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Thesis Writing Week 1 By Peiling Hsia. 台北科技大學九十九學年度第二學期「英文論文寫作」課程 課程目標: 本課程希望針對實用面,以淺顯易懂的教學方式,不但讓學 生了解如何自學英語,並能加強英文摘要及英文論文寫作的基 本技巧、整理常用的文法或字句、有效率的組織文章、翻譯句.

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Presentation on theme: "Thesis Writing Week 1 By Peiling Hsia. 台北科技大學九十九學年度第二學期「英文論文寫作」課程 課程目標: 本課程希望針對實用面,以淺顯易懂的教學方式,不但讓學 生了解如何自學英語,並能加強英文摘要及英文論文寫作的基 本技巧、整理常用的文法或字句、有效率的組織文章、翻譯句."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thesis Writing Week 1 By Peiling Hsia

2 台北科技大學九十九學年度第二學期「英文論文寫作」課程 課程目標: 本課程希望針對實用面,以淺顯易懂的教學方式,不但讓學 生了解如何自學英語,並能加強英文摘要及英文論文寫作的基 本技巧、整理常用的文法或字句、有效率的組織文章、翻譯句 子、並檢查錯誤。 對於初級程度的學生,更可以藉此課程重新打好英語讀寫的 基礎。透過台灣學生常見的寫作錯誤整理,讓學生在論文寫作 上避免發生同樣的錯誤。 上課時間: 100 年 3 月 15 日 -100 年 6 月 07 日 每週二晚間 6:30-8:10

3 Course syllabus ClassDateTopic 1 3/15 Introduction 2 3/22 Grammar review 3 3/29 Grammar review 4 4/12 Common mistakes(1) (4/5 清明節 沒有排課 ) 5 4/19 Common mistakes(2) 6 4/26 Writing and Reading skills 7 5/3 Basic Format of writing / MLA vs. APA 8 5/10 Structures of comparison and contrast Important sentence structure 9 5/17 Transitional words or phrases 10 5/24 Easy way to learn translation 11 5/31 Punctuations / Paragraph 12 6/7 Proofread skill and review

4 Areas to master English 1. Vocabulary 2. Grammar Pronunciation Sound change Linking Reduced form Stress Intonation 3. Accent 4. Slang / Idiom 5. Speed 6. Numbers

5 English Teaching / Learning - Get to know English 1.One word multiple meanings 2.One meaning multiple words 3.Same word different sounds 4.Same sound different words fly / can / mean look / see / watch / read read / present / record son sun / to two too rise rice / meet meat / hi high

6 Accent Pronunciation / listening skills

7 Sound Change score skin sport stop s + c, k, p, t = [ g, b, d ]

8 Linking a.Consonant + vowel b.Vowel + vowel what’s up? keep in touch check it out take a break a box of pick it up go away can you see it? I can do it

9 Reduced form A contraction is a word that is formed by combining two or more words which often occur together in speech. In the process of this combining, one or more segments of the component words are phonetically altered, reduced, or omitted entirely. ● Dictionary-recognized contractions do not → don't we would → we’d ● Informal contractions / reduced form (not in most dictionaries) going to → gonna want to → wanna. got to → gotta

10 Practice - Reduced + Linking 1.because 2.How are you? 3.What do you want to do? 4.Give me 5.Let me 6.I don’t know 7.What is the matter kuz howarya whaddaya gimme lemme I dunno wssamatta

11 Stress 1. Acronym 2. Compound nouns 3. 2-syllable nouns IBM MTV NBA FBI CIA VIP AIDS PDA restroom bus stop basketball alarm clock firefighter pet shop kitchen window mother

12 Intonation I am sorry. vs I’m sorry? Come in vs. Coming I can. vs. I can’t. I have fruit, cake, juice, and candy. I have fruitcake, juice, and candy.

13 English sounds The English alphabet has 26 letters but has more than 40 sounds. The sounds of English consist of vowels and consonants. Same letter, different sounds. Same sound, different letters. Letters representing no sound. More letters than sounds More sounds than letters hat, all, art, orange, aim, any, above see, sure, busy, Asia baby, steak, rain, they, may, veil right, island, bomb, know, design, hour, wrong knee, night, office, though fix, extra, taxi, exit

14 英文論文寫作基礎要點 : 選定題目 選定期刊 論文的格式及排版 / 投稿格式 – APA / MLA / CMS 規劃全文大綱 摘要 (abstract) 關鍵字 (keywords) 簡介 (introduction) / 結論 (conclusion) 參考文獻 (reference) 附錄 (Appendix) 圖解插圖編排 全文修辭與潤飾 審閱 追蹤省查

15 論文寫作內容與文法要點 : 人稱的使用 時態 句子組合及句型架構 ( 補語 片語 子句 ) 代名詞 數字表達 大小寫 主詞動詞的ㄧ致性 中式英文問題 選字考量 句子與句子的連接與順暢 – transitional words 內容排列與組合 – first sentence and examples 標點符號

16 How to improve English writing skill Vocabulary Grammar Reading Translation 5 W + 1 H First sentence (topic sentence) Main idea Explaining / supporting ideas Examples Crafting

17 What you can do now? Who Outline Read more Collect info

18 Useful English websites: (dictionary) (dictionary) (dictionary) (online speech bank) (riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world) (CNN) (Taiwan news) (Forbes) ( (info please)

19 tml#errors (common errors in English usage) tml#errors (Purdue University online writing lab)

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