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Extract the Facts, Jack! SSUSH16. SSUSH16 – The student will identify key developments in the aftermath of WW I. a. Explain how rising communism and socialism.

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Presentation on theme: "Extract the Facts, Jack! SSUSH16. SSUSH16 – The student will identify key developments in the aftermath of WW I. a. Explain how rising communism and socialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extract the Facts, Jack! SSUSH16

2 SSUSH16 – The student will identify key developments in the aftermath of WW I. a. Explain how rising communism and socialism in the U.S. led to the Red Scare and immigrant restriction. b. Identify Henry Ford, mass production, and the automobile. c. Describe the impact of radio and the movies. d. Describe modern forms of cultural expression, including Louis Armstrong and the origins of jazz, Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance, Irving Berlin, and Tin Pan Alley.

3 SSUSH 16a In the 1920s, labor unions were wary of Eastern European immigrants in part because of

4 SSUSH 16a In the 1920s, labor unions were wary of Eastern European immigrants in part because of A. Black Thursday B. the Jazz Age C. the Red Scare D. the Great Depression In the 1920s, labor unions were wary of Eastern European immigrants in part because of the fear of Communism called the Red Scare.

5 SSUSH16 – The student will identify key developments in the aftermath of WW I. a. Explain how rising communism and socialism in the U.S. led to the Red Scare and immigrant restriction. b. Identify Henry Ford, mass production, and the automobile. c. Describe the impact of radio and the movies. d. Describe modern forms of cultural expression, including Louis Armstrong and the origins of jazz, Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance, Irving Berlin, and Tin Pan Alley.

6 **SSUSH 16b Which of the following describes an arrangement of workers or machines where each performs a repetitive task?

7 **SSUSH 16b Which of the following describes an arrangement of workers or machines where each performs a repetitive task? A. assembly line B. cotton gin C. interchangeable parts D. factory The assembly line is an arrangement of workers or machines where each performs a repetitive task. Before: 10,000 Model T’s produced per year 728 minutes (12 hours 8 minutes) $950 After: 8,000 Model T’s produced per DAY 93 minutes (1 hour 33 minutes) each $300 Other manufacturers took 5 times as many workers to produce same number of cars

8 SSUSH16 – The student will identify key developments in the aftermath of WW I. a. Explain how rising communism and socialism in the U.S. led to the Red Scare and immigrant restriction. b. Identify Henry Ford, mass production, and the automobile. c. Describe the impact of radio and the movies. d. Describe modern forms of cultural expression, including Louis Armstrong and the origins of jazz, Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance, Irving Berlin, and Tin Pan Alley.

9 **SSUSH 16b Henry Ford had a great impact on American society by

10 **SSUSH 16b Henry Ford had a great impact on American society by A. further dividing the classes by making only a few cars for wealthy buyers. B. discovering a way refine crude oil into cheap gasoline for automobiles. C. developing numerous railroad systems that connected the entire country. D. using an assembly line to mass produce cheap and efficient cars. Henry Ford had a great impact on American society by using an assembly line to mass produce cheap and efficient cars.

11 SSUSH16 – The student will identify key developments in the aftermath of WW I. a. Explain how rising communism and socialism in the U.S. led to the Red Scare and immigrant restriction. b. Identify Henry Ford, mass production, and the automobile. c. Describe the impact of radio and the movies. d. Describe modern forms of cultural expression, including Louis Armstrong and the origins of jazz, Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance, Irving Berlin, and Tin Pan Alley.

12 SSUSH 16c What does the growth of the movie industry indicate about the 1920s?


14 SSUSH 16c What does the growth of the movie industry indicate about the 1920s? A. a growing sense of nationalism B. a conservative movement C. a disinterest in radio D. a time of prosperity The growth of the movie industry indicates a time of prosperity in the 1920s.

15 SSUSH16 – The student will identify key developments in the aftermath of WW I. a. Explain how rising communism and socialism in the U.S. led to the Red Scare and immigrant restriction. b. Identify Henry Ford, mass production, and the automobile. c. Describe the impact of radio and the movies. d. Describe modern forms of cultural expression, including Louis Armstrong and the origins of jazz, Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance, Irving Berlin, and Tin Pan Alley.

16 SSUSH 16d Which BEST describes the Harlem Renaissance? Zora Neale Hurston Langston Hughes

17 SSUSH 16d Which BEST describes the Harlem Renaissance? A. a time when the architecture of Harlem was copied by other cities B. a time when the past success of Harlem was highlighted C. a time when jazz music lost in popularity D. a time when the literary work of African-Americans flourished The Harlem Renaissance was a time when the literary work of African-Americans flourished.







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