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Innovative Approaches to Wildlife/Highway Interactions Funding Opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovative Approaches to Wildlife/Highway Interactions Funding Opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovative Approaches to Wildlife/Highway Interactions Funding Opportunities

2 TEA-21 Funding Constraints  Must be on or related to “Public Roads”  FWS Administrative roads are not eligible  Must be coordinated with State DOT  Must be on State DOT STIP*

3 TEA-21 Programs Most Relevant to Fish & Wildlife Service  Federal-Aid Highways  Federal Lands Highways  Federal Transit Administration Programs

4 Don’t Forget…  Wildlife don’t recognize what category of highway causes impacts…  …but, you have to know the category to develop solutions

5 Forest Highways & Public Lands Highways-Discretionary Funds  Eligible Program Activities  Planning, research, engineering and construction  Transit facilities within public lands  Acquisition of scenic easements  ROW acquisition on a project by project basis

6 Surface Transportation Program (STP)  Part of Federal Aid Program  10% set-aside for Transportation Enhancements (TE)  10% set-aside for Safety Projects

7 10% STP-Transportation Enhancements (TE)  State DOT calls for, reviews and selects projects  Any town, county, State, federal agency, or non- profit group may apply  Wildlife structures qualify!

8 10% STP-Safety Wildlife Opportunities 10% STP-Safety Wildlife Opportunities  Elimination of hazardous locations on all public roads…..including ‘roadkill hotspots’  Traffic-calming measures

9 Scenic Byways Program Purpose: to recognize and enhance roads with the following outstanding characteristics: 1.Scenic 2.Historic 3.Cultural 4.Natural 5.Recreational 6.Archeological

10 Bridge Replacements  Tens of thousands of bridges across US…and the NFS…need replacement in the next couple decades  Great opportunity to increase wildlife passage and decrease mortality!  Think “Bridge Extensions”!

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