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RIS WIELKOPOLSKA “Contribution of Innovation Strategies to Regional Development – Analysis of Demand” George Strogylopoulos Innovation Policy Expert Chairman,

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Presentation on theme: "RIS WIELKOPOLSKA “Contribution of Innovation Strategies to Regional Development – Analysis of Demand” George Strogylopoulos Innovation Policy Expert Chairman,"— Presentation transcript:

1 RIS WIELKOPOLSKA “Contribution of Innovation Strategies to Regional Development – Analysis of Demand” George Strogylopoulos Innovation Policy Expert Chairman, Logotech S.A ATHENS – BRUSSELS - BUCAREST

2 …RIS Projects – the marriage between the need to innovate and to successfully absorb funds under a strategic policy plan...

3 Structural Funds – Basic Priorities Economic and social convergence: Development and competitiveness for employment. European Strategy for Employment. Favorable investment conditions and the influence of the European Monetary Union. Sustainable development and equal opportunities.

4 Α. Creation of Basic Conditions for Regional Competitiveness Transportation – (Networks and Systems) Energy – (Networks, Efficiency & Renewable Sources) Telecommunications – (Society of Knowledge) Infrastructure for high quality environment Research, Technological Development and Innovation – Modernization of the Production Base

5 Β. Competitive Enterprises for the Creation of Employment Support of Enterprises – SMEs Support Services for Enterprises: Creation and Development Special interest: Environment – Tourist sector and Cultural Heritage, Social Economy

6 C. Context of Reference for the Labor Development and Improved Work Opportunities Active Policies in the Employment Market to Support Employment Receptive Society Job Opportunities, Skills and Mobility through continuous training Development of Entrepreneurship and adjustability Support of increased women's participation

7 …and specifically for Regions of Objective 1 and 2...

8 D. Urban and Rural Development and their Participation in a Balanced Regional Development Urban Development through an Integral Regional Policy Rural Development for modernization, differentiation and environmental protection Synergies between urban and rural regions Targeted measures for fishing

9 …what about Innovation...?

10 …important for accession …important for regional development …important for new jobs and company creation …important for entrepreneurial culture …important for firms’ competitiveness …important for the use of infrastructures …for common understanding...

11 …where does Poland stand…?

12 Innovation Scoreboard

13 Income and GERD gap per capita, 1999, EU15=100, PPS 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Latvia Lithuania Slovak Republic Bulgaria Romania Cyprus Estonia Slovenia Hungary Czech Republic Poland GERD PC EU-15 = 100 GDP PC EU-15 = 100


15 Policy learning – catching up ? Policy and institutional Framework in place Low priority for innovation policy and institutions lacking Support on policy- making process Exchange on "policy learning" tools Hungary Bulgaria Estonia Cyprus Institutions & schemes Poland Latvia No significant Co-operation Turkey MaltaLithuania Czech Rep Slovakia Slovenia Romania

16 …recently 20 RIS Programs were evaluated...

17 … how did RIS projects supported Innovation Capacity...?

18 Main impact of RIS Programs Knowledge development on Innovation issues between enterprises, public sector, private sector και Regional Authorities Development of Networking in regions and between regions Development of Knowledge – Development of strategy by the teams participating in the Programs Diffusion of information and good practice Culture for promoting Innovation Concessions in Decision Making

19 Factors of Successful Development of RIS Programs Cooperation Between an Important number of actors Development of a large Network of Participants Presence of effective and dynamic leadership Former experience on Innovation Issues The Positive role of Regional Experts Existence of Complementary policies

20 Success - Failure Success Consensus on policies and actions Analysis of SMEs needs (technical) Analysis of regional supply Preparation and Development of Action Plans Improvement of Receptivity of New Ideas Failure Development of Evaluation and Monitoring systems

21 …from successful design to efficient policies and actions…

22 What do companies need? To be more competitive To be created and to develop successfully

23 Finding the needs of the firms Available data SWOT analysis Identifying key individuals and flag companies Performing interviews and surveys Performing technology audits and cluster analysis Developing Foresight activities Networking and awaireness raising assessment

24 Main questions for firms Who are you? What is your products or services? Do you sell here or abroad? What technologies do you use? Are there new competitive technologies abroad? Do you have the personnel that you need? Do you collaborate with R&D providers? Did you got financed for your activities? What is your network? Do you collaborate with other firms? Are you aware of programmes or organisations that could support you?

25 Identifying SMEs’ innovation Demand and developing an innovation Culture TRIZ -Theory of Innovative Problem Solving pilot project in SMEs (RIS+ Limburg) TRIZ -Theory of Innovative Problem Solving pilot project in SMEs (RIS+ Limburg) A first regional attempt to develop an innovation culture: 6 mentoring pilots to transfer skills and techniques in creativity to groups of firms (RIS+ Western Scotland) A first regional attempt to develop an innovation culture: 6 mentoring pilots to transfer skills and techniques in creativity to groups of firms (RIS+ Western Scotland) 100 technology audits in SMEs and 12 specialized seminars: 25 pilot applications of innovation management techniques tested (RIS+ Thessaly) 100 technology audits in SMEs and 12 specialized seminars: 25 pilot applications of innovation management techniques tested (RIS+ Thessaly) Innovation culture through seminars and publications for businessmen and 3 sectoral working groups (RIS+ Aragon) Innovation culture through seminars and publications for businessmen and 3 sectoral working groups (RIS+ Aragon)  300 firms surveyed, 20 technology diagnostics, 27 transnational tech. transfer audits and 20 ICT assessments in the least favored regional areas (RIS+ Castilla y León)

26 CategoryInfrastru cture Program - Financin g PilotNetwor king Educat ion Recrui ting Evaluatio n Diagnosis ReviewPromotio n Commun ication Financing Companies for R&D 111 Technological Cooperation between companies 12 Supporting Labor 4 Facilitate access to Technologies 51 Regional Technology Supply 5 Monitoring - Evaluation 1 Central Macedonia (22 actions)

27 Total Distribution of the 6 RIS actions

28 Tips of the day Analyze firms’ needs in view to policy Translate the results into activities. They will be very valuable in two years Participate in the process. It is more than interesting and puts you into the game

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