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Fall 2010 Mathematics Standards of Learning Assessment Update - 1 -

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2010 Mathematics Standards of Learning Assessment Update - 1 -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2010 Mathematics Standards of Learning Assessment Update - 1 -

2 Fall 2010 Agenda Implementation timeline for the 2009 Standards of Learning assessments Blueprints and Curriculum Formula Sheets Additional Ancillary Materials Item Development Cycle Standard Setting - 2 -

3 Fall 2010 Agenda (continued) Changes for 2011-2012 o o Virginia’s College and Career Readiness Initiative (CCRI) o o Technology Enhanced Items (TEI) o o ePATs and TI-73 calculator Alternate and Alternative Assessments o o Elimination of Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) o o Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST) - 3 -

4 Fall 2010 - 4 - Mathematics Standards of Learning Implementation Timeline Grade/Course Level2010-20112011-2012 K-3 Mathematics 2001 SOL and new content from the 2009 SOL taught 2001 SOL assessed with field test items from 2009 SOL for grade 3 ONLY 2009 SOL taught and assessed New grade 3 assessment will cover grade 3 SOL only 4-8 Mathematics 2001 SOL and new content from 2009 SOL taught 2001 SOL assessed with field test items from 2009 SOL 2009 SOL taught and assessed

5 Fall 2010 - 5 - Mathematics Standards of Learning Implementation Timeline Grade/Course Level2010-20112011-2012 Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II 2001 SOL and new content from 2009 SOL taught 2001 SOL assessed with field test items from 2009 SOL 2009 SOL taught and assessed Algebra, Functions and Data Analysis (AFDA) 2007 SOL and new content from 2009 SOL taught No assessment 2009 SOL taught No assessment Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis 2001 SOL and new content from 2009 SOL taught No assessment 2009 SOL taught No assessment

6 Fall 2010 Blueprints and Curriculum Blueprints are currently available on the VDOE website to accommodate curriculum development and instructional planning, but will not become effective until the 2011-2012 school year School divisions should be teaching the new content from the 2009 SOL in the 2010-2011 school year since there will be FT items in spring 2011 on the new content - 6 -

7 Fall 2010 New SOL Blueprints Look for changes in: Number of reporting categories Number of items in reporting categories Asterisks denoting SOL that will be assessed in the non-calculator section for grades 4 - 7 SOL that will not be tested 7


9 9

10 Fall 2010 Formula Sheets Formula sheets that correspond to the 2009 Standards for grades 6-8 and EOC are currently available on the VDOE 2011-2012 Ancillary Test Materials webpage ancilliary_materials/2011-12/index.shtml - 10 -

11 Fall 2010 Formula Sheets New formula sheets will be effective for the EOC tests (2009 standards) that are administered beginning in fall 2011 New formula sheets will be effective for grades 6-8 tests that are administered beginning in spring 2012 - 11 -

12 12

13 Fall 2010 Additional Ancillary Materials The Table of Standard Normal Probabilities (z-table) is available on the VDOE 2010-2011 Ancillary Test Materials webpage for the new Algebra II statistics standard, 2A.11 The z-table will be available within TestNav for online tests beginning in the Spring 2011 Test Administration - 13 -

14 Fall 2010 Important Information Found in: Superintendent’s Memo #223-10, dated September 17, 2010 uperintendents_memos/2010/223- 10.shtml - 14 -

15 Fall 2010 Item Development Cycle How does an item get selected for use on a test form? Who selects the items for a test form? - 15 -

16 Fall 2010 Item Development Cycle Items Developed by Contractor New Item Review and Bias and Sensitivity Review Data Review and Bias and Sensitivity Review Test Forms Review, including Plain English, and Specials Items used on an SOL Test

17 Fall 2010 Standard Setting Determining Cut Scores Cut Scores are determined by standard setting committees comprised of educators from across Virginia Committee members examine the test form, rate each item, and recommend a cut score for the test form Virginia’s Board of Education takes these recommendations under advisement and determines final cut scores - 17 -

18 Fall 2010 Determining Cut Scores All subsequent tests developed for that grade level or subject are equated to the original test form Standard Setting committees for EOC will meet in fall 2011 Standard Setting committees for Grades 3 - 8 will meet early in 2012 - 18 -

19 Fall 2010 Changes in Mathematics for 2011-2012 Virginia’s College and Career Readiness Initiative (CCRI) Technology Enhanced Items (TEI) ePATs and TI-73 calculator Elimination of Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST) - 19 -

20 Fall 2010 Virginia’s College and Career Readiness Initiative (CCRI) A collaborative initiative designed to: Ensure that college and career-ready standards in mathematics are emphasized in each Virginia school classroom Increase students’ preparation for college and the work force before leaving high school 20 - 20 -

21 Fall 2010 Measuring Student Achievement Based on College-Ready Performance Expectations Virginia is developing new end-of-course (EOC) assessments that align to the revised mathematics Standards of Learning adopted in 2009 The new EOC assessments will be constructed to support a college and career-ready score 21 - 21 -

22 Fall 2010 Technology Enhanced Items (TEI) New math tests will include “technology- enhanced” items - 22 - Mathematics Test Level Field TestOperational End of Coursespring 2011fall 2011 Grades 6-8spring 2011spring 2012 Grades 3-5spring 2012 spring 2013

23 Fall 2010 - 23 - Technology Enhanced Items Format of Questions: Fill in the blank Click and drag Hot-spots: Select one or more answer options, placing points on coordinate planes Creation of graphs

24 Fall 2010 Practice Opportunities for Students Approximately ten practice questions will be provided via an ePAT for each mathematics test, Grades 3-8 and EOC ePATs will include items that address increased rigor for existing SOL, items that address new SOL, and technology enhanced items Available by February, 2011 - 24 -

25 Fall 2010 TI-73 Explorer™ Graphing Calculator Has all the functionality required for the EOC mathematics tests that measure the 2001 SOL, but it does NOT have all of the functionality required for some items developed to measure the 2009 Algebra II SOL - 25 -

26 Fall 2010 TI-73 Explorer™ Graphing Calculator Because the Algebra II test for the spring 2011 test administration will have field test questions that measure the 2009 revised SOL, the TI-73 Explorer™ calculator is not recommended for the spring 2011 Algebra II test (and subsequent tests that measure the new SOL) - 26 -

27 Fall 2010 Alternate and Alternative Assessments VAAP - Virginia Alternate Assessment Program VGLA - Virginia Grade Level Alternative VSEP - Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program VMAST - Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test - 27 -

28 Fall 2010 Alternate and Alternative Assessments VAAP: Grades 3 – 8 and Grade 11 Portfolio Collection of Evidence VGLA: Grades 3 – 8 Portfolio Collection of Evidence VSEP: EOC Portfolio Collection of Evidence VMAST : Grades 3 – 8 and Algebra I First online alternate assessment - 28 -

29 Fall 2010 VAAP Designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities Students participating in the VAAP must defend Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL) The VAAP passing scores equal to 1% of the total tested population can be counted towards AYP - 29 -

30 Fall 2010 VGLA 2011-2012: VGLA mathematics will be no longer available. VGLA continues to be available for students with disabilities in reading, science, writing and history/social science. 2011 -2012: VGLA continues to be available for LEP students in reading - 30 -

31 Fall 2010 VGLA 2012-2013 : VGLA mathematics and reading are no longer available for students with disabilities. VGLA continues to be available for students with disabilities in science, writing, history/social science. 2012 -2013: VGLA continues to be available for LEP students in reading - 31 -

32 Fall 2010 VSEP Students must meet VSEP participation criteria Decisions must be made by the IEP teams /504 committee and documented on the IEP or 504 plan Students are not allowed to participate in the VSEP and the SOL assessment for the same subject area test during the same administration - 32 -

33 Fall 2010 VSEP Work samples in multiple-choice format are not allowed as evidence Students participating in the VSEP are counted as non-participants in the calculation of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) - 33 -

34 Fall 2010 VMAST Virginia’s first online alternate assessment Developed as a result of a United States Department of Education grant Designed for a small population of students with disabilities - 34 -

35 Fall 2010 VMAST Federal Requirements Must assess grade-level content May be less rigorous than the general assessment The VMAST passing scores equal to 2% of the total tested population can be counted towards AYP

36 Fall 2010 VMAST Participation Requirements Student’s disability must preclude achieving grade level proficiency Even with appropriate instruction the student will not achieve grade level proficiency in the year covered by the IEP IEP must include goals based on grade level academic content - 36 -

37 Fall 2010 VMAST Timeline 2009-2010 - Field tests conducted for VMAST in grade 8 2010-2011 - Field tests conducted for VMAST in grades 3-8 mathematics and Algebra 1 2011-2012 - Operational VMAST assessments are available in grades 3-8 mathematics and Algebra I - 37 -

38 Fall 2010 VMAST Mathematics Item Modifications Fewer distractors Break items into discrete steps Formulas provided with each item Color coding Virtual manipulatives Simplified text Alternate representation Graphic organizers Hint Boxes - 38 -

39 Fall 2010 VMAST Mathematics Sample - 39 -

40 Fall 2010 VMAST Mathematics Sample - 40 -

41 Fall 2010 Additional VMAST Information Additional information can be accessed on the VDOE website at: ive_assessments/vmast_va_mod_achieve ment_stds_test/index.shtml ive_assessments/vmast_va_mod_achieve ment_stds_test/index.shtml ePATs for grades 3-8 and Algebra I VMAST will be available in early 2011 Encourage participation in the field test in 2011 - 41 -

42 Fall 2010 - 42 - Thank you for your efforts! Encourage your staff to become active participants and sign up for committees!

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