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Animal Testing Shannon Kratzer What is Animal Testing?  Animal testing is the use of non-human organisms (such as a rabbit) in development and research.

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2 Animal Testing Shannon Kratzer

3 What is Animal Testing?  Animal testing is the use of non-human organisms (such as a rabbit) in development and research projects. It is especially used for determining the safety of substances or food. JIMMY!!!!

4 Thesis  Animal testing should only be used for medical research and animals should be kept in a better environment.

5 Cosmetic Testing  Cosmetics are things like lipstick, lotion, perfume, soap, and cologne.  Cosmetic companies kill more than a million innocent animals each year.  These companies argue that they test animals to determine the safety of their products.  The FDA (food and drug administration) does not require cosmetics testing on animals.  There are also a variety of alternative methods to use which have more reliable results.  Some companies that do not use animals  Avon  The Body Shop  Mary Kay  Burt’s Bees

6 The Draize Test  The Draize Test is an eye irritancy test used to test for sensitive eye tissue damage.  One hundred milligrams of the substance being tested is dropped into the eyes of several rabbits.  These rabbits are usually held down with restraints and frequently scream and break their necks or backs trying to escape.

7 Lethal Dose Test (LD)  An LD test is used to find how much of a substance will kill a predetermined ratio of animals.  The LD 50 test is a specific lethal dose test.  In this tests a group of animals are forced to ingest or inhale a poisonous substance till half of them die.  The reactions to this test are:  Convulsions  Vomiting  Paralysis  Bleeding from the eyes, nose, or mouth.

8 It Doesn’t Work!  Cosmetic testing doesn’t work  The lethal dose test does not determine human health hazards.  It just finds out how toxic the substance is to the particular animal being tested.  Animals don’t react the same way humans do  You could give a human something bad to eat and they would react a certain way  But at the same time your could give a rabbit the same thing you gave the human and they would react totally different.

9 Why Do They Still Do It?  Resistance of industry technicians and researchers trying to keep their jobs  People buy the products they make

10 How Can We Stop This?  It’s simple: before you buy any type of cosmetic, whether it be lotion, or make up, or perfume, or cologne, check the label to make sure it is not tested on animals. cosmetic companies that do not test animals  Or go online and look up cosmetic companies that do not test animals.  If these companies see that there is no point in testing animals then they will stop.

11 Medical Research  Animals help save lives everyday  Without them people could die of even a minor illness like a cold  It may sound cruel and harsh but if you think about it, what if you get sick with a serious illness?  They may not have cures for everything right now but they are working on it  People use animals to research many illnesses and diseases such as:  Cancer  HIV/AIDS  Epilepsy  Alzheimer’s  Multiple Sclerosis  Transplant Rejection  And many more

12 Lab Living Conditions  Animals in labs do not live in a very comfortable environment.  Small animals, such as mice, hamsters, and rats usually live in a shoebox size plastic box.  Animals like guinea pigs live in a plastic box twice the size of a shoebox.  Multiple animals live in one box  Large animals like dogs cats and primates live in wire cages alone.

13 Lab Living Conditions Cont.  They stay in their cages all the time except when they are being experimented on  These living conditions are a really bad problem for animals that are intelligent like primates, dogs, and cats  They need to be exercised and have mental stimulation.  Chimpanzees get seriously lonely and depressed

14 Quotes  “Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: Because the animals are like us. Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals, and the answer is: Because the animals are not like us. Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction.” ~Charles R. Magel  “The question is not, can they reason? nor, can they talk? but rather, can they suffer?" ~Jeremy Bentham  I picked these quotes because it shows how people should think.

15 Connections  Imagine yourself 15 years from now…  You are married and have just had your first child  After your child is born they are diagnosed with cancer  There are treatments to cure this cancer  These treatments wouldn’t be here without animals

16 Did You Know…  Did you know that the Unilever Company tests their products on animals? This company sells:  Dove  Axe  Vaseline  And many more  Did you know that 90% of all animals used in research are mice?

17 Things to Think About  What if you were an animal? How would you feel?  Check the labels on cosmetics before you buy them and check if they are animal testing free.

18 Sites      

19 Thank You Very Much!

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