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THEATRE WARM-UPS September 21 st -25 th Week Three.

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1 THEATRE WARM-UPS September 21 st -25 th Week Three

2 Monday, September 21 st Warm-up Please respond to one of the following questions in a minimum of one paragraph (five sentences). 1. If a bomb were going to fall in ten minutes, what you do in those last ten minutes? 2. If you could introduce any two people to each other, who would you like to introduce? 3. What gives you the most security?

3 Tuesday, September 22 nd Warm-up Please respond to one of the following questions in a minimum of one paragraph (five sentences). 1. What would you like to be talented in that you are not talented in at this time? 2. What would you like to have on your gravestone? 3. What is your favorite sport? Why?

4 Wednesday, September 23 rd Warm- up Please respond to one of the following questions in a minimum of one paragraph (five sentences). 1. How many children make an ideal family? 2. What is the earliest smell you can remember? 3. What book has most influenced your thinking?

5 Thursday, September 24 th Warm-up Please respond to one of the following questions in a minimum of one paragraph (five sentences). 1. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy? 2. What is the first thing you can remember in your life? 3. If you were a magic eraser, what one word and meaning would you erase from the dictionary?

6 Friday, September 25 th Warm-up Please respond to one of the following questions in a minimum of one paragraph (five sentences). 1. If you were a bee, what would you like to sting? 2. What do you love the most? 3. What embarrasses you the most?

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