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DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services “WHY EMPLOYMENT” The Arc 2011 State Convention August 12, 2011 Adam Sass Department.

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Presentation on theme: "DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services “WHY EMPLOYMENT” The Arc 2011 State Convention August 12, 2011 Adam Sass Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services “WHY EMPLOYMENT” The Arc 2011 State Convention August 12, 2011 Adam Sass Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services

2 Page 2 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services WHY EMPLOYMENT What is Employment? Community based, working with mostly non-disabled peers (integrated) Competitive Wages (minimum or better) Doing basically the same tasks as non disabled co-workers

3 Page 3 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services WHY EMPLOYMENT Integrated Employment is work providing a minimum or commensurate wage and related benefits in a typical work setting where the employee with a disability has opportunity to interact with non-disabled co-workers, has an opportunity for career advancement and is preferably engaged full time.

4 Page 4 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services WHY EMPLOYMENT Reasons for choosing Employment Relationships. Employment is where people develop relationships, friendships, and acquaintances with other people. Identity. Much of who we are and how we are perceived by others is related to where we are employed and what we do at work.

5 Page 5 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services WHY EMPLOYMENT Meaning. Our society values employment. By being employed, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities feel that they are engaged in meaningful activities, as do others in society. Self Esteem. Through employment we often have a sense of accomplishment, increasing our sense of competence and self worth. Economics. Most people with intellectual and developmental disabilities live in or near poverty. Income from paying jobs helps supplement their resources and improves the quality of the lives they can live.

6 Page 6 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services WHY EMPLOYMENT Reasons for choosing People w/Disabilities People with disabilities who are supported on the job represent a rich pool of talent with a strong work ethic and stable long term employment Non disabled co-workers learn that people with disabilities are just like them Attendance at the job by all workers increases when a person with a disability is employed

7 Page 7 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services WHY EMPLOYMENT Reasons for agencies to choose Employment The current low participation rate of citizens with disabilities in the workforce is unacceptable. With increased person centered planning we are learning that people with disabilities want to work We want to provide employment as a tool for further inclusion of people with disabilities into the community ADA and Supreme Court’s Olmstead ruling says: “Each person utilizing services through state and local government deserves the right to be employed in the “most integrated setting”

8 Page 8 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services WHY EMPLOYMENT Funding reasons for Employment We are currently in an economic “bad time”. This recovery is looking to be slower than in the past Long term obligations for Medicare, social security, Medicaid and paying down the national debt will restrict the availability of both state and federal resources long into the future

9 Page 9 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services WHY EMPLOYMENT At the same time populations and demand for services will grow To meet the needs of people with disabilities and their families leaders in all domains of the service system must work together to develop strategies that will assure the program is cost effective and efficient as possible… (Thaley,Ashbaugh 2009) Employment has a very good return on investment and is attractive to funding sources

10 Page 10 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services WHY EMPLOYMENT Governor’s Economic Development and Job Creation Commission established under Executive Order 1 (2010) to create economic and workforce development and job creation opportunities for individuals

11 Page 11 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services WHY EMPLOYMENT Developmental Disabilities Services... is in a position similar to a homeowner facing major remodeling and renovation needs that exceed the resources available to pay for them. … At the same time, there are increasing needs for expansion to our home to make room for the many new people wanting to move in. This is all occurring at a time when financing is severely limited. Similar to the homeowner, we would love to address all of our capacity problems right away. Knowing that this is not possible, our task is to identify and prioritize our needs and to address them to the extent our banker is willing and able to finance them. We are very aware that the Department (of Human Services) has numerous other homes, beyond developmental disabilities, needing attention as well. summarized in a recent report which Colorado DD officials submitted to the Joint Budget Committee of the State (Thaler, Gettings Wingspread Conference 2000)

12 Page 12 DBHDS Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services WHY EMPLOYMENT Want to know More? Come to the SELN EMPLOYMENT FIRST SUMMIT October 3 rd through 4 th 2011 Virginia Beach, Virginia

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