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1 ILE Project Integrated Logistics Environment Kickoff Meeting Task 2 Completion of the Ship Common Information Model Presented by: Dr. Burton Gischner.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ILE Project Integrated Logistics Environment Kickoff Meeting Task 2 Completion of the Ship Common Information Model Presented by: Dr. Burton Gischner."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ILE Project Integrated Logistics Environment Kickoff Meeting Task 2 Completion of the Ship Common Information Model Presented by: Dr. Burton Gischner

2 2 Objective l l Completion of the Ship Common Information Model (SCIM Development) – –The Ship Common Information Model (SCIM) was defined as requiring fifteen chapters to specify the requirements for exchange of product model data among shipyards and the Navy. The development of eight of these chapters has been funded through NSRP under the Navy Product Data Initiative (NPDI). – –This effort will complete the SCIM and thereby will facilitate the data exchanges to be developed within the Integrated Logistics Environment

3 3 Ship Common Information Model (SCIM) l Background –Models developed under the Integrated Shipbuilding Environment (ISE) Project under NSRP over the past ten years l Association with IPDE Specification to be produced under NPDI –Will be a separate document –Will be referenced by IPDE Specification –All common terms in the two documents will share one definition »Definitions will be detailed in the SCIM –Versions of the two documents will be completed and issued independently –SCIM will be placed on Web and made available as Open Source

4 4 IPDE Product Model Data Must Transition Throughout the Life Cycle ConceptDetailConstruction/T est In Service SupportDecomm. Milestone Reviews/ Decision Points SCIM To External Systems/ IPDEs Preliminary IPDE/PDMs maintained by Maintenance Contractor IPDE/PDM maintained by Design Agent/Builder Archive During design and construction phases a set of PDM and applications tools capture and maintain product model data in native format However at any time during those phases, product model data may need to be transferred to external systems or archived These transfers should comply with the Ship Common Information Model (SCIM)

5 5 Integrated Shipbuilding Environment (ISE) l Shipbuilding information requirements are a prerequisite both for IPDE implementation and for interoperability l Over the past ten years ISE has formulated the US Navy shipbuilding requirements: –Identifying from the comprehensive ISO standards, those requirements that apply to US Navy shipbuilding –Formulating the technical approaches for implementation including: »Simplification of information models »Definition of an implementation-independent means of specifying information requirements »Establishment of a means for validation

6 6 concept design fabricate assemble test support deliver What is STEP? international standard (ISO 10303) for exchanging data between different systems (CAD, CAM, CAE and PDM)...a computer interpretable definition of the physical and functional characteristics of a product throughout its life cycle SCIM is based on STEP (ISO 10303) Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data

7 7 Relationship of ISO Standards to SCIM Models ISO Application Protocol Attributes ____. 200 Vendor A ISO/STEP Compliant Translator Attributes ____. 75 Shipyard Attributes ____ 50 NEW ISO Application Protocol Attributes ____. 200 Vendor A ISO/STEP Compliant Translator Attributes ____. 75 Attributes and Properties in SCIM Models will be a Subset of the Attributes and Properties in the Associated STEP Standard They will be the Subset Required for US Shipbuilding Product Model Exchanges

8 8 What remains to be done… l The IPDE information requirements assembled by ISE have been published in a formal, XML- based notation l Remaining work: package the ISE work in a manner that is: –Fully documented and user-friendly –Usable by shipyard personnel, including non-IT specialists –Capable of validation –Suitable for contractual specification –Of practical use for agreements between shipbuilder and CAD/system vendors

9 9 The SCIM provides an information model that defines the minimum entities and attributes that must be transferred for applications supported by the IPDE Ship Common Information Model (SCIM)

10 10 SCIM - Overview l Ship Common Information Model (SCIM) l Data Dictionary –Neutral product data model (vocabulary) supporting all phases of shipbuilding lifecycle –STEP-based »STEP Application Protocols (APs) identify domain-specific content l Content Description for Data Exchange –Implementers choose the portion of the schema that will be supported –Incorporates results from past ISE programs »Schema development/enhancements »Data mediation »Implementer agreements »Usage scenarios

11 11 SCIM Content Ship Structures APs Lifecycle Engineering APs Distribution Systems APs Equipment APs Misc APs Current STEP APs support broad application Content primarily normative Dated modeling language SCIM identifies relevant product model entities, within existing APs, specific to shipbuilding Adds informative material to serve as a usage guide Uses industry-standard modeling language (UML) for describing schema SCIM For each entity, SCIM will provide: Entity Name Definition Intent Motivation Structure Information Requirements Properties Implementation Consequences XML

12 12 Relevant Definitions to Describe the SCIM l Data Model is an abstract model that describes how data is represented and used l Schema is defined as a data model that represents the relationships of a set of concepts within a domain –XML Schema is a way to define the structure, content and, to some extent, the semantics of XML documents l Data File Format is a particular way to encode information for storage in a computer file SCIM provides a Data Model and associated Schema STEP Part 28 or other XML are possible Data File Formats that can be used to transfer the SCIM Data Models SCIM provides a Data Model and associated Schema STEP Part 28 or other XML are possible Data File Formats that can be used to transfer the SCIM Data Models

13 13 Entity name Property name: datatype Property name: xs:datatype [Primary Key] >Property name:datatype = value Entity name Relationship Cardinality Association End name SCIM Diagrams are in the Universal Modeling Language (UML) Key Entity is referenced on another page Entity: An entity is a modeling construct that is a representation of some item of interest in the real world. Property: A property is a particular aspect of an entity, which represents values, constraints, behavior, etc. Constraint: A constraint is a particular kind of property that specifies a restriction on other properties of an entity, or the entity taken as a whole, or on relationships. Relationship: An association between two constructs in a model. A relationship may be implied or explicitly Identified. Association: The semantic relationship between two or more classifiers that involves the connections among their instances. Cardinality: The specification of the number of instances of one construct that can be associated with one Instance of a related construct. Stereotype: An extension of the vocabulary of the UML, which allows you to create new kinds of building blocks that are derived from existing ones. Eg. “Implied”, “default”, “fixed”, “required’, “etc”.

14 14 SCIM Front Matter for Each Discipline l Overview l Data Definitions of Terms l Usage Guides and Implementation Agreements

15 15 SCIM Content for each Entity l Entity Name l Definition l Intent l Motivation l Structure l Information Requirements l Properties l Implementation Consequences l XML

16 16 Application Areas in the SCIM SCIM Chapters Completed l PDM and Change Management Fundamentals l Structural Moulded Forms l Ship Arrangements l Structural Detailed Design l Piping Functional Design l Piping Physical Design l Common Parts: Procurement l Product Life Cycle Support SCIM Chapters Required l HVAC Functional Design l HVAC Physical Design l Electrotechnical Functional Design l Electrotechnical Physical Design l Engineering Analysis l Pipe Stress Analysis l Structural CAM To be Developed under Task 2 To be Validated under Task 1

17 17 Task 2 Deliverables and Milestones MonthDeliverable 14Complete SCIM Chapters for HVAC Functional & Physical Design 17Complete SCIM Chapters for Electrotechnical Functional & Physical Design 20Complete SCIM Chapters for Pipe Stress & Engineering Analysis 23Complete SCIM Chapter for Structural CAM (Lofting & Nesting) 24Final Report

18 18 Synergy Between Tasks 1 & 2 of the ILE Project l Task 1 (SCIM Evaluation) will demonstrate the capabilities of the SCIM as a means for supporting the next generation IPDE l Task 2 (SCIM Development) proposes to complete the last seven chapters of the SCIM l In addition, the SCIM will modified and updated to incorporate lessons learned during Task 1 –The already completed chapters will be updated as required –The style of the new chapters generated will be modified to incorporate the above lessons learned

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