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John Peel OBE Chairman Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "John Peel OBE Chairman Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Peel OBE Chairman Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership

2 Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership Expression of Interest

3 The latest map of all 34 LEPs

4 Why change? Old approaches have not worked. They have failed to: Rebalance the economy in the North Close the gap in regional economic performance Respond to political mandate Eradicate pockets of severe deprivation Colin Lovegrove - DCLG

5 LEPS – what are they? Strategic bodies, setting a vision and overall economic priorities Creating the right conditions for business growth Permissive rather than prescriptive guidance - with a very broad brief Tackling a wide range of issues – but not taking powers or responsibility from other bodies Private sector focused Particular focus on enterprise and business creation 50/50 business & local authority partnership Every LEP will be different and do different things


7 Coast to Capital LEP Consists of (South to North – Coast to Capital) 5 spatial areas Brighton & Hove Coastal West Sussex Rural West Sussex The Gatwick Diamond Croydon

8 The Structure 1 Chairman from business 7 business board members – The above appointed through a transparent process of application and interview 1 member representing FE/HE 4 Leaders from first tier local authorities 1 leader from the Gatwick Diamond districts/boroughs 14 total – 8 from business – 2 inductions & 1 Board Meeting so far – There will be a Forum for Partners

9 Coast to Capital is not...

10 Coast to Capital is...

11 Business Perspective The Partnership should be truly business led The Partnership should have clarity of purpose Coast to Capital should have realistic goals and objectives There should be a coalition of interests.

12 Coast to Capital 5 year goals – Creation of an additional 4,500 new businesses – Increasing the number of businesses that trade internationally by 4,000 – The creation of 20,000 additional private sector jobs

13 Our (ruthless) focus International Trade Enterprise

14 25 year goal 100,000 jobs!

15 25 year goals The longer term goals over 25 years are: Increase GVA in the sub region by £1.3bn or 4% each year Increase Exports by £910m or 10% each year Reduce dependence on public sector employment from 27% to 21% Increase tax take (Corporation tax, Employment taxes, VAT) by £162m each year Increasing the level of entrepreneurship and business start- up rate to above the regional and England average

16 Creating the right conditions Broadband is an imperative for business retention & growth Coast to Capital will work with BT, openreach and other telecom infrastructure providers to ensure that by 2020 the minimum speed to all key business locations is 100mbps (in and out) and that to 90% of all businesses in the area the speed is 20mbps (in and out).” Fully back the broadband improvement plan £500m government contribution will not alone deliver the infrastructure required

17 What our businesses are telling us The Recent Survey

18 What our businesses are telling us 80% said reliability is business critical Only 10% said their broadband was fast enough Of those with a poor connection: – 50 % said broadband would increase turnover – 65% said it would enable them to grow

19 The Commercial Gap

20 Coast to Capital will help by Providing a coordinated approach to: Economic intelligence demonstrates potential growth / returns for the economy Lobby national government to make case for rural broadband in West Sussex Provide the means and expertise to bridge the short-term commercial gap: – Lever-in private sector investment – Exploit commercial expertise and business innovation

21 Coast to Capital is...

22 Q U E S T I O N S ?

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