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SplashE-2014 Portland, Oregon, USA 21 st October 2014 Jakub Gemrot, Martin Černý, Cyril Brom Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "SplashE-2014 Portland, Oregon, USA 21 st October 2014 Jakub Gemrot, Martin Černý, Cyril Brom Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 SplashE-2014 Portland, Oregon, USA 21 st October 2014 Jakub Gemrot, Martin Černý, Cyril Brom Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic



4  Since 2005  Broad range of topics  Mix of under/graduate students  Focus on IVA behavior modeling and “intelligence without representation” Brom, C.: Curricula of the course on modelling behaviour of human and animal-like agents. In: Proceedings of the Frontiers in Science Education Research Conference …

5  Since 2008  Objective: let students incrementally build something for real  UT2004 ~ DeathMatch + Capture the Flag

6 Will workshop lessons actually practice virtual agent behavior development or will we be just teaching Unreal … ?

7 “ BOD is a methodology for developing control of complex intelligent agents, such as virtual reality characters, … “ -- J.J.Bryson, University of Bath, UK Core idea: 1. Decompose behavior in a top-down fashion 2. Implement it bottom-up 3. Test, Revise, Reiterate







14  Showcase

15  BOD  Abstracts behavior structure from an implementation  But understands that behavior language cannot replace the underlying implementation language fully  yaPOSH  Fixed behavior structure layouting  Runtime feedback of behavior evaluation  Node-level breakpoints  Tightly coupled with Java

16  Behavior language  Cannot replace underlying language fully, but…  Integration with FSM and Event Handling  Coordination of multiple agents  Tool Usability / Productivity  Drag&Drop ~ Move&Click is slower than typing ▪ Fast tree navigation / manipulation using keyboard only?  Better IDE support  Altering the speed of simulation / behavior evaluation

17 Hacking into UT2004 + yaPOSH: Workshop details: I’m always willing to support anyone who wish to start working with UT2004 / UnrealEngine !

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