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Genetics: Gene Mutations and DNA Repair
INTRODUCTION The term mutation refers to a heritable change in the genetic material Mutations provide allelic variations On the positive side, mutations are the foundation for evolutionary change E.g. Light skin in high latitude human populations On the negative side, mutations are the cause of many diseases E.g. Hemophilia
DNA Maintenance Mutation rate are extremely low
1 mutation out of 109 nucleotides per generation
Mutations can be divided into three main types 1. Chromosome mutations Changes in chromosome structure 2. Genome mutations Changes in chromosome number 3. Single-gene mutations Relatively small changes in DNA structure that occur within a particular gene Type 3 will be discussed in this set of lecture notes
Gene Mutations Change the DNA Sequence
A point mutation is a change in a single base pair It involves a base substitution 5’ AACGCTAGATC 3’ 3’ TTGCGATCTAG 5’ 5’ AACGCGAGATC 3’ 3’ TTGCGCTCTAG 5’ A transition is a change of a pyrimidine (C, T) to another pyrimidine or a purine (A, G) to another purine A transversion is a change of a pyrimidine to a purine or vice versa Transitions are more common than transversions
Sickled red blood cells 10 μm 10 μm
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. © Phototake/Alamy © Phototake/Alamy Normal red blood cells Sickled red blood cells 10 μm 10 μm (a) Micrographs of red blood cells NORMAL : NH2 – VALINE – HISTIDINE – LEUCINE – THREONINE – PROLINE – GLUTAMIC ACID – GLUTAMIC ACID... SICKLE CELL : NH2 – VALINE – HISTIDINE – LEUCINE – THREONINE – PROLINE – VALINE– GLUTAMIC ACID... (b) A comparison of the amino acid sequence between normal b-globin and sickle-cell b-globin
Deletion of four base pairs Addition of four base pairs
Mutations may also involve the addition or deletion of short sequences of DNA 5’ AACGCTAGATC 3’ 3’ TTGCGATCTAG 5’ 5’ AACGCTC 3’ 3’ TTGCGAG 5’ Deletion of four base pairs 5’ AACGCTAGATC 3’ 3’ TTGCGATCTAG 5’ 5’ AACAGTCGCTAGATC 3’ 3’ TTGTCAGCGATCTAG 5’ Addition of four base pairs
Gene Mutations Can Alter the Coding Sequence Within a Gene
Mutations in the coding sequence of a structural gene can have various effects on the polypeptide Silent mutations are those base substitutions that do not alter the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide Due to the degeneracy of the genetic code E.g. AUU to AUC still codes for Ile Missense mutations are those base substitutions in which an amino acid change does occur Example: Sickle-cell anemia If the substituted amino acid does not affect protein function (as measured by phenotype), the mutation is said to be neutral
Nonsense mutations are those base substitutions that change a normal codon to a termination codon
Frameshift mutations involve the addition or deletion of nucleotides in multiples of one or two This shifts the reading frame so that a completely different amino acid sequence occurs downstream from the mutation
Gene Mutations and Their Effects on Genotype and Phenotype
In a natural population, the wild-type is the most common genotype (may be encoded by a dominant or recessive allele) A forward mutation changes the wild-type genotype into some new variation If it is beneficial, it may move evolution forward Otherwise, it will be probably eliminated from a population A reverse mutation has the opposite effect It is also termed a reversion (changes mutant back to wild-type)
Some mutations are called conditional mutants
Mutations can also be described based on their effects on the wild-type phenotype When a mutation alters an organism’s phenotypic characteristics, it is said to be a variant Variants are often characterized by their differential ability to survive Deleterious mutations decrease the chances of survival The most extreme are lethal mutations E.g. Homozygous polydactyly in cats Beneficial mutations enhance the survival or reproductive success of an organism Some mutations are called conditional mutants They affect the phenotype only under a defined set of conditions (such as temp affecting wild type and mutant bacteria)
Suppressor mutations are classified into two types
A second mutation will sometimes affect the phenotypic expression of another These second-site mutations are called suppressor mutations or simply suppressors Suppressor mutations are classified into two types Intragenic suppressors The second mutant site is within the same gene as the first mutation Intergenic suppressors The second mutant site is in a different gene from the first mutation
Gene Mutations in Non-coding Sequences
These mutations can still affect gene expression A mutation, may alter the sequence within a promoter Up promoter mutations make the promoter more like the consensus sequence They may increase the rate of transcription Down promoter mutations make the promoter less like the consensus sequence They may decrease the rate of transcription Probably responsible for most differences between closely-related organisms (e.g. humans and chimps) A mutation can also alter splice junctions in eukaryotes
(3'-UTR) is the section of messenger RNA (mRNA) that immediately follows the translation termination codon. 16-13 Copyright ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display
Mutations Due to Trinucleotide Repeats
Several human genetic diseases are caused by an unusual form of mutation called trinucleotide repeat expansion (TNRE) The term refers to the phenomenon that a sequence of 3 nucleotides can increase from one generation to the next These diseases include Huntington disease (HD) Fragile X syndrome (FRAXA)
Certain regions of the chromosome contain trinucleotide sequences repeated in tandem
In normal individuals, these sequences are transmitted from parent to offspring without mutation However, in persons with TRNE disorders, the length of a trinucleotide repeat increases above a certain critical size It also becomes prone to frequent expansion This phenomenon is shown here with the trinucleotide repeat CAG CAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAG n = 11 CAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAGCAG n = 18
In some cases, the expansion is within the coding sequence of the gene
Typically the trinucleotide expansion is CAG (glutamine) Therefore, the encoded protein will contain long tracks of glutamine This causes the proteins to aggregate with each other This aggregation is correlated with the progression of the disease In other cases, the expansions are located in noncoding regions of genes These expansions are hypothesized to cause abnormal changes in RNA structure Thereby producing disease symptoms
Changes in Chromosome Structure Can Affect Gene Expression
A chromosomal rearrangement may affect a gene because the break occurred in the gene itself A gene may be left intact, but its expression may be altered because of its new location This is termed a position effect Movement may be next to a regulatory sequence or into into a heterochromatic region and now expressed.
Regulatory sequences are often bidirectional
Figure 16.2
Mutations Can Occur in Germ-Line or Somatic Cells
Geneticists classify the animal cells into two types Germ-line cells Cells that give rise to gametes such as eggs and sperm Somatic cells All other cells Germ-line mutations are those that occur directly in a sperm or egg cell, or in one of their precursor Somatic mutations are those that occur directly in a body cell, or in one of its precursor cells
The size of the patch will depend on the timing of the mutation
The earlier the mutation, the larger the patch An individual who has somatic regions that are genotypically different from each other is called a genetic mosaic Therefore, the mutation can be passed on to future generations Therefore, the mutation cannot be passed on to future generations Figure 16.4
Mutations can occur spontaneously or be induced Spontaneous mutations Result from abnormalities in cellular/biological processes Errors in DNA replication, for example Induced mutations Caused by environmental agents Agents that are known to alter DNA structure are termed mutagens These can be chemical or physical agents Refer to Table 16.4
Spontaneous Mutations Are Random Events
Are mutations spontaneous occurrences or causally related to environmental conditions? This is a question that biologists have asked themselves for a long time Jean Baptiste Lamarck Proposed that physiological events (e.g. use and disuse) determine whether traits are passed along to offspring Charles Darwin Proposed that genetic variation occurs by chance Natural selection results in better-adapted organisms
Random Mutations Can Give an Organism a Survival Advantage
Joshua and Ester Lederberg were also interested in the relation between mutations and the environment At that time (1950s), there were two new theories Directed mutation theory Selected conditions could promote the formation of specific mutations allowing the organism to survive This was consistent with Lamarck’s viewpoint Random mutation theory Environmental factors simply select for the survival of those individuals that happen to possess beneficial mutations This was consistent with Darwin’s viewpoint
Causes of Spontaneous Mutations
Spontaneous mutations can arise by three types of chemical changes 1. Depurination 2. Deamination 3. Tautomeric shift The most common
Causes of Spontaneous Mutations
Depurination involves the removal of a purine (guanine or adenine) from the DNA The covalent bond between deoxyribose and a purine base is somewhat unstable It occasionally undergoes a spontaneous reaction with water that releases the base from the sugar Fortunately, these can be repaired However, if the repair system fails, a mutation may result during subsequent rounds of DNA replication
Figure 16.8 Spontaneous depurination
Three out of four (A, T and G) are the incorrect nucleotide There’s a 75% chance of a mutation Spontaneous depurination Figure 16.8
Deamination involves the removal of an amino group from the cytosine base
The other bases are not readily deaminated Figure 16.9 DNA repair enzymes can recognize uracil as an inappropriate base in DNA and remove it However, if the repair system fails, a C-G to A-T mutation will result during subsequent rounds of DNA replication
Deamination of 5-methyl cytosine can also occur
Figure 16.9 Thymine is a normal constituent of DNA This poses a problem for repair enzymes They cannot determine which of the two bases on the two DNA strands is the incorrect base For this reason, methylated cytosine bases tend to create hot spots for mutation
A tautomeric shift involves a temporary change in base structure
These rare forms promote AC and GT base pair For a tautomeric shift to cause a mutation it must occur immediately prior to DNA replication
Common Rare Figure 16.10
Figure 16.10
Shifted back to its normal fom Temporary tautomeric shift
Figure 16.10 16-42
Types of Mutagens An enormous array of agents can act as mutagens to permanently alter the structure of DNA The public is concerned about mutagens for two main reasons: 1. Somatic mutagens are often involved in the development of human cancers 2. Germ-line mutations may have harmful effects in future generations Mutagenic agents are usually classified as chemical or physical mutagens
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Nonionizing radiation
Includes UV light Has less energy Cannot penetrate deeply into biological molecules Causes the formation of cross-linked thymine dimers Thymine dimers may cause mutations when that DNA strand is replicated Figure 16.15
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DNA Repair All species have a variety of DNA repair systems to avoid the harmful effects of mutations. Excision repair recognizes and removes a damaged base or damaged segments of DNA. Base mismatch repair recognizes a base mismatch and removes a segment of the DNA strand with the incorrect base.
Mismatch Repair
Excision Repair
DNA polymerase replaces missing or damaged bases.
Mutant Hemoglobin Lab
RNAi Lab
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