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XMML – a standards-conformant XML language for geology features Simon Cox CSIRO Exploration & Mining

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Presentation on theme: "XMML – a standards-conformant XML language for geology features Simon Cox CSIRO Exploration & Mining"— Presentation transcript:

1 XMML – a standards-conformant XML language for geology features Simon Cox CSIRO Exploration & Mining

2 27/10/2015 2 Outline  Information communities  Information models and GML  XMML

3 Information Communities Meaningful discourse requires shared information models

4 27/10/2015 4 “Feature Model”  “Features” is a useful meta-model for geospatial data  Feature == item of interest in the real world, or a digital representation of one  geospatial context with “identity” a description of which you might want to transport  Feature-type – fixes the set of properties  ISO/TC 211 – Geographic Information  ISO 19109 – Rules for Application Schema  ISO 19110 – Feature Cataloguing Methodology

5 27/10/2015 5 Feature Types Borehole  collar location  shape  collar diameter  length  operator  logs … Fault  Surface trace  Dip  Displacement  Age  … Ore-body  Commodity  Deposit type  Host formation  Shell (3-D outline)  Resource estimate  …

6 27/10/2015 6 Community language  … based on the Feature model requires  catalogue of feature-types  fault, rock-unit  natural phenomena  borehole, gravity measurement  artefacts of exploration activity  mineral occurrence  intersection of geology & economics  descriptors, classifications (vocabularies, etc)  lithologies, commodities, stratigraphic units, …  Formalised description of this language  structure of feature types defined in XML Schema  constraints on values of properties defined in  schema  external dictionaries  “GML Application Language”

7 27/10/2015 7 GML 3  Open GIS Consortium  XML implementation of ISO Feature model  Provides a set of components for building Application Languages  Geometry/topology temporal coordinate reference systems (ISO 19107, 19108, 19111)  Coverages & grids (ISO 19123), Observations, Dynamic features, Definitions, Units of measure, essential basic datatypes  v3.1 imminent  N.B. You can’t use GML directly  it must be packaged in an Application Language

8 Feature Model and GML … and the relationship with UML and table models

9 27/10/2015 9 Feature model in UML  Basic feature model  to be extended for specific applications  class name = feature-type  e.g. borehole  attribute & association names = properties of this feature-type  Strong typing  consequence of defining feature-type by “set of properties”

10 27/10/2015 10 Information transport  Serialised form  Based on Geography Markup Language  element name == feature-type  sub-elements == properties of this feature-type Exploration hole north_r_679... 0.15 Lithology log … <xmml:categoryList property="#lith" codeSpace="#unitcodes“> CANIS FH PL2 PL3 AQ AQL T1 T2 C1 C2 GCWS...

11 27/10/2015 11 Exploration borehole north_r_679... Exploration borehole north_r_679... 0.15 UML GML

12 27/10/2015 12 UML profile required for GML  UML Classes == GML Features/Objects  things with identity  UML Associations/attributes == GML properties  name indicates relationship between object and value  Associations must be labelled  rolename == property name  rolename must be unique for a class  content model for property is fixed

13 27/10/2015 13 Table GML  There is no unique table xml mapping  Similar problem in Object-Relational mapping

14 27/10/2015 14 Mapping XML table iddescriptionname collarDiameter mm collarLocationshape logs R456 Exploration hole north_r_679 150#c679 #s679? Exploration hole north_r_679... 0.15 codelabel diam in wellHeadsurvey data commentupdateByupdateDateaccess R456 north_r_679 6 #c679 #s679? Exploration hole RobidaF2003-10-08open

15 27/10/2015 15 Mapping XML table iddescriptionname R456 Exploration hole north_r_679 featurepropertyvaluescale R456 collarDiameter 150mm R456collarLocation#c679 R456shape#s679 Exploration hole north_r_679... 0.15 Yes - schema mapping is required to generate GML that accords to the community model

16 eXploration & Mining Markup Language A GML Application Language

17 27/10/2015 17 XMML Feature Catalogue  Borehole  Observation (OGC SensorWeb)  Gravity measurement (GA)  Geochemistry/Assay result (ADX)  Geological material (NORTON)  Geological timescale (IUGS)  Mineral occurrence (GA, GSC)  Procedure, Project, Station, Specimen, Tenement, Instrument (GGIPAC, etc)  Point, Curve, Surface, Solid with properties, some structural geology elements (Fractal, pmd*CRC)  Time-series (ASEG)  Mine components?  Finite element model (FLAC, FastFlo)  Simulation/model state (pmd*CRC)  [General “coverage”, including tensor fields, directly from GML]

18 27/10/2015 18 XMML Borehole model

19 27/10/2015 19 XMML Assay Report

20 27/10/2015 20 XMML Mineral Occurence

21 27/10/2015 21 Design method  Iterate between XML instances, XML Schema, UML model, harmonising with current state of suite of schemas  Adapt existing standard  e.g. GGIPAC, ASEG  Private model from dominant data provider  e.g. Geoscience Australia  Sponsor requirements  e.g. Fractal Technologies, CSIRO/pmd*CRC, BGS, Snowdens/WMC/Newmont  Consultation with stakeholders  TWiki

22 27/10/2015 22

23 27/10/2015 23 Project schedule  Commenced at CSIRO 2000  Sponsors joined progressively  MERIWA funded phase concluded June 2003  Follow-ups through GGIPAC, pmd*CRC, AcQuire, AusIndustry  ADX (assay data exchange) to be widely deployed in mining industry - 2004  XMML for Australian surveys and mines depts as part of ASDI – 2004  WFS Pilot planned for 2004  AusIndustry, Minerals Council of Australia  CSIRO, SCO, GA, PirSA  Harmonisation meeting Edinburgh 2003-11-19/21  BGS, GSC, USGS, GA, BRGM, BGM  XMML vs NADM/NORTON vs ESRI “domain model”  Maintenance  Schema repository?  CSIRO is not stable enough  Maintenance agency  OGC – requires volunteers  IUGS??  ISO 19135

24 27/10/2015 24 Alternatives  See also  ESML, GeoSciML, …

25 27/10/2015 25 Take-home  ISO “Feature Model” is a useful basis for a community language  UML XML mapping straightforward  but requires use of a simple UML profile  table XML mapping not unique  Community language will require community agreement and governance …

26 27/10/2015 26 Questions? 

27 27/10/2015 27

28 27/10/2015 28 Subsets  Different sections through data required for different purposes

29 27/10/2015 29 Different views of information SpecimenAu (ppm) Cu-a (%)Cu-b (%)As (ppm)Sb (ppm) ABC-1231.233.454.230.50.34  Result/observation view: Each Cell gives the result of a single analysis  Database insertion and update  Feature view: Each Row gives all properties of one specimen or target  Object description  Assembled from multiple getResult/getTarget  Coverage view: Each Column = variation of a single property across locations  Pattern/anomaly detection  Assembled from multiple getResult/getLocation

30 27/10/2015 30

31 27/10/2015 31 The UML metamodel and XML schema  UML class diagrams  classes  associations  composition  aggregation  attributes == composition  rolename == attribute name  inheritance  polymorphism/substitutability  specialisation == add attributes/associations  cardinality  stereotypes  >  XML Schema  elements  content models == types  Complex Types  sub-elements  attributes  sequence, choice  derivation - types  extension  restriction  substitution groups - elements  content models must be derivation relationship  Simple Types  literal content  complexType/simpleContent

32 27/10/2015 32 GML metamodel  Feature/Object == element  element name == feature-type  UpperCamelCase  Prepend “_” if abstract  carries a gml:id  feature-type fixes content model  strongly typed  feature content model must be derived from gml:AbstractFeatureType  standard properties  substitution group chains  property == element  element name == property name  lowerCamelCase  value is simple content or complex content  by rep – value inline  by ref – target of a xlink:href  gml:AssociationType provides pattern  no derivation requirement

33 27/10/2015 33 UML GML tricks  Class hierarchy == element substitution group chain  XML Schema type derivation relationships must support this  UML multiple inheritance  use XML Schema model-groups  multiple substitution-group affiliation coming in XML Schema v 1.1?  XML Schema  use > for Objects/Features  use OCL for properties  XML Schema derivation-by-restriction  OCL  If restriction and extension is required  do restriction first -> *BaseType  then do extension -> *Type

34 27/10/2015 34

35 27/10/2015 35 Feature types in the geosciences  Bed, pluton, rock-body  Contact, fault  Fold  Not a discrete object, but may have a name  Basin  Objects with fuzzy boundaries  Specimen  Geochemistry measurement  Geophysical measurement, geophysical survey/image  Drill-hole/borehole/well  With logs  Mineral deposit  Economically significant  Mine, pit, stope, driveway …

36 27/10/2015 36 Fault  Complex set of properties  Geometry – surface in 3-D space, trace on map  Age  Displacement field – decreases to zero at tip of embedded fault  Surface roughness  Damage zone, alteration halo

37 27/10/2015 37 Section view Drillhole/Borehole/Well Map view Observations  Survey  Continuous logs  Intervals  Horizons  Point observations Position is 1-D  arc-length from collar  Collar Location (Point Property) All these are “logs”  Shape (Linestring Property)  Samples

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