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Lithuanian BISE Forum Kaunas, 8th June 2005 Gérard Magnin Executive Director Energie-Cités Networking activities: BISE process and main topics of the meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Lithuanian BISE Forum Kaunas, 8th June 2005 Gérard Magnin Executive Director Energie-Cités Networking activities: BISE process and main topics of the meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lithuanian BISE Forum Kaunas, 8th June 2005 Gérard Magnin Executive Director Energie-Cités Networking activities: BISE process and main topics of the meeting

2 The Association of European Municipalities Promoting a Local Sustainable Energy Policy Energie-Cités More than 400 municipalities from 25 countries involved directly or indirectly Incl. Kaunas and soon Vilnius Chaired by Odense (DK), vice-chaired by Heidelberg (DE), Leicester (UK), Clermont-Ferrand (FR) and Brasov (RO)

3  Created in 1990  Regular increasing of members: from 16 in 94 to 125 in 2005, incl. collective members, from 25 countries  Close relationships with European Institutions  Staff: 15 people from 7 nationalities in Besançon (FR), Brussels, Krakow and Freiburg im Breisgau  From 2003, priority given to New Member States and Candidate Countries Some facts Area of action: energy efficiency and savings, renewable energy sources and the environment

4 Three priority objectives Three topics also relevant in Lithuania  Strengthening the role and improving the skills of municipalities  Representing the interests of municipalities and presenting their views  Exchanging experience to develop municipal initiatives Energy Efficiency: 1st priority of the EU Commissioner for energy (from Latvia)

5 I Why a special effort on energy efficiency in New Member States? A social and economic handicap

6 120 participants from 17 countries: New Member States, Candidate Countries, Western Balkans and Ukraine + 34 from EU15 (9 Lithuanian attendees) towards a Better Integration through Specific / Sustainable Exchanges / Energy “BISE” BISE Forum October 2004, Grenoble (FR) Supported by European Commission

7 AGREED ON IMPORTANCE AND NECESSITY to intensify information exchange between municipalities in Europe and other potential partners; to organize effective partnership with government, businesses and nonprofit organizations to prepare the actions; to accumulate resources for development and implementation of common programs for municipalities in CEEC; to initiate, enforce and facilitate positive changes in legislative, economical and social environment; to promote the necessity of a “Specific Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in CEEC” for reducing the energy performance gap between the CEEC and the most advanced EU15 countries, as quickly as possible. (extract of the BISE Appeal) Participants at the BISE Forum

8 creating of new or strengthen of existing national “energy cities” municipal associations or networks establishing a permanent “Intelligent Energy Forum of European Municipalities” (named “BISE Process”) as form of periodical information exchange between municipal associations and other potential partners in Europe under management and leadership of the European Municipal Association “Energie-Cités” creating a Virtual secretariat for coordination (Lithuanian representative is needed) (extract of the BISE Appeal) A more detailed Memorandum has also been adopted THROUGH 2 nd Forum: October 2005, Sofia (BG)

9 Why should municipalities take action in energy management?

10 Many reasons to act  Saving money in all sectors (40% in municipal buildings)  Improvement of Comfort / Security / Quality of life  Improvement of quality of services  Modernisation of the society  Local development, new jobs, new activities  Combating fuel poverty  Protection of the local environment (local pollution)  Protection of the global environment (CO 2 emissions)…  …and also energy issues Energy : a full component of normal life and not something elsewhere

11 What are the fields of action of municipalities in energy management?

12  The Municipality as Consumer  The Municipality as Producer / Supplier  The Municipality as Planner / Investor / Regulator  The Municipality as Motivator Functions of municipalities in the energy domain A typology widely used A large spectrum of experiences to share

13 What are the actors to involve to make cities and towns more energy sustainable?

14  Planners, Architects  Responsible for Transport  SMEs (construction)  Housing managers  Chambers of Commerce  Associations, NGO  Citizens  Economists, financials, lawyers and..  … Energy Specialists… Joint action between different actors Integrating energy issues in all sectors

15 What do municipalities need in sustainable energy issues?

16  Far from the central power - not a priority  Transfer of responsibilities from the State  Limited financial means, weak & dispersed skills  Bureaucracy  Quite bad preparation to the market schemes  Proximity with the citizens and practical problems  Dispersed and isolated people  Everybody is facing the same problems Dispersed people, common problems All this leads us to the necessity of networking

17 What can municipalities get through networking?

18  Valuable and targeted information  Exchange of experience and know-how  Direct and horizontal relationships  Informal and confident contacts with colleagues  Lobby / Suggestions at national and EU levels  Training/Workshops/Seminar/Visits  Self organisation in providing technical assistance  Participating in national and international projects  Search of funding What can we get from networking? Networking : a new way for working

19  European framework: legislation  National framework: regulations  Local level: implementation  Networks of local authorities: exchanges Various levels for action… Working together at various levels

20 Like in:  Ukraine (February)  Hungary (March)  Serbia (March)  Bulgaria-Annual Conference EcoEnergy (April)  Montenegro (May)  Lithuania (June)  Slovakia (June)  Poland (September)  Romania (September)  2nd BISE Forum in Sofia (October)  Latvia, Bosnia, Czech Republic, etc. Conclusion The aim of this Forum is to promote the creation of a Lithuanian “energy-cities” network and prepare the process

21 What does exchange of experience with European Union offer to Lithuanian municipalities?  A renewed view on energy issues  A EU dimension and a better integration  A large spectrum of experiences and ideas  An opportunity to enlarge your own capacities  A series of opportunities in contacts  A better preparation in preparing projects Everything is in your own hands Everything must be adapted to you own situation

22 Thank you for your attention

23 Energie-Cités: Secretariat : 2, chemin de Palente F - 25000 Besançon Tel : +33 Fax : +33 E-mail : Brussels’ Office : 157 Avenue Brugmann B - 1190 Bruxelles Tel : +32 2.544.09.21 Fax : +32 2.544.15.81 E-mail :

24 A practical action you can implement from now

25 The Display Campaign For public buildings Voluntary implementation of a EU Directive An interface with the general public A mean to convince elected people Towards 1000 municipalities Documents in 12 languages

26 Presenting 400 case studies in cities and towns all over Europe Available at the exhibition Good practice catalogue Downloadable from

27 Study Tours Discover experiences and practice Generally two days visits, on request 20-30 people from one city or town Elected people, officers, architects, housing managers, etc.

28 Energie-Cités Info 3000 copies 2 times a year

29 Public Private Partnership EU Directives and local authorities

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