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What’s So Scary About Submission?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s So Scary About Submission?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s So Scary About Submission?
The State of Our Unions What’s So Scary About Submission?

2 Introduction Marriage is often a “tug-of-war”
This loving relationship turns into a struggle for power and control The loser ends up in the mud Many dislike the word – SUBMISSION The word is difficult, disliked, and divisive The submission of our text is – MUTUAL SUBMIT – I limit what I might do naturally in order to benefit another.

3 What is Submission? What does “submission” look like?
The husband makes all the important decisions – financial, family, discipline. The husband and wife should discuss and work together – husband has final say. The husband is president; wife is vice- president The husband controls the TV remote

4 6 Secrets to Submission Submission is … You apply to yourself Personal
Do not try to apply to others Wives – Don’t tell your husband to step up or you will take charge Husbands – Don’t tell your wife that she has to obey your orders. Personal

5 6 Secrets to Submission Submission is …
Submission only makes sense in our relationship to Christ Ephesians 5:21 - submitting to one another in the fear of God. Ephesians 5:24 - Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Personal Spiritual

6 6 Secrets to Submission Submission is …
Ephesians 5:21 - submitting to one another in the fear of God. NOT – all give or all take People with power must submit to those with less power Genesis 21:12b - Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called. Personal Spiritual Mutual

7 6 Secrets to Submission Submission is …
Many think this is a terrible teaching of God Women’s lib movement says, “You don’t have to submit to anyone.” People with less power have input, ideas, suggestions People with more power must listen, consider, submit Personal Spiritual Mutual Beneficial

8 6 Secrets to Submission Submission is …
Some think this means a woman must stay in an abusive relationship “I’ll stay and submit to his beatings, even if it kills me.” Submission does not mean that you stop thinking You don’t give up your brain to submit Personal Spiritual Mutual Beneficial Practical

9 6 Secrets to Submission Submission is … Today – Personal Spiritual
Emphasis is on personal freedom My needs are first We don’t yield the right of way to anyone Submission is against the grain Submission demands that we consider other people first Personal Spiritual Mutual Beneficial Practical Counter-cultural

10 6 Secrets to Submission Submission is …
The Quest Study Bible – “A submissive spirit runs counter to society’s values and it always has. However, it remains God’s standard for all believers – male and female – for all time.” Personal Spiritual Mutual Beneficial Practical Counter-cultural

11 We all must submit Show me a man who lays down his life for his wife, and I’ll show you a wife who has no problem with submission. We must submit … Church – to elders, deacons Society – to law, leaders Life – To God, Christ, the Bible

12 Are you in submission? Have you obeyed the gospel?
Believed in Jesus? Repent of your sins? Baptized for the remission of sins? Are you living in submission to Christ? Morally Marriage Spiritually

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