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 Take out your homework… Your Zhou Dynasty poetry MASTERPIECE !!! Also, take out the paper with the activity instructions & “Cypress Boat” poem. (There.

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Presentation on theme: " Take out your homework… Your Zhou Dynasty poetry MASTERPIECE !!! Also, take out the paper with the activity instructions & “Cypress Boat” poem. (There."— Presentation transcript:

1  Take out your homework… Your Zhou Dynasty poetry MASTERPIECE !!! Also, take out the paper with the activity instructions & “Cypress Boat” poem. (There are extras in the “Absent” folder if needed.)  Be ready to start when the bell rings `

2  Trade poems with a classmate. The person you trade with MAY NOT BE IN THE SAME ROW as you OR THE ROW BEHIND/IN FRONT of you. They must sit far away from you…  Read their poem and complete the following analysis: › Does it reflect Zhou-era China based on the background you have studied? Does it reflect a world view based on the Zhou-era philosophies you have studied? › What revisions would you make to the poem to make it more representative of the work found in the Shi-Jing?


4  First unified Chinese empire  Short lived: lasted from 221 to 206 BCE   During Era of Warring States, Qin defeated opponents  Qin leader, Shi Huangdi, appointed himself emperor

5  Qin imposed Legalist form of gov’t on all of China › Absolute rule! › Former nobles lose all power › Divided empire into 36 districts governed by gov’t officials; each reported to the emperor › Administered punishments and rewards to its subject states

6  Standardized Chinese language, writing system, currency, measurements, etc. › Significance?  Built the Great Wall of China in the northern part of the country to block invaders  Dug many irrigation canals and built many roads  Significance?

7  Shi Huangdi was not popular with his people › Expensive public works projects = huge taxes › Nobility resentful of lowing power › Books were banned that discussed other forms of gov’t › Opponents executed › After Shi Huangdi died in 210 BCE, his son took the throne; deposed in 206BCE and replaced by the Han Dynasty

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