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Is this funny? Why? Write a few notes in your composition book about this poem as I read it out loud…

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Presentation on theme: "Is this funny? Why? Write a few notes in your composition book about this poem as I read it out loud…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is this funny? Why? Write a few notes in your composition book about this poem as I read it out loud…

2 The the Impotence of Proofreading by Taylor Mali Has this ever happened to you? You work very horde on a paper for English clash And then get a very glow raid (like a D or even a D=) and all because you are the word1s liverwurst spoiler. Proofreading your peppers is a matter of the the utmost impotence. This is a problem that affects manly, manly students. I myself was such a bed spiller once upon a term that my English teacher in my sophomoric year, Mrs. Myth, said I would never get into a good colleague. … Mali. Taylor. “The the Impotence of Proofreading.” What Learning Leaves. Newtown, CT: Hanover Press, 2002. Print. (ISBN: 1-­ ‐ 887012-­ ‐ 17-­ ‐ 6)

3 I needed a place that would offer me intellectual simulation, I really need to be challenged, challenged dentally. I know this makes me sound like a stereo, but I really wanted to go to an ivory legal collegue. So I needed to improvement or gone would be my dream of going to Harvard, Jail, or Prison (in Prison, New Jersey). So I got myself a spell checker and figured I was on Sleazy Street. But there are several missed aches that a spell chukker can1t can1t catch catch. For instant, if you accidentally leave a word your spell exchequer won1t put it in you. …

4 Proofreading If you don’t want to read your own work, why would I? Check to make sure it’s worth reading! Check for commonly confused words. Check to see if you’ve fulfilled the assignment requirements.

5 Compare/Contrast Paragraph Assignment Review Prompt: Select two people in your family and write a paragraph comparing similarities or contrasting differences between them.

6 Compare/Contrast Paragraph Assignment Review Prompt: Select two people in your family and write a paragraph comparing similarities or contrasting differences between them. Get Started: 1. Rewrite the prompt into your topic sentence.

7 Compare/Contrast Paragraph Assignment Review Prompt: Select two people in your family and write a paragraph comparing similarities or contrasting differences between them. Get Started: 1. Rewrite the prompt into your topic sentence. 2. Write sentences with examples and details that support the main idea of your topic sentence.

8 Compare/Contrast Paragraph Assignment Review Prompt: Select two people in your family and write a paragraph comparing similarities or contrasting differences between them. Get Started: 1. Rewrite the prompt into your topic sentence. 2. Write sentences with examples and details that support the main idea of your topic sentence. 3. Connect your supporting/body sentences with transitions.

9 Compare/Contrast Paragraph Assignment Review Prompt: Select two people in your family and write a paragraph comparing similarities or contrasting differences between them. Get Started: 1. Rewrite the prompt into your topic sentence. 2. Write sentences with examples and details that support the main idea of your topic sentence. 3. Connect your supporting/body sentences with transitions. 4. Restate your main idea in a concluding sentence.

10 Am I done yet? Prompt: Select two people in your family and write a paragraph comparing similarities or contrasting differences between them. Get Started: 1. Rewrite the prompt into your topic sentence. 2. Write sentences with examples and details that support the main idea of your topic sentence. 3. Connect your supporting/body sentences with transitions. 4. Restate your main idea in a concluding sentence. No!

11 Before Turning In Writing Use the spellcheck if typing. If handwriting, ask for help or use a dictionary. Proofread for errors. Check capitalization. Read it out loud. Double-check that it meets assignment requirements. Check your writing style: Is it too informal for schoolwork?

12 Watch Out! Do not start sentences with “Me.” If you’re talking about yourself, use the form, “My brother and I,” rather than “Me and my brother…” Do not say “I’m writing about…” or “My paragraph is on…” or “This is my topic sentence…” Do not use, “OK, well…” or “That’s all I have to say…” or other informal speech patterns or slang.

13 Topic Sentences: Me and my older brother are different. Ralph and Sam may be cousins but they are nothing alike. Even though my sister Petunia and I are the same we are very different. My dad and my sister are very similar in many ways.

14 Body/Detail: My sister, Nina, is really good at crafts and drawing, I on the other hand am not. But in contrast one of them played sports as a kid and the other didn’t also my grandpa encourages us to play sports while the my dad thinks that rugby is to dangerous to play. Both of them really love BYU football. For instance, they scream and cheer when Taysom Hill or Cody Hoffman make marvelous plays.

15 Body/Detail: We like a team it is real Salt Lake that team is the best team in the world there is a guy and he was from France and he is really good the bad news are that the team doesn't like him and me and my dad don't like it one bit. Sam loves really sugary food like candy, but Ralph thinks really sugary food is gross. Lastly, we both like chess, checkers, reading, board games, legos swimming, and telling jokes as hobbies.

16 Concluding Sentences: That is why we are so different. Petunia is my best friend and my only sister. My dad and my sister are alike in many ways. We both have allot of common and we have some not things in common but how cares. Me and my sister both just want to be twins but we are basically thank you They are really good parents and i love them and they are some of my favorite people in the world and they take really good care of me and my siblings.

17 Resubmitting If you’re unhappy with your score on your paragraph, print off your original, fix it up, and turn the printed revised version in with your printed original version to the wire basket. All work due on Friday ! The term is ending, but we have only just begun to write…

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