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1. Visibility Enhancement for Silicon Debug Yu-Chin Hsu, Furshing (Kevin) Tsai, Wells Jong, Ying-Tsai Chang.

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1 1

2 Visibility Enhancement for Silicon Debug Yu-Chin Hsu, Furshing (Kevin) Tsai, Wells Jong, Ying-Tsai Chang

3 3 Outline  Motivation  Design for Debug methodology  Challenges in debug using silicon data  Visibility Enhancement techniques  Experimental results  Summary

4 4 Bottleneck in Prototype-to-Volume Time  Smaller design margins – increasing chance of performance failures  Unmodeled defects – higher tester escapes  More transistors – increasing time to isolate physical defects  Greater device complexity – requiring more time and vectors to validate Test/DebugDesign Silicon Prototype ConceptVolume 7 to 8 months Decreasing 6 to 7 months Increasing! Data Quest (2002, 2004) report

5 5 Silicon Testing Issues  Functional design errors not detected pre-silicon due to constraints  Structured tests (ATPG, BIST, etc.) do not replicate real-world conditions, resulting in “over-testing” and “under-testing”, examples: –High power consumption - voltage drops - change in V TH : chip rejected –Crosstalk effects - pattern sensitive – not targeted: chip passed  Defects difficult to model escape detection by testers  System-level testing is the ultimate environment where defects are found × × ? ? ? ? ? OK ? Test APP

6 6 On-chip Hardware - Design-for-Debug  Debugging silicon in situ easier when designed with “visibility” into internal nodes  Logic which brings out data from the silicon while in the system is known as “design-for-debug” (DFD) logic –IJTAG – on top of DFT –On chip trace buffer  Most DFD today is proprietary, although DFD commercial offerings are increasing  DFD utilized when failures occur during system validation

7 7 Design-for-Debug (DFD) on the Chip - Example  DFD is not the same as DFT: Debug logic must function during system-level operation  Many DFD implementations leverage DFT circuitry: –IEEE 1149.1 controller (boundary scan) –Internal scan chains (full scan)  DFD is the access mechanism that provides in- situ scan register visibility Scan control Combinational logic DFTDFT DFD Real-time clock & reset control

8 8 Complete System for Silicon Debug  On-chip DFD typically hooks up to a pod and is activated by a separate software-based control program  The pod is a device that makes the electrical characteristics between the DFD port and the PC port compatible  The DFD control program accesses data such as the internal register  The limited data is then processed to maximize visibility into design operation APP pod scan data Visibility enhancement DebugDebug

9 9 Challenges in DFD Data Analysis  Limited resource available – only a subset of signals can be probed  Limited visibility – only a subset of signals can be extracted from silicon  Low level of abstraction – unfamiliar design to designer

10 10 Visibility Enhancement -- Overview  Visibility Planning –Analyze design (RTL, gate) and provide optimal (minimal and sufficient) set of signals to be observed –Provide visibility tradeoff information – “expansion potential” of candidate signals  Data Expansion –Process limited data and expand (regenerate) missing signal information for exploration and debug –On-the-fly operation for optimal performance  Abstraction Correlation –Map gate-level signals and instances back to RTL origin –Translate gate-level signal information (waveform data) to match RTL design for designer-level debug

11 11 Silicon debug with DFD and Visibility Enhancement Visibility Planning Data Expansion & Abstraction Correlation

12 12 Visibility Analysis and Planning  Visibility Analysis (VA) engine determines which set of signals are essential for data expansion  A signal value can be made visible if its parent (preceding gate) is visible  Primary inputs are considered visible

13 13 Data Expansion  Data expansion (DE) engine makes limited data useful – more visibility  Boolean calculation of unobserved combinational network values  Maximize value computation thru use of “Don’t Care” truth table results  DE metric: signals-with-values/total-number-of-signals  Performance optimized by expanding only the logic under investigation and no simulation-like timing wheel Data expansion 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 01 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

14 14 Data Expansion - Requirements  Raw signal data obtained from chip is stream of 0’s and 1’s  Control application must make the data usable for analysis applications  Steps for the control application: –Assign temporal information – relative cycle time must be associated with each scan dump –Map each value to an HDL signal –Output the results in a usable format - VCD (IEEE 1364-2001) or FSDB (Novas)

15 15 On-the-fly Data Expansion HDL Source Gate Netlist Siliconw/DFDSiliconw/DFD NetlistRegisterValuesNetlistRegisterValues DebugDebug Data expansion Gate/RTL Signal Values Gate/RTL Signal Values FSDB On-demand value request  Large volume of data to be generated if computed in bath mode.

16 16 0100101110010110 1101011000110110 1000011111000000 Debug at Higher Level of Abstraction  Gate level design is unfamiliar to designer RTL Systems Gates Silicon To RTL To Transaction Gate

17 17 Abstraction Correlation  Silicon signal data is usually easy to assign to gate-level signals  Gate-level netlist and values are difficult for RTL designers to understand and debug  Data must be mapped to the “designers world” for efficient debug and collaboration  One-to-one correspondence is not always the case after synthesis transformations CorrelationCorrelation

18 18 Abstraction Correlation - Mapping  Name-based mapping –Predefined rule mapping (delimiters, escaped name, naming convention for register, etc.) –Regular-expression-based user-defined renaming rule  Structural dependency analysis –Find structural bounding mappable signal set of name- unmappable signal. –Find structural fanin/fanout intersect of the mapped signal set for related circuit part. –Important concept: granularity (fundamental limitation) and relevance (heuristic). –Name-based mapping should provide a certain percentage of mapped signals for this to work. This could often be achieved after setting some user-defined renaming rules because synthesis tools typically preserve/transform quite well some of the signal naming, especially registers  Other potential techniques can be functional-based correlation commonly used in equivalence checking

19 19 Abstraction Correlation - Mapping

20 20 Abstracting Signal Data to Transactions Transaction visualization eases understanding of communication protocols AMBA AXI, AMBA AHB, PCI Express, OCP- IP,UART, DDR, MPEG A1 A2 A3 A … Addresses sent D11 D12 D13 Data Extraction D21 D22 Data Extraction D31 Data Extraction M1 M2 M3 3X4 2X4 … S1 S2 S4 S3 nTX Open Transactor Interface Signal Data

21 21 Results - Correlation Case #1 Case #2 total990952 Can be mapped 20721%18019% 1 statement 68469%30732% 2-3 statements 545.4%19420% More than 3 statements 212.1%21322% Cannot be mapped 242.5%586%

22 22 Results - Data Expansion # of signals # of essential signals % essential/ total % visible Case #1 138842131909.5%100% Case #2 680880199224814.6%100% Case #3 45608741735443.8%100%

23 23 Summary  Silicon debug/diagnosis is a bottleneck to time-to-volume  Emerging DFD techniques make data accessible  Silicon data must be expanded and correlated in order for the designer to debug  The proposed method leverage DFD data and make it possible to effectively use HDL-oriented tools for silicon debug System Validation HDL Debug

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