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English 9 Grammar 2009-2010 Myers. Grammar Strategies Connect the Part of the Speech to the Part of the Sentence. Connect the Part of the Sentence to.

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Presentation on theme: "English 9 Grammar 2009-2010 Myers. Grammar Strategies Connect the Part of the Speech to the Part of the Sentence. Connect the Part of the Sentence to."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 9 Grammar 2009-2010 Myers

2 Grammar Strategies Connect the Part of the Speech to the Part of the Sentence. Connect the Part of the Sentence to sentence variety and word choice. Discover how author’s use of sentence variety and word choice to add depth to his/her writings.

3 So What? Connect Grammar to Grammar (Parts of Speech to Parts of a Sentence). Connect Grammar to Writing (Part of the Sentence to sentence variety and word choice). Connect Grammar to Literature (how author’s use of sentence variety and word choice to add depth to his/her writings).

4 Parts of Speech Noun  Pronoun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition Conjunction Interjection Article

5 Sentence Patterns There are SIX types of sentences; ALL sentences fall into one of these types of patterns.  (1) S + V  (2) S + V + DO  (3) S + V + IO + DO  (4) S + V + DO + OC  (5) S + LV + PNom.  (6) S + LV + PAdj.

6 Pattern 1 = S + V Example: The dog ran. Art. S + V What ALWAYS follows an article? NOUN Other examples of S + V

7 Let’s Add Color to S + V The dog ran. What can we add to the sentence to make it better, but not change the sentence pattern? Adjectives Adverbs Prepositional Phrases

8 They are seated with their guests – army officers and government attaches and their wives, and a visiting American naturalist—in their spacious dining room, which has a bare marble floor, open rafters, and wide glass doors opening onto a veranda. -The Dinner Party What sentence pattern is this? What is the subject? What is the verb? What is everything else in the sentence?

9 Sentence Pattern 2 S – V – DO Example: The man played basketball. S (man) – V (played) – DO (basketball). NOTE: DO will always answer who?, what?, or where? of the verb.  The man played what? Basketball (DO)

10 Sentence Pattern 3 S – V – IO – DO Example: Sarah made me a cake. S (Sarah) – V (made) – IO (me) – DO (cake). NOTE: The IO will always answer to whom/what? or for whom/what?  Sarah made what? Cake (DO). For whom? Me (IO). Find the DO first, then the IO.

11 Sentence Pattern 4 S – V – DO – OC An objective compliment comes after a DO renaming or describing the DO. Example: They painted the door the color red. S (They) – V (painted) – DO (door) – OC (red).

12 Sentence Pattern 5 S – LV – PN The PN renames the Subject. Example: Sarah is my sister. S (Sarah) – LV (is) – PN (sister). NOTE: There can only be a PN with a linking verb, never with an action verb.

13 Sentence Pattern 6 S – LV – PA The PA describes the Subject. Example: My sister is beautiful. S (Sister) – LV (is) – PA (beautiful). NOTE: There is only a PA with a linking verb, never with a action verb.

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