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Lesson 18 Natural Wonders. Anthesis Dictionary definition – (n) the flowering period of a plant, from the opening of the bud The anthesis of many plants.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 18 Natural Wonders. Anthesis Dictionary definition – (n) the flowering period of a plant, from the opening of the bud The anthesis of many plants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 18 Natural Wonders

2 Anthesis Dictionary definition – (n) the flowering period of a plant, from the opening of the bud The anthesis of many plants occurs during the late spring.

3 Anthology Antho + legein (to gather) Dictionary definition – (n) a published collection of poems or other pieces of writing or music; literally, a “bouquet” or “collection of flowers” I bought an anthology of short stories that featured stories by my favorite writers.

4 Chrysanthemum Chrys (yellow, gold) + antho Literal definition – yellow or gold flower Dictionary definition – (n) a popular plant from the daisy family, having brightly-colored, ornamental flowers and existing in a variety of colors The bouquet of chrysanthemums sitting on the desk looked lovely.

5 Carnage Carn + age (state) Literal definition – state of flesh Dictionary definition – (n) the killing of a large number of people Seeing the carnage of war deeply affected William Golding and changed his whole philosophy about human nature.

6 Carnivore Carn + vor (eat) Literal definition – meat eater Dictionary definition – (n) an animal that feeds on flesh Lions are carnivores and often feast on other animals like gazelles and zebras.

7 Reincarnation Re (back, again) + in (in, into) + carn + ation (act of) Literal definition – act of back into flesh Dictionary definition – (n) the rebirth of the soul in a new body Some religions believe in reincarnation.

8 Defoliate De (down, away, from) + foli + ate (make, cause) Literal definition – make leaves down Dictionary definition – (v) to remove the leaves from a plant or tree, often using chemicals; to lose leaves In the fall and winter, certain trees defoliate.

9 Foliage Foli + age (state) Literal definition – state of leaves Dictionary definition – (n) plant leaves In the fall, people drive to the mountains to see the pretty foliage.

10 Portfolio Port (carry) + foli Literal definition – leaf carrier Dictionary definition – (n) a large, thin, flat case for loose sheets of paper such as drawings or maps; a set of pieces of creative work collected by someone to display his or her skills; a range of investments held by a person or a company When applying for art school, Wolfgang had to submit a portfolio of his work.

11 Herb Dictionary definition – (n) any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfumes Certain herbs like basil can enhance the flavor of your food.

12 Herbicide Herb + cid (kill) Literal definition – plant killer Dictionary definition – (n) a substance that is poisonous to plants and vegetation When weeds start to grow in the yard, I go to the store and buy herbicides to kill them.

13 Herbivore Herb + vor (eat) Literal definition – plant eater Dictionary definition – an animal that feeds on plants Many insects are herbivores and will destroy your crops if you don’t treat your plants.

14 Zodiac Zo + kuklos (circle) Literal definition – animal circle Dictionary definition – (n) a belt or “circle” of the heavens, including positions of the sun, moon, and most familiar planets. The twelve equal parts are named for constellations. The zodiac is used in astrology.

15 Zoo Dictionary definition – (n) an establishment that maintains a collection of wild animals, usually in a park or gardens for study, observation, or public display Our trip to the zoo was both entertaining and informative.

16 Zoology Zo + logy (study of) Literal definition – study of animals Dictionary definition – (n) the scientific study of animals, including their behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution In college, I took a course in zoology and learned the difference between a biped and quadruped.

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