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1 LeadershipCommunication. 2 PROBLEM IN COMMUNICATION “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion it has taken place.” George Bernard.

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Presentation on theme: "1 LeadershipCommunication. 2 PROBLEM IN COMMUNICATION “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion it has taken place.” George Bernard."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 LeadershipCommunication

2 2 PROBLEM IN COMMUNICATION “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw

3 3 PROBLEM IN COMMUNICATION “ God gave us two ears and only one mouth.” - Cicero (Philosopher) “The Biggest block to personal communication is the inability to listen intelligently, understandingly, and skillfully to another person. - Carl Rogers (Psychologist)


5 5 Communication A process by which information and understanding are transferred between a sender and a receiver

6 Communication Goals 6 Source: CGAP Direct

7 7 Ex. 9.1 A Basic Model of the Communication Process Leader encodes message Receiver decodes message Channel Return message encoded and sent Feedback Loop Potential noise and distortion

8 Barriers to communication 8 Noise Inappropriate medium Assumptions/Misconceptions Emotions Language differences Cultural differences Poor listening skills Use of jargon Distractions

9 9 Ex. 9.2 The Leader as Communication Champion Internal and external sources Strategic Conversation Open climate Listening Discernment Dialogue Purpose Directed Direct attention to vision/values, desired outcomes; use persuasion Methods Use rich channels Stories and metaphors Informal communication Leader as Communication Champion

10 10 Ex. 9.3 Why Open the Communication Channels? An open climate is essential for cascading vision, and cascading is essential because: Natural Law 1: You Get What You talk about – –A vision must have ample ‘air time’ in an organization. A vision must be shared and practiced by leaders at every opportunity.

11 Natural Law 2: The Climate of an Organization is a Reflection of the Leader –A leader who doesn’t embody the vision and values doesn’t have an organization that does. 11

12 Natural Law #3 You Can’t Walk Faster Than One Step at a Time –A vision is neither understood nor accepted overnight. Communicating must be built into continuous, daily interaction so that over time followers will internalize it. 12

13 13 Open Communication Asking questions –Leader-centered –Follower-centered Listening –Engaged listening

14 14 Ex. 9.4 Ten Keys to Effective Listening KeysPoor ListenerGood Listener 1. Listen activelyIs passive, laid backAsks questions; paraphrases what is said 2. Find areas of interestTunes out dry subjectsLooks for opportunities, new learning 3. Resist distractionsIs easily distractedFights distractions; tolerates bad habits; knows how to concentrate 4. Capitalize on the fact that thought is faster than speech Tends to daydream with slow speakers Challenges, anticipates, summarizes; listens between lines to tone of voice 5. Be responsiveIs minimally involvedNods; shows interest, positive feedback

15 15 Ex. 9.4 (contd.) KeysPoor ListenerGood Listener 6. Judge content, not delivery Tunes out if delivery is poor Judges content; skips over delivery errors 7. Hold one’s fireHas preconceptions; argues Does not judge until comprehension is complete 8. Listen for ideasListens for factsListens to central themes 9. Work at listeningNo energy output; faked attention Works hard; exhibits active body state, eye contact 10. Builds for long term relationship Resists difficult material in favor of light, recreational material Does not interrupt or try and sell ideas – uses influence

16 16 Open Communication Discernment –Listening in which a leader detects unarticulated messages hidden blow the surface of spoken interaction. Dialogue –Active sharing and listening in which people explore common ground and grow to understand each other and share a world view.

17 17 Ex. 9.5 Dialogue and Discussion: The Differences Reveal feelings Explore assumptions Suspend convictions Build common ground Long-term, innovative solutions Unified group Shared meaning Transformed mind-sets State positions Advocate convictions Convince others Build oppositions Short-term resolution Agreement by logic Opposition beaten down Mind-sets held onto Result DialogueDiscussion Conversation Lack of understanding, disagreement, divergent points of view, evaluate others

18 18 Communication Champion Establish credibility Build goals on common ground Make your position compelling to others Connect emotionally

19 19 Communication Champion Establish credibility Build goals on common ground Make your position compelling to others Connect emotionally

20 20 Communication Apprehension An individual’s level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons.

21 Forms of Communications 21

22 22 Ex. 9.6 A Continuum of Channel Richness Low channel richness High channel richness Disadvantages Impersonal One-way Slow feedback Advantages Provides record Premeditated Easily disseminated Advantages Personal Two-way Fast feedback Disadvantages No record Spontaneous Dissemination hard Formal report Memos, letters Electronic mail, IM, Web, intranet Face-to- face verbal Telephone

23 23 Effective Use of Electronic Communication Channels Combine high-tech with high-touch Consider the circumstances Read twice before you hit the “send” button Know what is off limits

24 24 Ex. 9.7 Dos and Don’ts of Electronic Mail (abridged) Do –Use e-mail to set up meetings, to recap spoken conversations, or to follow up on information already discussed face-to-face. –Keep e-mail messages short and to-the-point. Many people read e-mail on handheld devices, which have small screens. –Use e-mail to prepare a group of people for a meeting. For example, it is convenient to send the same documents to a number of people and ask them to review the materials before the meeting. –Use e-mail to transmit standard reports. –Act like a newspaper reporter. Use the subject line to quickly grab the reader’s attention.

25 25 Ex. 9.7 (contd.) Don’t –Use e-mail to discuss something with a colleague who sits across the aisle or down the hall from you. Take the old- fashioned approach of speaking to each other. –Lambaste a friend or colleague via e-mail – and especially don’t copy others on the message. –Use e-mail to start or perpetuate a feud. –Write anything in an e-mail you wouldn’t want published in a newspaper. E-mail with sensitive or potentially embarrassing information has an uncanny way of leaking out.

26 Do you use the correct channel ? 7uMBU 7uMBU 26

27 Communication Across Continents

28 28 Informal Communication Leaders are watched (nonverbal communication) –Appearance –Behavior –Actions –Attitudes Selection of communication channel Management by Walking Around

29 Non-Verbal Communication oI-ePc&feature=related 29

30 Nonverbal Behaviors Eye Contact Facial Expressions Gestures Posture and Body Orientation Proximity Vocal (other than words) 30

31 31 Stories and Metaphors Leaves clear lasting impressions with followers Increases meaning for leader’s message Evokes both visual imager and emotion Helps people connect with the message and the key values

32 Assessment Exercise ___ A. When conversing with others, I usually do most of the talking ___ B. When conversing with others, I usually let the other person do most of the talking ___ C. When conversing with others, I try to equalize my participation in the conversation Question 1

33 Question # 2 ___ A. I make eye contact while conversing ___ B. I sometimes make eye contact while conversing ___ C. I never make eye contact while conversing 33

34 Question #3 ___ A. When I'm listening to the speaker, I often cross my arms over my chest ___ B. When I'm listening to the speaker, I often lean back and turn my body away from the speaker ___ C. When I'm listening to the speaker, I often lean slightly forward and face my body toward the speaker 34

35 Question #4 ___ A. When I have a negative opinion or comment, I just say it ___ B. When I have a negative opinion or comment, I lead in with a positive comment first ___ C. When I have a negative opinion or comment, I say nothing 35

36 Question 5 ___ A. When I disagree with a person, I listen first, ask questions for clarification, then disagree non-judgmentally ___ B. When I disagree with a person, I quickly point out the person is wrong and why ___ C. When I disagree with a person, I say little or nothing 36

37 Peter Northouse’s states: ( Peter Guy Northouse, is Professor of Communication at Western Michigan University ) “ When Leaders and Followers have good exchanges, they feel better, accomplish more and the organization prospers”- Northouse 37

38 Benefits of Good Communication Quicker problem solving Better decision making Steady work flow Strong business relations Better professional image 38

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