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Wave over Wave. Mood refers to the overall feeling in a piece of writing. In a well-constructed paragraph, use two examples to demonstrate that the mood.

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Presentation on theme: "Wave over Wave. Mood refers to the overall feeling in a piece of writing. In a well-constructed paragraph, use two examples to demonstrate that the mood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wave over Wave

2 Mood refers to the overall feeling in a piece of writing. In a well-constructed paragraph, use two examples to demonstrate that the mood of the song on one of loneliness or one of pride.

3 Mood refers to the overall feeling in a piece of writing. The mood of “Wave over Wave” can be described as loneliness. The song says “I leave my wife lonely ten months of the year.” Being away from his family surely must have been hard. Another example that demonstrates a mood of loneliness is in the line “she never come out to bid farewell to me.” The life of a fisherman’s wife was not easy and really was quite heart-breaking. Jim Payne very accurately captures the mood of fishing families of Newfoundland’s past.

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