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Cloud Computing Clase 5 Miguel Johnny e Matias Slide deck based on Gianpaolo Carraro symposium (PDC08)

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud Computing Clase 5 Miguel Johnny e Matias Slide deck based on Gianpaolo Carraro symposium (PDC08)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud Computing Clase 5 Miguel Saez @masaez Johnny Halife @johnnyhalif e Matias Woloski @woloski Slide deck based on Gianpaolo Carraro symposium (PDC08)

2 Quiz: Which one is better? 1 gallon of fuel -> ¼ ton of ‘freight’ ; 20 miles1 gallon of fuel -> 1 ton of freight ; 436 miles Economy of Scale LowHigh Control HighLow but Can mostly go from A to B Leaves 2x day at 9.12am and 11.14pm but Can goes anywhere there is a road Ready to go anytime

3 This is not new… Economy of Scale LowHigh Control HighLow Build vs. Buy

4 This is new… Economy of Scale LowHigh Control HighLow On premises vs. in the cloud

5 Application runs on-premises Buy my own hardware, and manage my own data center Application runs on-premises Buy my own hardware, and manage my own data center On premises vs. in the cloud Application runs at a hoster Co-location or Managed servers Application runs at a hoster Co-location or Managed servers Application runs using cloud services “cloud fabric” (elastic, infini-scale) Application runs using cloud services “cloud fabric” (elastic, infini-scale) Economy of Scale LowHigh Control HighLow

6 “Packaged” Application An application that I buy “off the shelf” and run myself “Packaged” Application An application that I buy “off the shelf” and run myself Self Hosted “Home Built” An application that I develop and run myself Self Hosted “Home Built” An application that I develop and run myself Build vs. Buy Build Buy Hosted “Home Built” An application that I develop myself, but run at a hoster Hosted “Home Built” An application that I develop myself, but run at a hoster Hosted “Packaged” An application that I buy “off the shelf” and then run at a hoster Hosted “Packaged” An application that I buy “off the shelf” and then run at a hoster Cloud Platform An application that I develop myself, but run in the cloud Cloud Platform An application that I develop myself, but run in the cloud “Software as a Service” A hosted application that I buy from a vendor “Software as a Service” A hosted application that I buy from a vendor On premises vs. Cloud On premisesCloud

7 Hosted “Home Built” An application that I develop myself, but run at a hoster Hosted “Home Built” An application that I develop myself, but run at a hoster Cloud Platform An application that I develop myself, but run in the cloud Cloud Platform An application that I develop myself, but run in the cloud “Packaged” Application An application that I buy “off the shelf” and run myself “Packaged” Application An application that I buy “off the shelf” and run myself Hosted “Packaged” An application that I buy “off the shelf” and then run at a hoster Hosted “Packaged” An application that I buy “off the shelf” and then run at a hoster “Home Built” Application An application that I develop and run myself “Home Built” Application An application that I develop and run myself Build vs. Buy Build Buy On premises vs. Cloud On premisesCloud Maximum Economy of Scale All acceptable options (trade off) Maximum Control “Software as a Service” A hosted application that I buy from a vendor “Software as a Service” A hosted application that I buy from a vendor

8 “Packaged” Application “Packaged” Application “Home Built” Application “Home Built” Application “MassiveEnterprise” Example Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Packaged” Hosted “Packaged” “Software as a Service” Cloud Platform Clinical Trial Molecule Research HR System Email Issue Tracking ERP “Too costly to run this myself, but I’ve made too many customizations” Build vs. Buy Build Buy On premises vs. Cloud On premisesCloud

9 “Packaged” Application “Packaged” Application “Home Built” Application “Home Built” Application “MassiveEnterprise” Example Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Packaged” Hosted “Packaged” “Software as a Service” Cloud Platform Clinical Trial Molecule Research HR System Email Issue Tracking ERP “CRM and Email are commodity services – They have no customizations, and it’s cheaper for someone else to run these” Build vs. Buy Build Buy On premises vs. Cloud On premisesCloud

10 “Packaged” Application “Packaged” Application Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Packaged” Hosted “Packaged” ERP “Home Built” Application “Home Built” Application “MassiveEnterprise” Example “Software as a Service” Cloud Platform Clinical Trial Molecule Research HR System Email Issue Tracking “I can’t afford to maintain this old HR application written in VB – it’s driving me mad!” “…but due to privacy issues, I prefer keeping my HR data on- premises” Build vs. Buy Build Buy On premises vs. Cloud On premisesCloud

11 Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Packaged” Hosted “Packaged” ERP “Packaged” Application “Packaged” Application “Home Built” Application “Home Built” Application “MassiveEnterprise” Example “Software as a Service” Cloud Platform Clinical Trial Molecule Research Email Issue Tracking HR System “I wish I had access to cheaper compute and storage when I need it” Build vs. Buy Build Buy On premises vs. Cloud On premisesCloud

12 Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Packaged” Hosted “Packaged” ERP “Packaged” Application “Packaged” Application “Home Built” Application “Home Built” Application “MassiveEnterprise” Example “Software as a Service” Cloud Platform Clinical Trial Molecule Research Email Issue Tracking HR System “THIS is where I want to spend my IT resources – I’m going to double down on this application!” Build vs. Buy Build Buy On premises vs. Cloud On premisesCloud

13 “MassiveEnterprise” v. Next Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Home Built” Hosted “Packaged” Hosted “Packaged” ERP “Packaged” Application “Packaged” Application “Home Built” Application “Home Built” Application “Software as a Service” Cloud Platform Clinical Trial Molecule Research Email Issue Tracking HR System Build vs. Buy Build Buy On premises vs. Cloud On premisesCloud

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