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Universal Design for Learning: A Framework for Teaching All Learners August 20-22 CAST: Wakefield, MA.

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Presentation on theme: "Universal Design for Learning: A Framework for Teaching All Learners August 20-22 CAST: Wakefield, MA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Universal Design for Learning: A Framework for Teaching All Learners August 20-22 CAST: Wakefield, MA

2 UDL Connect: For Online Resources & discussions

3 #UDL social media CAST UDL Center AIM Center Use Twitter? Use #UDL in your tweets during the workshop! #UDLchat: 1 st & 3 rd Wednesdays of the month, 9-9:30pm ET

4 Workshop Goals Day 1: To learn how UDL addresses challenges of learner variability  expert learners Day 2 & 3: To strategize how to apply UDL to practice To build tools & resources

5 brain plasticity

6 plasticity

7 UDL & the GPS With quadrant 3 partner – read your assigned guideline, become an ‘expert’ in that Guideline see UDL Connect site: use App, Wheel, or National Center site Use information from the GPS article – Read the article – identify another common item that represents your guideline (analogy: song, poem, image, item) – 20 minutes

8 National Center on UDL: Dive Deeper

9 The UDL Guidelines in Your Words 7-10 min

10 Return to your Guideline Which post it notes relate most to your understanding of your Guideline? Stick most relevant to the blue paper Move to side of room

11 Build the Framework: you as experts Tell us your analogy for your Guideline Give your critical review from peer post its

12 Questions, Comments

13 Work time until 10:45am Use the goal & assessment you developed yesterday to begin to think about the design of the lesson using the UDL Guidelines Note questions that you would like to discuss

14 Break out sessions 11:00-11:45am UDL & Assessment Tracey Hall Implementation of UDL: beyond the classroom Grace Meo Lesson Development using the UDL Framework Bring your lesson, goal, materials: ready for discussion

15 11:45-12:15 Break & snack

16 Final Reflection I used to think… Now I think…

17 Summary of workshop: Explore Introduction to UDL: theory, CAST Cornerstones of learning: variability, context UDL Guidelines UDL lesson design process: goals, flexibility & accessibility

18 What’s UDL today? Options for PerceptionOptions for Action & Expression Options for Engagement Perception: Customize digital, Oral & PowerPoints, chart, videos Physical Action: Write, type, discuss, do, activity, playdoh, stickies, tweet Recruit interest: Breakout choice, Authentic: your lessons, opening activities & examples Vocabulary: multiple media, many examples, highlight vocab Expression & Communication: Additional resources in Notes, handouts scaffold, models Effort and Persistence: Quadrants, keep goals clear, recognize process Background: Classroom, teacher examples, UD Executive function: Clear goals Agenda, timer Self Regulate: Reflection, next steps, strategize with colleagues, time for Q&A What was UDL?

19 Dancing Leader

20 Possible next steps: UDL Connect & Social Media Talk about UDL with colleagues, PLC More UDL: online, workshop – UDL & Lesson Design (Math, ELL, Science) – UDL: Affect & Engagement Institute

21 Enjoy the rest of the summer

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