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A Static Approach to Consistency Verification of UML Models Andrea Baruzzo Department of Computer Science University of Udine MoDeV.

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Presentation on theme: "A Static Approach to Consistency Verification of UML Models Andrea Baruzzo Department of Computer Science University of Udine MoDeV."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Static Approach to Consistency Verification of UML Models Andrea Baruzzo Department of Computer Science University of Udine MoDeV 2 a 2006 Workshop

2  The context  The problems to address  The goals  The method  The method at work  Future works Agenda

3  Model-Driven Development  Model elaboration (possibly manual but typically automatic)  Build the right model! …early validation!  Model-Driven Architecture development [Mellor, Warmer, OMG]  UML alone is not enough precise to build software and to verify it  The need of a formal specification embedded in UML models (OCL)  Tools for model-based debugging and testing [AICA05] Andrea Baruzzo, Executable Models: Formal Specifications Embedded in Software Models, Congresso annuale AICA, Udine, 5-7 ottobre 2005 The Context Requirements Models Code Consistency Correctness model precisio n Code correctness

4  Due to the complexity of large software systems, preserving model consistency is an issue  Model-based verification is often achieved by means of dynamic checking of OCL constraints …  …but the generation of suitable code which checks them  slows down performance  can alter the behavior  it does not ensure to reveal a bug  generation of just a significative finite subset of the possible runs is not so feasible too  Static Model-based verification (very difficult)  Static Verification of UML model consistency (a first step)  What is inconsistency all about?  A discrepancy between the entire model and the code (difficult)  A discrepancy between the specification and the model views (a first step) Problems to address

5  Verify the dynamic view of the system against the static view and its constraints (“software contracts”)  Identify and refine specifications too strong  Identify new constraints (specifications too weak?)  Build precise UML models  Class diagrams  Sequence diagrams  Statechart diagrams  (OCL) specifications (the software contract)  Independence from the specification language (OCL, Promela, Alloy,…) Short-term Goals

6  Verification  Verify the code of the system against the entire model and its constraints (“software contracts”)  Specification synthesis  From existing code  Tool Integrations  Integration between the static approach (it cannot be complete) e the dynamic approach  Manipulation of the models hierarchy (MDA) Long-term Goals

7 Precise semantics of OCL and UML [Gogolla&Richter01]  Syntax of Object Models  Set of classes (or types)  Set of attributes for each class  Set of associations with role names and multiplicities  Generalization hierarchy over classes M={CLASS, ATT c, OP c, ASSOC, associates, roles, multiplicities, <}  Interpretation of Object Models  System state: objects, links and attribute values constitute the state of a system at a particular moment in time σ(M)= ( σ CLASS, σ ATT, σ ASSOC )  The semantics of an object model is the set of all possible system states σ(M) [Gogolla&Richter01] Martin Gogolla and Mark Richter, OCL: Syntax, Semantics, and Tools, LNCS 2263, Object Modeling with the OCL, 2001

8 The notion of class correctness  But what happens when this does not hold?  Faulty Program or Inconsistent Specification? [Meyer92] Bertrand Meyer, Applying Design by Contract, ACM Computer, Volume 25, Issue 10, 1992  Due to the size of most systems, bugs in assertions are not so unlikely!

9 The method – The process (BEDAV)  Build the UML model of the system  Build the structure view  Build the dynamic (behavioral) view  Enrich the model with the (OCL) specifications  Decompose sequence diagrams in blocks  Annotate each block with formulas to be imposed and to be checked  Verify sequence diagrams against the formulas of each block

10 The method at work – the model

11 The method at work – the (OCL) specifications

12 The method at work - decomposition

13 The method at work – decomposition

14 The method at work – validation (equations checked)

15 … now the diagram becomes consistent! {Company.employee −> excludes(Andrea)}

16 Work in progress, future works  Work in progress  Tool implementation  Assistant to write OCL constraints (some will be code independent, others not)  Development of the method for Static Model-based verification (with code)  Future works  Support for concurrency  Support for temporal logic (in general, any temporal constraint)  Support for class diagram consistency in itself (i.e. consistency of cardinality constraints in associations)


18 The method at work – validation (equations imposed)

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