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Early Intervention CE101 Adapted from Jessica Rodriguez’s Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Intervention CE101 Adapted from Jessica Rodriguez’s Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Intervention CE101 Adapted from Jessica Rodriguez’s Presentation

2 Risk Factors for Children Living at or below poverty level Living in a single-parent household Being born to a teen-ager Low parent education Parent unemployment Low birth weight Living with a disability (Folari, 2007)

3 What is Early Intervention? Identifying children between birth and school age for potential handicaps or other special needs that may affect their development Providing services for children to lessen the effect of the condition Helping children with existing problems and preventing future problems (Smith, 1988)

4 Question: Why do you see as the role of the EC professional in early intervention?

5 Early Intervention Focus Intervention may include: Child alone Child and family Programs may be: Center-based Home-based Hospital-based A combination (Smith, 1988)

6 Question: Why do you think we emphasize early intervention?

7 Reasons for Early Intervention To support the child’s development To provide support and assistance to the family To maximize the child’s and family’s benefit to society (Smith, 1988)

8 Rational for Supporting the Child’s Development Rate of learning is most rapid during preschool years We want to ensure child does not miss the opportunity to learn when he/she is most ready Child may have difficulty learning skills later on (Smith, 1988)

9 Rational for Supporting the Child’s Family Families with an exceptional child may feel disappointed, alone, stressed, frustrated, and helpless Families of exceptional children have higher instance of divorce, suicide, and child abuse Intervention can support improved attitudes and provide information and skills for working with their child (Smith, 1988)

10 Question: How can you support both children with special needs and their families?

11 Rational for the Benefit to Society Society will reap benefits from early intervention Intervention increases child’s development and educational gains (thereby decreasing dependence on social institutions) Child has increased eligibility for employment and economic/social benefit (Smith, 1988)

12 Is Intervention Effective? Research indicates that EI: Increases development and educational gains of child Improves family life Has long-term benefits for society (Smith, 1988)

13 Effects on the Child Research indicates EI results in: Fewer children needing special ed. Fewer children are retained Some children are indistinguishable from nonhandicapped classmates (Smith, 1988)

14 Critical Features of Early Intervention The age of the child Parent involvement The intensity/amount of structure of the program (Smith, 1988)

15 Question: How can we reach out parents who are not involved?

16 Head Start’s Focus Physical health and wellness Nutrition Mental health Medical and dental care Social, emotional, and cognitive development Parent support Community-based service (Follari, 2007)

17 Weekly Quote…. “I do believe that when we face challenges in life that are far beyond our own power, it's an opportunity to build on our faith, inner strength, and courage. I've learned that how we face challenges plays a big role in the outcome of them.” –Sasha Azevedo

18 References Follari, L. M., (2007). Foundations and best practices in early childhood education. Prentice Hall. Smith, J. (1988). Does early intervention help? Retrieved August 5, 2008 from ERIC Digests Website: 928/help.htm

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