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Presentation to Totnes Town Council 5 November 2012 John Fewings.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Totnes Town Council 5 November 2012 John Fewings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Totnes Town Council 5 November 2012 John Fewings

2 Principal Engineer – Jacobs Engineering Technical Advisor to the Totnes on the Move Community Board

3 Background - LSTF Fund was created by the DfT to help build strong local economies and address the urgent challenges of climate change Bid submitted by DCC in April 2011 Devon bid successful in July 2011 LSTF gives DCC the ability to borrow extra funding, which is then reimbursed by the DfT

4 Devon LSTF Areas Three areas have been selected because: “they are the fastest growing areas and have congestion problems to address. They also have a relatively strong transport network with the greatest potential for major modal shift, transformational economic growth and quick wins within the project period.”

5 Devon LSTF Areas Exeter Totnes Newton Abbot

6 Totnes on the Move Process started following LSTF award to instigate a community led process to develop transport projects Workshops and open day in April 2012 Originally Steering Group meetings Now Community Board

7 Community Board Frances Northrop Paula Black Robert Vint Louis Victory Julian Wright Tim Padfield Tony Whitty Jacqi Hodgson Technical Support : John Fewings Communications : Jane Brady

8 Board Meetings Meetings are the second and fourth Monday of each month All meetings are open to the public Agendas are published beforehand Minutes are published soon after All reports are published

9 Projects TotM Community Board TTTF Town Council Parish Councils LSTF Board Committee DCCDCC Community

10 Testing Schemes are tested against: The TotM Strategy The LSTF bid and guidelines The Local Transport Plan The DfT will not reimburse funding if projects do not pass these tests

11 LSTF Packages Projects fit into one or more packages: 1.Reducing the need to travel 2.Informed and supported travellers 3.Extending choice and removing barriers 4.Managing networks more effectively

12 DCC Why do Devon County Council make the final decision? It is the budget holder for the LSTF It is ultimately responsible for the funding to the DfT It is the Highway Authority

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