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Sport is fun. Му toys. This is a hare, That is a bear. My toys are here, My toys are there.

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Presentation on theme: "Sport is fun. Му toys. This is a hare, That is a bear. My toys are here, My toys are there."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sport is fun

2 Му toys. This is a hare, That is a bear. My toys are here, My toys are there.

3 This is a, That is a. My toys are here, My toys are there.

4 to play [ ' plei]- играть

5 футболl ['futb ɔː l] - футбол

6 basketball ['b ɑː sk ɪ tb ɔː l] - баскетбол

7 hockey ['h ɔ k ɪ ] - хоккей

8 badminton[’bædm ɪ ntən]- бадминтон

9 сhess [t ʃ es]-шахматы

10 tennis ['ten ɪ s] - теннис

11 table tennis ['teibl 'ten ɪ s] - настольный теннис

12 I саn play

13 I can play






19 Homework 1.Выучить слова по теме «спорт» 2.Урок 27(№1-3) стр.23 в рабочей тетради.

20 Thank you for the lesson!

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