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Comparative study of Intra Frame Coding efficiency in HEVC and VP9

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1 Comparative study of Intra Frame Coding efficiency in HEVC and VP9
EE5359 Multimedia Processing Interim Report Under the guidance of Dr.K.R.Rao University of Texas at Arlington Dept. of Electrical Engineering : By: Shwetha Chandrakant Kodpadi Spring 2014

2 Contents Objective General Compression Dataflow HEVC Coding Standard
Google VP9 Intra Prediction Modes in HEVC and VP9 Performance Metrics Test sequences and Implementation Implementation Results Conclusions Acronyms and abbreviations References

3 Objective This project aims at studying and comparing intra frame coding efficiency between video coding technologies HEVC and VP9. Overview of different coding tools in HEVC and VP9 such as Prediction, Transforms, Entropy Coding and Post-processing Detailed analysis and implementation of HEVC and VP9 Intra Frame coding [1][3] and compare the performances by using various performance metrics. PSNR, MSE, BD-PSNR and BD-BR [14] are used as comparison metrics.

4 General compression dataflow
Both HEVC and VP9 video compression standards are hybrid block-based codecs relying on spatial transformations [9]. General compression data flow of hybrid block-based encoders is illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1: Hybrid block-based codec dataflow [9]

5 General compression dataflow (Continued..)
The input video frame is initially partitioned into blocks of the same size called macroblocks A macroblock is subpartitioned into smaller blocks to perform prediction (intra and inter predictions) The aim of the prediction process is to reduce data redundancy and therefore, not store excessive information in coded bitstream Intra-prediction works within a current video frame and is based upon the compressed and decoded data available for the block being predicted Predicted frame is subtracted from the original data to get residuals which are subjected to transforms such as forward discrete Fourier transform and discrete cosine transform [22] The transform coefficients are further quantized and subjected to Entropy Coding which makes it possible to get compressed bit-stream.

6 High Efficiency Video Coding
High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is the latest Video Coding format [4]. It challenges the state-of-the-art H.264/AVC [21] Video Coding standard which is in current use in the industry by being able to reduce the bit rate by 50%, retaining the same video quality [4]. Also HEVC supports increased use of parallel processing architectures [1].

7 Figure 2: Encoder block diagram for HEVC [4]

8 Figure 3: Decoder block diagram for HEVC [17]

9 VP9 VP9 is an open and royalty free video compression standard being developed by Google [2][3]. One of the goals for VP9 is to reduce the bit rate by 50% compared to VP8 while having the same video quality [7] VP9 expands techniques used in AVC and VP8 and is very likely to replace H.264/AVC at least in the YouTube video service [9].

10 Figure 4: Encoder block diagram for VP9 [19]

11 Figure 5: Decoder block diagram for VP9 [19]

12 HEVC and VP9 Coding Tools
Macroblock concept and Prediction block sizes Prediction Modes (Intra and Inter) Transform and Quantization Entropy Coding Post Processing

13 Intra Prediction modes in HEVC
HEVC has 35 luma intra prediction modes (Figure 6) Intra prediction can be done at different block sizes, ranging from 4 X 4 to 64 X 64 (whatever size the PU has) (Figure 7) HEVC also includes a planar and DC intra prediction modes Figure 6: Modes and directional orientations for intra picture prediction for HEVC [1] Figure 7: Luma intra prediction modes for different PU sizes in HEVC [8]

14 VP9 techniques Recursive variable block size
support (64x64 to 4x4, square and rectangular) Finer motion vector precision (16th-pel) and adaptive motion filters (sharp, lowpass, regular) Figure 8: Example partitioning of a 64x64 Super-block Multi-level past and future reference (alt-ref) frames larger dct transforms (32x32,16x16, 8x8, 4x4) and adst transforms (16x16, 8x8, 4x4)

15 Intra Prediction modes in VP9
There are total of ten intra-prediction modes in VP9 [9]: DC, True Motion (TM), and eight angular modes (H, V, D207, D153, D135, D117, D63 and D45 on Figure 8) Figure 9: VP9 angular intra-prediction modes [9]

16 Performance Metrics Criteria to evaluate the compression quality
Two types of quality measures Objective quality measure- PSNR, MSE Structural quality measure- SSIM [10] MSE and PSNR for a NxM pixel image are defined as where O is the original image and R is the reconstructed image. M and N are the width and height of an image and ‘L’ is the maximum pixel value in the NxM pixel image.

17 Performance Metrics(Continued..)
Bjøntegaard-Delta Bit-Rate and peak signal-to-noise ratio Measurements The Bjøntegaard delta peak signal-to-noise ratio (dB) [14][20] and the Bjøntegaard delta bit-rate (%) will be used compare performance of HEVC and VP9 Codecs. As rate-distortion (R-D) performance assessment [14], Bjøntegaard-Delta bit-rate measurement method is used for calculating average bit-rate differences between R-D curves for the same objective quality (e.g., for the same PSNR-YUV values), where negative BD-BR values Indicate actual bit-rate savings. Encoding time is used to compare the implementation complexity

18 Implementation For comparison purposes open-source implementations of the reviewed codecs will be used. HEVC compression efficiency will be measured with the HM Test Model [12]. Evaluation of VP9 compression performance will be carried out with the VPX encoder from The WebM Project [13]. Since HEVC has more Intra Prediction modes and few other features better than VP9, both the codecs are configured to establish a fair comparison.

19 Implementation(Continued..)
The test video sequence set that will be used for the comparison are; BlowingBubbles, BasketballDrill, FourPeople, Kimono1 [9]. Sequence Resolution, Pixels Frame-rate, Hz Number of Frames RaceHorses 416x240 30 500 BasketballDrill 832x480 50 Kimono1 1920x1080 24 240 PeopleOnStreet 2560x1600 150

20 Implementation(Continued..)
Figures 10, 11, 12 and 13 are frames of the test sequences RaceHorses, BasketballDrill, Kimono1 and PeopleOnStreet, respectively. Figure 11: BasketballDrill (832x480) Figure 10: RaceHorses (416x240) Figure 12: Kimono (1920x1080) Figure 13: PeopleOnStreet (2560x1600)

21 Implementation results
RaceHorses_416x240_30.yuv (AI mode) HEVC VP9 QP PSNR(dB) Bitrate(Kbit/s) Encoding Time(s) 22 63.726 41.143 52.426 27 57.084 40.191 50185 32 48.975 36.230 42.470 37 41.869 35.913 40.828 BasketballDrill_832x480_50.yuv (AI mode) HEVC VP9 QP PSNR(dB) Bitrate(Kbit/s) Encoding Time(s) 22 27 39.553 32 38.224 37 35.831  

22 Implementation results(continued..)
Kimono1_1920x1080_24.yuv (AI mode) HEVC VP9 QP PSNR(dB) Bitrate(Kbit/s) Encoding Time(s) 22 43.164 27 42.053 32 40.955 37 39.868 PeopleOnStreet_2560x1600_30_crop.yuv (AI mode) HEVC VP9 QP PSNR(dB) Bitrate(Kbit/s) Encoding Time(s) 22 43.219 27 40.387 32 38.794 37 36.611

23 Implementation results(continued..)

24 Implementation results(continued..)

25 Implementation results(continued..)

26 Implementation results(continued..)

27 Implementation results(continued..)

28 Implementation results(continued..)

29 Conclusions HEVC provides better compression rates than VP9, but VP9 is patent-free and can be used without licensing expenses. For Intra frame coding, HEVC gives 13% more bitrate savings than VP9. And the encoding time taken by VP9 is marginally less than HEVC.

30 List of Acronyms ADST - Asymmetric Discrete Sine Transform
AVC – Advanced Video Coding BD-BR- Bjøntegaard-Delta Bit-Rate Measurements BD-PSNR - Bjøntegaard-Delta Peak signal to noise ratio CU- Coding unit CTU- Coding tree unit DBF- Deblocking Filter DFT – Discrete Fourier Transform DCT – Discrete Cosine Transform DST – Discrete Sine Transform DPB - Decoded Picture Buffer DC – Direct Current HD- High definition HEVC-High Efficiency Video Coding ITU-T - International Telecommunication Union (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) JPEG - Joint photographic experts group JCT-VC- Joint collaborative team on video coding MSE-Mean square error MPEG-Moving picture experts group NGOV- Next Geneneration Open Video PU- Prediction unit PSNR-Peak signal to noise ratio PU – Prediction Unit RD – Rate Distortion SAO - Sample Adaptive Offset SSIM- Structural similarity index TM- True Motion TU-Transform units VCEG – Video Coding Experts Group

31 References [1] G.J. Sullivan et al, “Overview of the high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard”, IEEE Trans. circuits and systems for video technology, vol. 22, no.12, pp – 1668, Dec 2012. [2] D. Grois et al, “Performance Comparison of H.265/MPEG-HEVC, VP9, and H.264/MPEG-AVC Encoders” 30th Picture Coding Symposium 2013 (PCS 2013), San José, CA, USA, Dec 8-11, 2013 [3] D. Mukherjee et al, “The latest open-source video codec VP9–An overview and preliminary results”, Google Inc., United States [4] G.J. Sullivan et al, "Standardized Extensions of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol.7, no.6, pp , Dec. 2013 [5]Article on HEVC - [6] Q. Cai et al, “Lossy and lossless intra coding performance evaluation: HEVC, H.264/AVC, JPEG 2000 and JPEG LS”, Signal & Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), 2012 Asia-Pacific, vol.9, no.12, pp.1-9, Dec 2012. [7] "VP-Next Overview and Progress Update" (PDF). WebM Project (Google). Retrieved Available on : [8]M.T. Pourazad et al, “HEVC:The new gold standard for video compression”, IEEE consumer electronics magazine ,vol.1, no.7, pp.36-46, July 2012.

32 References(Continued..)
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33 References(Continued..)
[17] White paper on PSNR-NI - [18] HEVC tutorial by I.E.G. Richardson: [19] J. Padia, “Complexity reduction for VP6 to H.264 transcoder using motion vector reuse,” M.S. Thesis, EE Dept., UTA, Arlington, TX, Available on : [20] G. Bjøntegaard , “Improvements of the BD-PSNR model” ITU-T SG16 Q.6, Doc. VCEG-AI11, Berlin, Germany, July 16-18, 2008 [21] T. Wiegand et al, “Overview of the H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 13, No. 7, pp , Jul [22] N. Ahmed , T. Natarajan, K.R. Rao, “Discrete Cosine Transform”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-23, pp , Jan [23] I.E.G. Richardson, “The H.264 advanced video compression standard”, 2nd Edition, Hoboken, NJ, Wiley, 2010. [24] I.E.G. Richardson, “Video Codec Design: Developing Image and Video Compression Systems”, Wiley, 2002. [25] K.R. Rao, D.N. Kim and J.J. Hwang, “Video Coding Standards: AVS China, H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10, HEVC, VP6, DIRAC and VC-1”, Springer, 2014. [26] B. Bross et al, “High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Text Specification Draft 10”, Document JCTVC-L1003, ITU-T/ISO/IEC Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC), Mar available on

34 Thank You

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