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Grade 10 Assembly September 2014/15. Grade 10 means..... Staying /getting involved OSSLT 40 Hours Following code of conduct: -Cell phones -Dress code.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 10 Assembly September 2014/15. Grade 10 means..... Staying /getting involved OSSLT 40 Hours Following code of conduct: -Cell phones -Dress code."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 10 Assembly September 2014/15

2 Grade 10 means..... Staying /getting involved OSSLT 40 Hours Following code of conduct: -Cell phones -Dress code -Safe school

3 Safe School Every student at RCBHS has the right to attend school in an atmosphere that is safe, comfortable and inviting. There is zero tolerance towards harassment, bullying, intimidation, name calling, fighting, and possession of weapons, dangerous horse play or being under the influence or in possession of drugs or alcohol. A “hands off” policy will be enforced at all times.

4 Safe and Secure Under certain conditions, it is necessary for the school to secure the building. When this happens, all teachers and students will remain in their classrooms and out of site. The halls are cleared, and all doors are locked to prevent outside access to the building, classrooms and other common areas. Often these conditions occur as a result of a power failure or severe weather conditions. A school lockdown will also occur for intruders or other events that threaten the safety of the student body. It is important in these situations that students remain calm and follow the direction of staff and emergency personnel. Cell phones should be turned off. Students who are in the hallways should proceed to the nearest supervised secure area. Students and classes outside the building will move to a designated location in the community away from the school. Parents and guardians may keep informed by monitoring the DSBN web site or by listening to local media coverage rather than calling the school directly

5 Police Protocol It is a requirement for the school to contact the police under the following circumstances when they occur at school, during school- related activities in or outside the school, or in circumstances where an incident has a negative impact on school climate: Assault; Robbery; Criminal harassment; Relationship-based violence; Trafficking; Hate and/or bias-motivated occurrences; Gang-related occurrences; Extortion; Possession of weapons.

6 Canine Searches The Principal has the authority under the Ontario Education Act to conduct searches which are reasonably related to the maintenance of order and discipline in the school. The Principal may retain the services of a private company or invite the Niagara Regional Police, including the Canine Unit, to accompany and assist in conducting a search that may reveal evidence of the breach of a school rule. The search may be conducted by the Principal, Vice-Principal, or designated teaching staff. Charges may be laid by the Niagara Regional Police as a result of these searches and students may be disciplined in accordance with the Education Act. Any drugs or drug paraphernalia that are found as a result of these searches are turned over to the Niagara Regional Police for further investigation and/or disposal. We appreciate the support of our parents/guardians and School Council in our efforts to maintain a safe school environment.

7 Dress Code/Cell phones DRESS CODE Students are expected to dress with a sense of decency and decorum. Students are not permitted to wear beach or club wear including shirts that are strapless, have spaghetti straps, half shirts or micro / mini shorts and skirts, clothing which advertises the use of drugs or alcohol or that contains racists, sexist or hateful messages. Proper footwear is to be worn at all times. Hats, hoods, bandanas or other head coverings are not permitted during school hours, with the exception of religious head coverings. CELL PHONES, PAGERS, MP3s, IPods Cell phones, pagers, MP3s, headsets, and iPods are not permitted to be used in the classroom, unless for instructional purposes approved by the teacher. They should be turned off and kept in a safe place by the student. Safeguard all valuables!!

8 Grade 10 means..... Staying /getting involved Preparing for OSSLT Completing 40 Hours Following code of conduct: -Cell phones -Dress code -Safe school

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