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Jobcentre Plus Get Britain Working Measures Department for Work and Pensions Mariangela Hankinson Business Development Partner Merseyside District 23/11/11.

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Presentation on theme: "Jobcentre Plus Get Britain Working Measures Department for Work and Pensions Mariangela Hankinson Business Development Partner Merseyside District 23/11/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jobcentre Plus Get Britain Working Measures Department for Work and Pensions Mariangela Hankinson Business Development Partner Merseyside District 23/11/11

2 Jobcentre Plus 2 Overview of GBW Measures sbwa case studies Construction – work academy Objectives

3 Jobcentre Plus 3 Work Clubs Work Together Work Experience New Enterprise Allowance E nterprise Clubs Sector-based work academies Overview of the Get Britain Working Measures

4 Jobcentre Plus 4 Work Clubs provide people with a place to meet to share experiences, find opportunities, make contacts and get support to help them in their return to work We will provide practical advice on establishing or supporting a Work Club, and with your help, encourage innovation and partnership working to make the most of local resources and expertise The content of each Work Club will vary according to local needs, but could include: providing people with an insight into a particular industry/sector; visits to workplaces; and/or employment focused sessions on recruitment methods and interview techniques Our advisers will signpost customers to local Work Clubs where they are available Work Clubs - encouraging people who are out of work to share skills and experience

5 Jobcentre Plus 5 Volunteering is a way of improving people’s employment prospects whilst they are looking for work We will give people more information about volunteering if they are interested and signpost them to: local organisations that have agreed to support unemployed people; on-line support; and specific opportunities in their communities Jobcentre Plus is working with employers and partners in the voluntary and community sector locally to ensure more opportunities are available to the unemployed particularly opportunities which will help people develop new skills Work Together - developing skills through volunteering

6 Jobcentre Plus 6 A lack of understanding of the working world may be a significant barrier to finding and sustaining employment We want to work with you to offer young, unemployed people the opportunity to overcome this barrier through 2 – 8 weeks Work Experience For those who lack work experience, the chance to undertake real work and adjust to the routines and habits of working life can significantly improve their employment prospects We’ll match eligible claimants to your placements and complete a light touch selection process If you offer an Apprenticeship to the participant, the placement can be extended up to a further 4 weeks while the arrangements are being made Work Experience – offering greater insight into the world of work

7 Jobcentre Plus 7 New Enterprise Allowance – support for customers to start their own business The New Enterprise Allowance provides help for unemployed people who want to start their own business Business mentors from the local community will provide guidance and support as customers develop their business idea and through the early stages of trading Once a customer has demonstrated a viable business idea and is ready to register as self-employed they can: get a weekly allowance at the same level as their JSA payments for 3 months, and then at half that rate for a further 3 months also apply for loan up to £1,000 to help with start-up costs

8 Jobcentre Plus 8 Enterprise Clubs – encouraging people who are interested in self employment to share skills and experience Places where unemployed people interested in self-employment can meet to exchange skills, make contacts with like-minded individuals, share experiences, receive support and encourage each other to work through their business ideas. We are keen to encourage local businesses and partnerships to get involved in the development and operation of Enterprise Clubs so that unemployed people interested in self-employment can learn from their knowledge and experience We will provide practical advice to those wanting to establish or support Enterprise Clubs and our advisers will signpost customers to local Enterprise Clubs where available The content of each Enterprise Club will vary, but could include: the opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs and self-employed people financial, legal, market and business advice; and/or office services (including internet access) advice on benefits of self-employment and in-work support

9 Jobcentre Plus 9 Sector-based work academies Combining sector-specific training with a work experience placement and a guaranteed job interview with an employer in that sector Targeted at customers close to the labour market to help them find work Established in sectors with high volumes of entry-level jobs and current vacancies Lasting for a maximum of six weeks, with the individual remaining on benefit and receiving additional support with travel and childcare costs if required Be accredited – leading to units on the Qualifications and Credit Framework as appropriate to the entry requirements for intended jobs in those sectors

10 Jobcentre Plus 10 Sector-based work academies – Case Studies By participating in a sector-based work academies you can reap real benefits by :- Supporting people in the community Structuring training appropriate to your business No wage costs involved to the organisation Ongoing support Developing the supervisory and management skills of your workforce Enhancing your public profile by supporting your local community Networking with peers, raising your companies profile

11 Jobcentre Plus 11 Support for young unemployed  Early access to the Work Programme for 18 year olds who claimed JSA when aged16-17  Work Experience available to 16-17 year old JSA claimants  Increased adviser support for 16-17 year olds on JSA  Signposting advice available to 16-17 year olds who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)  Work Clubs extended to 16-24 year olds  Additional funding available to help 16-17 year olds develop job seeking skills

12 Jobcentre Plus 12 Flexible Fund Support The Flexible Support Fund gives managers and advisers a greater say in how they help customers back into work The fund is aimed at helping people into work by paying for a variety of activities. These include payments to customers to help with things that make looking for a job harder, such as travel costs, tools or training It includes a grant funding mechanism, enabling District Managers to award funding to local partnerships

13 Jobcentre Plus 13 Sources of further information for employers and other partners The DWP Get Britain Working website includes information on :DWP Get Britain Working  Work Clubs; Work Clubs  Work Together; Work Together  Work Experience – and links to further information on the Business Link website; Work ExperienceBusiness Link  New Enterprise Allowance; New Enterprise Allowance  Enterprise Clubs; and Enterprise Clubs  Sector-based work academies Sector-based work academies

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