, do not check “Treatment completed - Sufficiently”, you should be checking “Early Termination” What targets do we have for monthly early withdrawal percentage outcomes, for each service stream?

6 6 Outcomes Management 4.Full and Partial Return to Work %  On the Discharge Form, under Recommendations (near the bottom), this section provides information on what percentage of our patients are discharged able to make a full or partial return to work What targets do we have for monthly Full and Partial Return to Work outcomes? 5.RTW - Permanent Restrictions %  Some, though not all clinics, will track this outcome. On the Discharge Form, under Recommendations, this section provides information on what percentage of our patients are discharged with permanent work restrictions What targets do we have for monthly RTW - Permanent Restrictions percentages?

7 7 Outcomes Management 6.Pain Management %  On the Discharge Form, under Symptom Relief, questions determine what percentage of our patients are able to manage their pain  Double-check to make sure clients are not omitting specific questions or sections of forms, if they are unsure how to respond What targets do we have for monthly Pain Management percentages?

8 8 Outcomes Management 7.Client Satisfaction Form Response Rates  The percentage of satisfaction forms completed and handed back to therapists or admin staff translates into the response rate  Although ideally these forms are handed out at discharge, if you believe that the client may not continue coming back to CBI for treatment, you should make sure it gets filled out immediately  In no case should you fabricate satisfaction forms What target outcomes do we have for response rates? What strategies do we have in place, or need to set up, so that every client obtains a satisfaction form?

9 9 Outcomes Management 8.Client Satisfaction Rates  The client satisfaction rate is based on the average scores (from 1 to 5) for statements on the CBI satisfaction survey  Remember that if we fabricate responses instead of giving forms to patients, we’re not going to learn anything about how we can improve What target outcomes do we have for client satisfaction rates?

10 10 Outcomes Management 9.3-month RTW Sustainability Rates  This outcome is measured through therapists or administrators calling patients three months after their return to work start date to confirm whether they are still working or not What target outcomes do we have for 3-month RTW sustainability rates? At our clinic, who is responsible for making these phone calls, and what system do we have in place to ensure they are taking place?

11 11 Outcomes Management Why do we track outcomes at CBI?  They may serve as data for the research that we carry out at CBI, which ultimately results in recommended strategies for clinical practice  They provide feedback on what kind of a job we’re doing, and whether we need to make changes to our clinical practices and behaviour  Another way that we differentiate ourselves to patients and referral sources compared to our competitors

12 12 Outcomes Management How do we track outcomes?  Outcomes such as client satisfaction scores and pain management percentages are tracked through forms that either the patient or the therapist must complete, which are then entered into the CBI billing system by admin staff  Outcomes such as length of treatment and number of patients are tracked through regular administrative data entry of patient information

13 13 Outcomes Management Which forms contain the data directly impacting certain outcomes?  At intake, the Intake Questionnaire Form (formerly called the Information on your Current Episode) is given to patients by admin staff  Also at intake, therapists are also expected to complete relevant Assessment Forms (Spinal, Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity)  At discharge, a Spinal Discharge or Upper/Lower Extremity Discharge Form and Client Satisfaction Form must be completed by therapist  It is the data contained in these discharge forms that serves as primary material for many of the outcomes we track

14 14 Outcomes Management How are outcome statistics shared? How can outcome measures be shared with you in a manner that makes it MEANINGFUL? Should it be more dialogue-focussed, rather than data analysis? Are we sharing our outcome statistics with clients? If not, what can we do so that they know the great results that we are getting?

15 15 Outcomes Management How can we improve outcome tracking ACCURACY and EFFECTIVENESS? What are some of the things that we can do to improve our internal processes? Reports to be run regularly? Consistently misunderstood forms on questions we need to pay attention to?

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