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© Fraunhofer FKIE Mobile Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Supported Cooperative Work Research Group Human Factors (HF) Timo Henrich Fraunhofer Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "© Fraunhofer FKIE Mobile Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Supported Cooperative Work Research Group Human Factors (HF) Timo Henrich Fraunhofer Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Fraunhofer FKIE Mobile Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Supported Cooperative Work Research Group Human Factors (HF) Timo Henrich Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE Fraunhoferstraße 20 | 53343 Wachtberg Germany

2 The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft undertakes applied research of direct utility to public and private enterprise and of wide benefit to society. More than 80 research institutions, including 59 Fraunhofer institutes 18,000 employees, the majority educated in natural sciences or engineering Annual research volume of 1.66 billion Euros, of which 1.4 billion Euros is generated through contract research International collaboration through representative offices in Europe, the US, Asia and the Middle East

3 Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE Research Areas Analysis of sensor data and sensor modeling Multi-sensor data fusion Unmanned Systems Robust heterogeneous networks Secure communication and IT security (Cyber Defense) Distributed information processing in heterogeneous systems Information and knowledge management Ergonomics and human-machine systems locationWachtberg founded in 1963 staff 360 budget~30 Mio. € directorProf. Dr. Peter Martini deputy director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christopher Schlick Fraunhofer FKIE develops application-oriented technologies for C4ISR systems and develops models, methods and tools for network-centric warfare

4 © Fraunhofer FKIE Holistic understanding of human factors and ergonomics Operations, Processes Modeling & Simulation Anthropometry, Biomechanics Design, HCI, GUI Application context, Requirement analysis Technical Ergonomics Organizational Ergonomics Cognitive Ergonomics

5 © Fraunhofer FKIE Joint human factors research studies Federal agency: BAAINBw U3.7 BAAINBw Q1.1 Industry: Rheinmetall Defense Electronics Military User: Heeresamt InfS Hammelburg AusbZ Munster (urban) operations Design of the ICT system challenge Technical design of equipment RDE

6 © Fraunhofer FKIE Ergonomic design of mobile devices Motivation: Mobile computers ≠ stationary computers Military application ≠ private application Research studies to assess fitness for use Design of a visualization and interaction concept on a conceptual and technical basis Performing CD&E-studies by means of experimental setups with prototype character

7 © Fraunhofer FKIE Ergonomic design of mobile computers - examples - Context and requirement analysis: Future operational scenarios, e.g. urban operations Information density: Only 5 +/- 2 tracked targets are processed Multimodal operation displays / tactile displays GUI-design: Font size with HMDs: 20-42 pt Influence of walking on input performance starting at ID>4 (e.g.: iPhone: 1,2 cm (should), 1 cm (is)) Font size for Smartphones: ongoing Application of Serious Gaming for Education and Training

8 © Fraunhofer FKIE A comprehensive UI concept for COTS based wearable computing systems Approach: Combining several devices to foster positive and mitigate negative impacts Development of distributed and consistent UI across all devices Challenges: Identify suitable selection of devices Identify support relations among these Determine which device is acutally in use and which goal the user has in mind Diversity of mobile devices allows task-tuned ICT support Distributed UI

9 © Fraunhofer FKIE ADL in Maintenance: Collaboration between expert and remote technician Requirements: Common ground for comm. Limited bandwidth prevents video conferencing Solution: Transfer of camera parameters (Orientation, position) Visualization for expert applying VR-technology Visualization for technician applying AR-technology Expert: VR System Technician: AR System Anontations Step-by-step animations component ID camera position camera orientation

10 © Fraunhofer FKIE Involvement into NATO RTO/SCO committees HFM: Human Factors in Virtual Reality Applications (1998–2000) HFM: Workshop on What Is Essential for Virtual Reality Systems to Meet Military Human Performance Goals? (2000) IST: Intelligent Agents in Virtual Environments (2001–2004) SCI: Integration and Interoperability (Scientific Achievement Award 2010) (2006–2009) HFM: Virtual Environments for Intuitive Human-System Interaction (Chair) (2003–2006) HFM: Workshop on Virtual Media for Military Applications (Chair) (2006) HFM: Enhancing Human Effectiveness Through Embedded Virtual Simulation (Chair) (2007–2011) HFM: Workshop on Human Dimensions of Embedded Virtual Simulation (Chair) (2009) E2DT (HFM): Augmented & Virtual Reality and cognitive interfaces

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