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JUNE 6/3 4 th Grade Orientation for students at SMS 1:10 pm 6/4 Eagle Squad Field Trip 6/4 Puppet Show -Prek, k, 1st, 2nd 6/5 3rd Grade Field Trip 6/5.

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Presentation on theme: "JUNE 6/3 4 th Grade Orientation for students at SMS 1:10 pm 6/4 Eagle Squad Field Trip 6/4 Puppet Show -Prek, k, 1st, 2nd 6/5 3rd Grade Field Trip 6/5."— Presentation transcript:

1 JUNE 6/3 4 th Grade Orientation for students at SMS 1:10 pm 6/4 Eagle Squad Field Trip 6/4 Puppet Show -Prek, k, 1st, 2nd 6/5 3rd Grade Field Trip 6/5 2 nd Grade Awards Assembly 1:30pm 6/6 1 st Grade Field Trip 6/7 Kindergarten Portfolio Day 6/7 2 nd Grade Field Trip 6/7 3 rd Grade Awards Assembly 10:15am 6/7 Prek & K Safe & Healthy Summer 5:30-7:30pm 6/10 Awards Assembly Grade 1 @ 10am 6/10 Awards Assembly Grade 4 @ 8am 6/11 Last day for students @ 1:00pm 6/14 Last day for teachers 7/1 Summer School – First Day Principal’s News A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner JUNE 2013 SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY Our Mission: The mission of Sudlersville Elementary School is to educate and enlighten each of our students through an engaging curriculum and high expectations (for behavior and achievement) by dedicated teachers and staff with support of parents and the extended community. Where Has the Year Gone? By: Michele Hampton The SES Eagles have had a great year, and we've made many noteworthy accomplishments. We had the first financial literacy day in Queen Anne's County. Our PTA president was the state recipient of the Parent Involvement Matters Award. I am also proud of our dedicated staff who are all highly qualified. Our students are very involved in PBIS and work to participate in the activities/incentives. SES students are taking an active role in reducing bullying and were highlighted on QACTV. We had a fantastic Earth Day, and students enjoyed learning about their environment. We have opened our computer lab in the evenings in order to give parents more access to technology. I could name many more. Thank you for a great year!!

2 CONGRATULATIONS TO: Abby Simonetti SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner JUNE 2013 AUTHOR OF THE MONTH CONGRATULATIONS TO ANNETTE DiMAGGIO! Annette was named the statewide winner of the Parent Involvement Matters Award on Friday, May 17, 2013. Annette, president of both SES and the SMS PTA's, was named Outstanding Volunteer of the Year at our QACPS Gala and receives recognition for her devotion to her students and community.Parent Involvement Matters Award From the official announcement (MSDE) -- "Ms. DiMaggio, an energetic volunteer and PTA president at Sudlersville Elementary, initiated a "Backpack Fridays" project to provide nourishment for at-risk students over the weekends when they are not offered the free meals at school. She collects funds from friends, community members, school staff, and local businesses. Ms. DiMaggio also purchases the food as recommended by the FDA, stores it in her commercial kitchen, and personally fills bags every Thursday to feed 34 students. Other outreach efforts include Community Cares, movie night at the school, and management of the school store. Ms. DiMaggio, who exemplifies the meaning of parent involvement throughout the community, also serves as the PTA president at Sudlersville Middle School where her son attends. Her numerous outreach activities have increased parent involvement at both schools.“ Annette is a wonderful example of how one person can make a big difference. QAC is the second county in Maryland to have two state winners! Left to right: Dr. Carol Williamson, Superintendent of QACPS; Dr. Lillian Lowery, State Superintendent of Maryland Schools; Mrs. Annette DiMaggio, PIMA Winner; Mrs. Michele Hampton, Principal of Sudlersville Elementary School Left to right: Regional Manager of Target Stores; Mrs. Annette DiMaggio, PIMA Winner; Dr. Lillian Lowery, Maryland State Superintendent of Schools Annette DiMaggio, Parental Involvement Matters Award recipient, attends celebration in Baltimore to receive a state-wide award.

3 We would like to thank all our families for a great year! Please remember to save the following dates: Friday, June 7, 2013 Picnic and Puppet Show at SES (5:30-7:00) Monday, June 10th, 2013 Pre-K parties for A.M.classes will be 9:00- 10:30 and P.M.class party will be 12:30-2:00 Thanks again for all your wonderful help and support this year! The Pre-K Team It has been a great year in kindergarten! Thank you to the parents and grandparents who have supported the kindergarten students. Remember to keep your student engaged in reading and other activities this summer so he/she will have a smooth transition to first grade. Have a safe and happy summer! Mrs. Beres, Ms. Landgraf, Mrs. Munson and Mrs. Nuse Pre-K News Kindergarten News Grade 2 News Grade 1 News J une is here. Can that be? Once grade two, now grade three! U nder the guide of the second grade team, our students have grown and performed like a dream. N ow it’s time to say goodbye, but we will try not to cry. E very student is dear in our hearts, and we wish them luck as we part. Thank you parents for a wonderful year. We appreciate the opportunity to teach your children and we are thankful for the support you provide throughout the school year. Enjoy your summer and don’t forget to read, read, read! SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner JUNE 2013 IMPORTANT 1st GRADE DATES 6/6/13 - Tentative date for Tuckahoe field trip (more info to follow) 6/10/13 - 1st grade Awards Assembly @ 10:00 Please pay attention to the school calendar for school wide dates. Thank You! First Grade Team

4 Wednesday, June 5 th, 2013- Field trip to Sassafras Environmental Center Friday, June 7 th, 2013- Awards Assembly 10:15 am “End of the Year” party under the pavilion immediately following the assembly Tuesday, June 11 th, 2013- Last day of school JOYFUL JUNE Thank you for all of your support in the 2012-2013 school year. We could not have planned and implemented many of our events without your support! Please remember to read, read, and read with your child this summer! Stay busy over the break! Take every opportunity to visit museums, go on day trips, go to the library or practice multiplication facts! Get outside and a take a hike and discover the Eastern Shore and then come home, read and relax. Above all, be safe and have fun! We wish all of our third graders good luck in fourth grade~ this is not good bye but see you next year! We look forward to meeting the new third grade students at the open house in August! Have a great summer! Grade 3 NewsGrade 4 News SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner JUNE 2013 Important Dates: June 3rd 4th grade walk to the middle school June 10th - Awards ceremony 8:00 am followed by breakfast in the pavilion As you can see we have a lot of events on our plate. Please make every attempt to have your child here each day. We have a lot to cover in a short amount of time. Congratulations to Ashlynn Kunes and MacKenzie Rodriguez!! SES has two award-winning writers, Ashlynn Kunes and Mackenzie Rodriguez. Both students are winners of the Americanism Essay Contest sponsored by the American Legion. They will receive their awards on August 5th at 7:00 PM at the Centreville American Legion Post. Congratulations to our fantastic writers!! Pictured left to right: Ashlynn Kunes and MacKenzie Rodriguez SUMMER ENRICHMENT FOR CHILDREN Queen Anne's County Parks and Recreation age-kids-programs.html Gunston School =562 =562 Chesapeake College ng_ed/kidsoncampus/ ng_ed/kidsoncampus/ Washington College - looks to be mostly athletic type camps nsideAthletics/camps_clinics/index nsideAthletics/camps_clinics/index

5 School-wide Title I Schools Sudlersville Elementary School is a school- wide Title I school. When the School Improvement Team meets during the summer, we will be analyzing data to determine our students' needs and prioritize our goals according to the data analysis. Please call the school and let us know if you would like to join our School Improvement Team. We will also include the ten components for Title I in our School Improvement Plan. This is a requirement for Title I schools. We want to make sure parents are included in this process. The ten components for Title I schools are as follows: Component 1 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Component 2 School-wide Reform Strategies Component 3 Instruction by Highly Qualified Staff Component 4 Ongoing Professional Development Component 5 Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Staff Component 6 Parental Involvement Component 7 Transition Preschool Children into School Component 8 Use of Academic Assessment Component 9 Assistance for Students Component 10 Coordination of Programs SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner JUNE 2013 End of Year Award Ceremonies June7- Grades 2 & 3 10:15am Pre-K, K and Judy Center are doing the "Safe and Healthy Summer" activity on Friday, June 7th. 5:30- 7:30pm. June 10 – Grade 4 8:00am Grade 1 10:00am Guidance Did you know… Education pays... Education pays in higher earnings and lower unemployment rates June: Summer brings about many changes. Don’t forget, if you are planning to move, please let the office know so that records can be sent to eth new school before the school year starts. All pre-K and K registrations for school year 2013-2014 should be done as soon as possible to plan for classes. Have a safe and happy summer! See you next year! Mrs. Webster

6 SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School & Judy Center Partner JUNE 2013 SES has been recommended for validation. Congratulations to the SES team, the Judy Center, and the community for all of their support!!! SES pre-k and K had their validation visit from MSDE! Kim Nwosu and Lynnette Haines meet two of our Judy Center Kindergartners Elber Mendez and Ava Price. Chinese Acrobats By: Michele Hampton On May 6th, the Chinese Acrobats performed various acrobatics at SES. Students are pictured viewing the acrobats performing with the Chinese yo-yos. This assembly was supported by the SES PTA. The Judy Center News The Judy Center is busy writing our Grant for next year so we can continue to offer our children birth-5 all the wonderful services we offered this year and more! The Judy Center Learning is Fun Bus will visit the Sudlersville Memorial Library and the local Child Care Providers. Our Summer activities will be posted on our Judy Center Facebook page…The Judy Center Partnership of Queen Anne’s County…visit and “like” us! For all families with children birth through age 3. The Family Center promotes school readiness everyday. Open all summer. Family, Educational, Fun Activities and Events such as Play Group, Story Time, Water Play, Cooking and Field Trips to the Zoo, Fair... etc. Call Jenny Crossley at 410-438-3182. Be sure to check out The Family Center Facebook Page.

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