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> 1 Eurostat meeting 5-7 June 2013 Draft ´ Mogens Grosen (Statistics Denmark)

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Presentation on theme: "> 1 Eurostat meeting 5-7 June 2013 Draft ´ Mogens Grosen (Statistics Denmark)"— Presentation transcript:

1 > 1 Eurostat meeting 5-7 June 2013 Draft ´ Mogens Grosen (Statistics Denmark)

2 > 2 Background #1 : ”The role of the NSI’s and metadata needs to change … ” 200 years ago: “statistics as state secrects” Today: “handling complexity” A lighthouse in the turbulent sea of information Focus on metadata to support knowledge processes Metadata must give user exact knowledge on products – ”Information at your fingertips” 2

3 > 3 Background #2 ”… towards focus on user needs”

4 > 4 Background #3: “Challenges on metadata … ” Metadata are not reused and often only linked to final data No link to GSBPM processes Parallel systems with tight links to DBMS-systems Presentation of metadata on Internet is fragmented and incomplete Concepts database incomplete with no hierarchy (Super-, sub- and synonym-concepts) Classifications and code-lists in many places No clear awareness of populations and units

5 > 5 Background #4: ”Metadata must be connected and reusable ”  Hvad betyder Quality declaration Variable/dataset Concept Variable database Klassifikationsdatabase Classifications Methods/ ”Survey” StatBankMethods papers Class database Concepts database 5

6 > 6 Methodology #1 Business Process Management 1.“BPM is a process management methodology where business processes are managed, designed and continuously improved in order to increase the business effectiveness and value creation” 2. Requirement reflects objectives in strategy

7 > 7 Methodology #2: From silos to focus on processes and user-needs

8 > 8 Methodology #3: Business proces-model as starting point (GSBPM)

9 > 9 Methodology #4: Extended business process model

10 > 10 Methodology #5: Extended Business Procesmodel aiming at compatible value-chains STATISTIC DENMARK EUROSTAT, UN, OECD etc. STATISTICS SWEDEN etc.

11 > 11 Methodology #6 Stepwise development


13 > 13 TITLE "Horizontal and vertical integration: Implementation of technical and statistical standards in the European Statistical System"

14 > 14 DELIVERABLES Quality declarations migrated to new metadata system for all statistics Meetings and reports from external users Dissemination of developed in collaboration with users Software (Colectica) installed - internal interface and external interface (dissemination at Manuals and courses The transition from current to new quality declarations Continuous updates - follow Dst's process model Communication: Newsletters, reference group and thematic meeting each quarter Intranet Page

15 > 15 SUCCES-CRITERIA Management at all levels have been regularly informed and have made the necessary decisions There are taken care of communication of the project - “Everybody want changes, but no one wants to be changed" External and internal customer needs is "translated" into internal processes and communication at Relevant standards are implemented into a single integrated metadata system

16 > 16 TIME SCHEDULE JFMAMJJASOND Pilotphase part 1 Pilotphase part 2 Evalua- tion & plan 2014 2013 JFMAMJJASOND Adjust- ment Implementation on all surves Evalua- tion 2014

17 > 17 STATUS MAY 2013 Project organization and communication established Series of meetings with external users started Basic software (Colectica) installed Requirements for extensions of Colectica in the pilot phase part 1 prepared. Extensions of Colectica ready (pilot-phase 1) Draft guidelines discussed Best-practice discussions with the UN, EU, Australia, France (meeting 5-6 June in Eurostat) Meeting Metadata WG 1-2 July (SIMS on the agenda)

18 > 18 ESQRS

19 > 19 Qualitydeclarations – old and new

20 > 20 STANDARD S

21 > 21 Standards #1 GSBPM combined with QAF, DDI, SDMX and ESQRS DDI SDMX Quality Assurance Framework (QAF, ESQRS, ESMS etc.)

22 > 22 Standards #2 Benefits on using DDI Integration and reuse of concepts, variables, classifications on micro- and macro-level including dissemination, quality-declaration etc. Integration with Statistics Denmark's process model Versioning and multi-langugage Implementation of thesaurus Synergy due to national and international cooperation and experience (Australia, New Zealand, France etc.) 25. oktober 2011 22

23 > 23 DDI-structure (DDI-profile) combined with ESMS/ESQRS – using Colectica A. Population: - Universe-scheme  Universe B. Common pool: - DDI-instance (In Colectica: a project for each maintopic) - Ressource-package - Conceptscheme  Concept - Categoryscheme  Category - Codescheme  Code - Variablesheme  Variable C: Studies - Group (in Colectica: a serie for each survey ) - Study unit incl. Quality Declarations(quality statement) with ref to concepts, universe etc. - Universe-reference - Ressource-package - Variable-scheme  Variable-reference

24 > 24 Metadatabase og software Web-application and integration with Eurostat app. Web-services and data- access funktioner Metadatabase (Colectica repository) Colectica SDK (Software Developmen Kit) Colectica Designer – internal interface

25 > 25 DEMO

26 > 26 Issues for discussion 1.Towards a common terminology using DDI, ESQRS/ESMS and GSIM (concept, unit, population etc) on micro and macro-level 2.Common DDI-structures / DDI-profiles 3. How to ensure vertical and horisontal integration and the role of standards – “Each organisation is unique with historically based practices of management, social aspects and professional skills. As a consequence of this, organisations with their own built-in complexity can only respond to certain impulses from the outside world … C ooperation and implementation of standards must ensure fulfilment of common goals and at the same time allow organisations to make decisions that fit their historically-based practices and “local” environment.”

27 > 27 The End!

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