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Your Community HERE: Healthy Kids Colorado Survey Data Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Community HERE: Healthy Kids Colorado Survey Data Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Community HERE: Healthy Kids Colorado Survey Data Presentation

2 Presentation Outline  Healthy Kids Colorado Survey (HKCS) Overview  HKCS Report Structure  Your school/community here Background  Healthy Kids Colorado Survey Results  Questions

3 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey Overview

4 HKCS - Overview  The HKCS assesses the health-related attitudes and behaviors of middle school and high school students across diverse communities in Colorado.

5 HKCS - Overview The development of the HKCS has been supported and approved by Colorado state agencies such as:  Department of Education  Department of Human Services  Division of Behavioral Health  Department of Public Health and Environment  Department of Public Safety

6 HKCS Report Structure

7  Introduction  How to Use the Report  Demographics and Data Quality  Survey Results – HKCS sections  Appendices  Copy of Administered Survey

8 HKCS Report Structure  Survey Results - HKCS Sections  Substance Use  Delinquency  Personal Safety/Violence  School and Family  Mental Health  Physical Health  Sexual Health (High School Only)  Risk and Protective Factors

9 HKCS Report: Example Bar Graph

10 HKCS Report: Example Table

11 Your school/community here Background

12 Your school/community here: Background  Provide the background of your school or community i.e.  Number of students surveyed  Ethnic make-up and grade levels of students sampled  Free and Reduced Lunch Rates  Strengths in your school or community such as: high parent involvement and/or high attendance at community events  Other relevant information you feel would be beneficial to share

13 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey Results Include the name of your school or community here:

14 HKCS – Substance Use  The Substance Use section addresses the use of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD) through measures such as:  30-day Use: Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana.  Age of First Use: Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana.  Lifetime Use: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana and Other Drugs such as: Heroin Methamphetamines Cocaine Ecstasy Inhalants Prescription Drugs

15 Substance Use – Results


17 HKCS - Delinquency  The Delinquency section measures the frequency of anti-social or criminal behavior and the students perceptions of wrongfulness in area such as:  Physical Fighting  Stealing  Cheating  Carrying Weapons  Vandalism  Selling Drugs

18 Delinquency – Results


20 HKCS – Personal Safety and Violence  The Personal Safety and Violence section measures the rates in areas such as:  Driving Under the Influence (Self and other Driver)  Victimization (Physical and Verbal)  Helmet Use  Seatbelt Use

21 Personal Safety and Violence – Results


23 HKCS – School and Family  The School and Family section measures attitudes and behaviors regarding:  Grades  Safety at School  School Staff  Parents

24 School and Family - Results


26 HKCS – Mental Health  The Mental Health Section measures the state of emotional and psychological well- being with questions focused on:  Depression  Suicide  Future Aspirations  Altruism  Extra-Curricular Activities

27 Mental Health – Results


29 HKCS – Physical Health  The Physical Health section measures beliefs and behaviors regarding:  Weight  Weight Loss Methods  Physical Activity  Television Watching

30 Physical Health – Results


32 HKCS – Sexual Health  The Sexual Health section Measures the:  Lifetime and Current Sexual Activity  Use of Birth Control  Sexual Victimization  ATOD Use and Sexual Activity

33 Sexual Health - Results


35 HKCS – Risk and Protective Factors  Risk and Protective Factors are characteristics demonstrated by research to increase or decrease the likelihood of substance use, delinquency and other problem behaviors (Hawkins, Catalano, & Miller, 1992).

36 HKCS – Risk and Protective Factors  Risk factors are the variables or hazards that, if present, make it more likely that an individual will engage in problem behaviors.  Protective factors, on the other hand, buffer against risk, either by reducing the impact of risk factors or by changing the way young people respond to risk.

37 Risk and Protective Factors – Results Risk and Protective Factor Scales - Percentage of Students Above Cutpoint FamilySchoolPeer/IndividualSchool Risk FactorsProtective Factors

38 Risk and Protective Factors – Results

39 Summary of Findings  Contact your RPC for guidance on how to summarize key findings from the report!

40 Questions Include your contact information here

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