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NGager Progress/Final Report. MOH: nGager Roadshow Agenda 1.Progress/Final Report Submission on nGager workflow 2.Progress Report on nGager 3.Final Report.

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Presentation on theme: "NGager Progress/Final Report. MOH: nGager Roadshow Agenda 1.Progress/Final Report Submission on nGager workflow 2.Progress Report on nGager 3.Final Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 nGager Progress/Final Report

2 MOH: nGager Roadshow Agenda 1.Progress/Final Report Submission on nGager workflow 2.Progress Report on nGager 3.Final Report on nGager 4.nGager Screenshots 5.AOB

3 nGager Progress/Final Report Submission PI creates/revises Progress/Final Report and submits Progress/Final Report routed to RDO and RD of Host Institution RDO / RD views and comments on report If RDO/RD has made comments and requires PI to make changes, report is sent back to the PI. RD endorses application If there are no changes to be made, leave report as is. NMRC GM approves/returns report Progress/Final report submitted to NMRC If GM requires clarification on PI’s report, report will be sent back to PI for clarification.

4 MOH: nGager Roadshow Progress Report on nGager 1.NMRC will send email to HI’s RDOs with a consolidated list of projects pending progress report submission during the FY’s reporting period (as per current practice) 2.Email will contain information on when the progress report is due. HI RDOs to disseminate information to projects’ PIs for their action. 3.PI to create/update Progress Report on nGager once HI’s RD/RDO has notified them 4.PI will key in KPIs achieved for their project on nGager, together with the uploading of their completed progress report

5 MOH: nGager Roadshow Progress Report on nGager 5.Reminder emails will be sent automatically by nGager to the PI; cc: RDO for the following: 7 days before the progress report’s submission due date 3 days after the progress report’s submission due date (overdue reminder)

6 MOH: nGager Roadshow Final Report on nGager 1.Final Report to be submitted within 3 months of Project’s Completion date. 2.Reminder emails to submit Final Report will be sent to the PI (cc: HI RDO) during the following conditions On PI’s project’s completion date 2 months after project’s completion date When Final Report is overdue 3.Same workflow as Progress report submission

7 MOH: nGager Roadshow nGager Progress Report Screenshots (PI)

8 MOH: nGager Roadshow nGager Progress Report Screenshots (PI)

9 MOH: nGager Roadshow nGager Progress Report Screenshots (PI)

10 MOH: nGager Roadshow nGager Progress Report Screenshots (PI)

11 MOH: nGager Roadshow nGager Progress Report Screenshots (PI)

12 MOH: nGager Roadshow nGager Progress Report Screenshots (PI)

13 MOH: nGager Roadshow nGager Progress Report Screenshots (PI)

14 MOH: nGager Roadshow nGager Progress Report Screenshots (PI)



17 nGager Progress Report Screenshots (RDO/RD)

18 nGager Progress Report Screenshots (RDO)

19 nGager Progress Report Screenshots (RD)

20 nGager Progress Report Screenshots (RDO/RD/PI)

21 nGager Progress Report Screenshots (Return to PI)

22 As per initial creation of report, PI will address the RD/RDO/NMRC GM comments and update the report accordingly. Updated report will be routed to HI RD/RDO upon re-submission for certification and endorsement

23 nGager Screenshots (RDO certification)

24 nGager Progress Report Screenshots (RD)

25 nGager Final Report Screenshots (PI, RDO, RD) Steps for creating and submitting Final Report are similar to the Progress Report

26 nGager Final Report Screenshots (PI, RDO, RD) This screen is slightly different due to the Final Report Template. The rest of the Sections are the same as per Progress Report.

27 nGager Progress/Final Report Submission Emails 1.Emails will be sent to the respective users (PI,RD,RDO,NMRC GM) when there are items pending for action. Eg: Pending HI Endorsement, etc 2.Emails sent out to PI; cc:RDOs when HI RD endorses report(s) 3.Email will be sent to PI; cc:RDOs when NMRC has approved/rejected the report(s).

28 Notification Email for Progress Report

29 Pre-Reminder Email for Progress Report

30 Post-Reminder Email for Progress Report

31 Reminder for Final Report

32 Reminder 2 for Final Report

33 Reminder 3 for Final Report

34 MOH: nGager Roadshow Any Other Business / FAQ

35 Thank You

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