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Microelectronic Circuits SJTU Yang Hua Chapter 12 Signal generators and waveform-shaping circuits Introduction 12.1 Basic principles of sinusoidal oscillators.

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Presentation on theme: "Microelectronic Circuits SJTU Yang Hua Chapter 12 Signal generators and waveform-shaping circuits Introduction 12.1 Basic principles of sinusoidal oscillators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microelectronic Circuits SJTU Yang Hua Chapter 12 Signal generators and waveform-shaping circuits Introduction 12.1 Basic principles of sinusoidal oscillators 12.2 RC oscillator circuits 12.3 LC and crystal oscillators 12.4 Bistable Multivibrators 12.5 Generation of a standardized pulse-The monostable multivibrator

2 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Introduction The two different approaches (1)linear oscillators: employs a positive-feedback loop consisting of an amplifier and an RC or LC frequency-selective network.(Section 13.1-3) employs a positive-feedback loop consisting of an amplifier and an RC or LC frequency-selective network. (Section 13.1-3) ( 2)nonlinear oscillators or function generators: The bistable multivibrator(Section 13.4)The bistable multivibrator(Section 13.4) the astable multivibrator(Section 13.5)the astable multivibrator (Section 13.5) the monostablemultivibrator(Section 13.6)the monostable multivibrator(Section 13.6)

3 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits The basic structure of sinusoidal oscillators The basic structure Amplifier circuit : realize the energy control Frequency-selective network : oscillator frequency is determined Positive feedback loop : amplitude control : implementation of the nonlinear amplitude-stabilization mechanism

4 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillator The oscillator feedback loop The basic structure of a sinusoidal oscillator. A positive-feedback loop is formed by an amplifier and a frequency-selective network.

5 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillator Feedback signal x f is summed with a positive sign The gain-with-feedback is The oscillation criterion: Barkhausen criterion.

6 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillator Nonlinear amplitude control  To ensure that oscillations will start, the Aβ is slightly greater than unity.  As the power supply is turned on, oscillation will grown in amplitude.  When the amplitude reaches the desired level, the nonlinear network comes into action and cause the Aβ to exactly unity.

7 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits The implementation of the nonlinear amplitude-stabilization mechanism The first approach makes use of a limiter circuit The other mechanism for amplitude control utilizes an element whose resistance can be controlled by the amplitude of the output sinusoid.

8 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits A Popular Limiter Circuit for Amplitude Control When vi is close to zero:

9 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits A Popular Limiter Circuit for Amplitude Control When vi goes positive,D1 is on, D2 is off

10 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits A Popular Limiter Circuit for Amplitude Control  Transfer characteristic of the limiter circuit;  When R f is removed, the limiter turns into a comparator with the characteristic shown.

11 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Oscillator Circuits Op Amp-RC Oscillator Circuits  The Wien-Bridge Oscillator  The phase-Shift Oscillator LC-Tuned Oscillator  Colpitts oscillator  Hareley oscillator Crystal Oscillator

12 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits The Wien-Bridge Oscillator A Wien-bridge oscillator without amplitude stabilization.

13 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Analysis of frequency-selective network for Wien-bridge oscillator (b) Low frequency: 1/wc>>R (c) high frequency: 1/wc<<R

14 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits The Wien-Bridge Oscillator The loop gain transfer function Oscillating frequency To obtain sustained oscillation

15 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits The Wien-Bridge Oscillator A Wien-bridge oscillator with a limiter used for amplitude control.

16 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits The Phase-Shift Oscillator The circuit consists of a negative-gain amplifier and three-section RC ladder network. Oscillating frequency is the one that the phase shift of the RC network is 180 0

17 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits The Phase-Shift Oscillator A practical phase-shift oscillator with a limiter for amplitude stabilization.

18 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits The LC-Tuned oscillator  Colpitts Oscillator  A parallel LC resonator connected between collector and base.  Feedback is achieved by way of a capacitive divider  Oscillating frequency is determined by the resonance frequency.

19 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits The LC-Tuned oscillator  Hartley Oscillator  A parallel LC resonator connected between collector and base.  Feedback is achieved by way of an inductive divider.  Oscillating frequency is determined by the resonance frequency.

20 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Crystal Oscillators A piezoelectric crystal. (a) Circuit symbol. (b) Equivalent circuit.

21 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Crystal Oscillators  Crystal reactance versus frequency (neglecting the small resistance r, ).  A series resonance at  A parallel resonance at

22 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Homework: June 12th, 2008 12.13;12.14

23 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Bistable Circuit -- three basic factors The output signal only has two states: positive saturation(L + ) and negative saturation(L - ). The circuit can remain in either state indefinitely and move to the other state only when appropriate triggered.(threshold voltage) The direction of one stage moving to the other stage. A positive feedback loop capable of bistable operation.

24 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Bistable Circuit  The bistable circuit (positive feedback loop)  The negative input terminal of the op amp connected to an input signal v I.

25 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Bistable Circuit  The transfer characteristic of the circuit in (a) for increasing v I.  Positive saturation L + and negative saturation L -

26 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Bistable Circuit The transfer characteristic for decreasing v I.

27 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Bistable Circuit The complete transfer characteristics.

28 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits A Bistable Circuit with Noninverting Transfer Characteristics

29 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits A Bistable Circuit with Noninverting Transfer Characteristics The transfer characteristic is noninverting.

30 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Application of Bistable Circuit as a Comparator Comparator is an analog-circuit building block used in a variety applications. To detect the level of an input signal relative to a preset threshold value. To design A/D converter. Include single threshold value and two threshold values. Hysteresis comparator can reject the interference.

31 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Application of Bistable Circuit as a Comparator  Block diagram representation and transfer characteristic for a comparator having a reference, or threshold, voltage V R.  Comparator characteristic with hysteresis.

32 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Application of Bistable Circuit as a Comparator Illustrating the use of hysteresis in the comparator characteristics as a means of rejecting interference.

33 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Making the Output Level More Precise For this circuit L + = V Z 1 + V D and L – = –(V Z 2 + V D ), where V D is the forward diode drop.

34 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Making the Output Level More Precise For this circuit L + = V Z + V D 1 + V D 2 and L – = –(V Z + V D 3 + V D 4 ).

35 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Generation of Square Waveforms Connecting a bistable multivibrator with inverting transfer characteristics in a feedback loop with an RC circuit results in a square-wave generator.

36 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Generation of Square Waveforms The circuit obtained when the bistable multivibrator is implemented with the positive feedback loop circuit.

37 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Waveforms at various nodes of the circuit in (b). This circuit is called an astable multivibrator. Time period T = T 1 +T 2

38 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Generation of Triangle Waveforms

39 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Generation of Triangle Waveforms

40 SJTU Yang HuaMicroelectronic Circuits Homework: June 19 th,2008 12.28; 12.32; 12.33

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